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Everything posted by ÜberFly

  1. The commercial stuff (eg. Loon) is in little beads and the little plastic container it comes in has a little slit in it for the tippet to slide in... Never had my tippet get kinked (just don't close the lid tight)... P
  2. I think it's a brilliant move by her marketing staff!! Look how much press she is getting!!
  3. Just what I've been told - no other rational other then on the "upper" section of the bow (Cochrane area) this is what I've experienced... P
  4. Tons of risers on Sunday, of course I didn't have any of my dry boxes with me... The fish that are hitting your indi's are most likely whities... P
  5. Probably but I caught the show late!?! *Edit* Just found a reference. He was in Kenya. P
  6. Travel and Escape channel.
  7. The "Fishing Adventurer" was fishing for Sailfish on the Fly in Africa!!
  8. Yeah and he did a great job too!
  9. Post Hotel is AWESOME in Lake Louise but hella pricey!! P
  10. Neil, If it's over 3 years old they may not even bother!! That's what west world told me when I needed a new logic board for the 2nd time on my iMac and one for my wife's iBook!! Both are considered obsolete!
  11. Yeah would need the "Extreme" and was looking for something around $100 and it's $180ish... P
  12. Current router is cutting out (even after changing channels), so I figure I need a new one... Up until about 6 months ago it was fine (about 5 or 6 years old)... Currently have a Hawking multiport high gain (not sure the exact model) but need something that is quite powerful... Also must be compatible with Mac (which I'm pretty sure all are)... Any reco's for something that won't break the bank (maybe around the $100 mark)?! Thanks in advance, Peter
  13. Weedy I triple dog dare you to post that on the redneck board!!! P
  14. Jeff, don't forget that there is also the technique where you hold your hand above the coals at a specific distance and count the seconds you can stand holding it there (I have the chart at home so can't reference specifics) P
  15. Jason, I have 3 "D O's" and I will lend you one after I teach you how! As a thank you for helping me with my router & iPhone issues!! Cheers, P P.S> As far as temperature goes, there is a specific technique...
  16. Jeff! You're alive!! Is "pioneermountainpantry" you?! Cool! P
  17. You talking backpacking/canoe tripping/rafting or car camping?! For backpacking we dry all our own so pretty much anything you have at home you can have in the backcountry (but top picks would be chicken mushroom curry and Moroccan Stew [Vegan] on couscous), dried strawberries). Canoe tripping/rafting and car camping - I'm a Dutch Oven cook, so I've done everything from roast turkey [yes full turkey] to baking cakes and backing homemade buns & bread, etc. Probably the two dishes that go over the best are Chicken Cordon Bleu and Chicken Enchiladas (though you can't buy Enchilada sauce in grocery stores here for some reason?)! Unfortunatley, I don't normally give my recipies away P
  18. As previously mentioned, the photos do not do these fish justice but yes they were definitley 17" (I have witnesses) plus the size limit at these particular lakes is 40 cm and they were bigger, but decided in the end not to keep them!! And I don't really care whether you beleive me or not!! P
  19. Yeah I know, just giving you a hard time! If you ever want to play before you convert your racquet, let me know!! P
  20. Not the cutties I catch!! Not that the photos do these justice, but both these fish went at least 17"!
  21. Jer, Not sure where you go, but the fish I catch in the highcountry definitley wouldn't fit in a squash racquet!! LoL P
  22. Nice work Ray! 15/Love with that serve! P
  23. Yes, I think SA does (or did), probably a few others... Quick google search may yeild some info... Cortland, Airflo and TFO just came up, as well as some no name ones... P
  24. I have the snowbee xsd (I think). Awesome value, great reel! Only issue had been the shop the spooled the backing did it too tight and I couldn't change the cartridges... P
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