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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. So .. weedy is going up on the Chin .. ha ha .. Ive been up there a few times but usually when it's -35ish, I'd imagine fishing should be decent up there .. I think the rivers up there are mainly warm water fish, maybe some Grayling..
  2. Are we gonna have the net / tail debate again...TAIL..LMAO
  3. your defiantly raising the bar .. good one..you realize no more bad jokes...
  4. Gopher Rockfish?....Rockfish are pretty similar, different color, different name...
  5. I've seen those, the ones with two big blue paddlewheels, they look good, you can sit up fish and manuver it with your legs..
  6. I know i saw one beached down there..that was a regular paddle boat though right?
  7. do you know how easy it would be to swamp a low profile paddleboat? they are ridgid plastic, pretty heavy to begin with..throw two people in there(you would need 2 people for stability) you'd get swamped and flip it first sign of rapids..I grew up in one of those boats when i was a kid at the lake..we'd get swamped by fast moving speedboats .. unless it's quite a different rig than a typical paddle boat..bad idea..those things draw quite a bit of water also, so getting grounded would have to be a concern as well..
  8. LOL.......that's the most well thought out plan i ever heard...actually..I think there was a wrecked paddleboat across from the Bow River Lodge eariler this year..or was it last year....either way..bad idea I think
  9. Encana is going crazy strong on their CBM project out by Hussar/Strathmore ...I have'nt seen the slow either..but you hear the rumors and I know some of the big companies had a decent number of lay-offs late last winter..every job ive done this summer has be a new well completion..and everyone i talk to seems to be flat out...
  10. Brownstone


    Totally accessible by car..no worries..unless you drive a tricked out lowered jobby you'll be fine....
  11. I work in production, and I cannot remember a time when it has been busier for me..the only thing that has slowed me in the last 3 years has been the weather...the "big" services went through lay offs and sending their equipment south this last winter also and there was lots of talk of how the oil patch was going to slow down...not from where i stand..alot of this speculation (from the field point of view anyway) came from "Calgary" being fed up with the price of big services .. ie- treating/fracture equipment..which aside from the actual drilling of the hole is probably the single most expensive step in completing a oil/gas well..with only a small handful of companies in Canada with this sort of equipment, CalFrac, Schlumberger, BJ sevices, Halliburton, Tri-can. They can pretty much charge what they want..the prices of these services has risen like no other in the field and Calgary started "rumors" that they were going to slow on completions until the prices came down.. This is just what I've absorbed from the field over the last year or so (and does not depict global conditions).. I would'nt worry one bit..I got in this oil racked at 12 bucks a barrel .. and have been busy ever since ..
  12. have to disagree on the shortest sentence .. In Newfoundland an excepted conversation is comprised of Q: "arn"? meaning "did you catch any fish?" A: "Narn" meaning "I never caught any fish" -- Of course it is arguable that anything that comes from a Newfies mouth is indeed English at all .. or English by new world standards anyways...
  13. some people have way to much time on their hands...get the book "Do Penguins have knees ?...and other Imponderables" Mysteries of everyday life..quite an amusing read .. and yes Penguins do have knees...
  14. I tie most of mine wrapped in lead and covered with different shades of body wrap (Cobra cord or similar) ... I find it gives them a little more bulk than a straight wire worm..both have worked equally well for me..
  15. You Hardcore mother F***er's ..good on ya!!!!
  16. your set brother...Its the beginning of the rest of your life right here...
  17. I wish it'd slow a little, give the labour force time to rebound..a guy might find some good workers..
  18. Holy Moly Brett, so jealous, got time for one more quick trip down there before the snow comes? you can blindfold me if need be...
  19. for sure a nice trout, I love personal quests to catch fish i've hooked before..I landed the same rainbow 4 times this summer , twice at 19, and again at 20 and 21, he's missing his lip off the left side of his mouth..been in the same run all sumer long..also had another battle going with a huge Brown +/- 24 hooked him three times w/o landing him..been back a few times since and i'm pretty sure he's gone..hope the poachers did'nt get him.....Good One Din...
  20. Nice one...is that out of the ocean or a lake?
  21. nice pics, Brad...no Brunies?
  22. Great post..nice fish
  23. Awesome pics Brett, sounds like you and the guys had a sweet trip..love that first one of the Bullies under the ledge, reminds me of fishing Salmon back home...
  24. I released a sea gull below Dickson dam tangled in some mono that was stuck in the rocks on bottom..he never squirmed a bit or was hostile in any way..he just let me cut off the line, untangle him and he floated away.
  25. I've been using the 444 for alot of years .. its an all-round good line.. I have a SA Mastery DT5 than comes in a dark green, it's kinda hard to see on the surface (to human eyes anyways)..but Ive also fished that crazy peach color of the 444 lots and the fish don't seem to mind
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