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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Never tried one but always wanted to, seen a few guys on the bow with them, look like they are pretty easy to control while fishing
  2. Best of 2007 for me .. I think and just because - What's left of one of Lee Wulff's old fishing lodges
  3. maybe they thought she was gonna knit an Afghan ..
  4. yeah, thats what I ran when i use to be a vest guy, good quality for sure.
  5. yeah .. boom does have it's disadvantages tho .. I still love it
  6. I have sooooooooooo much hatred for most of the Timmy's in the city .. the BEST is 32 ave NE across from Mcall lake golf course, lightning service and hav'nt had a order messed up yet .. thats the only one in the city that has not put sugar in my coffee .. I say extra large 3 cream, everyone else hears triple triple or steeped tea .. another disadvantage to living in the terrible service capital of canada ..
  7. I can tell you spey is not at all popular among the Atlantic fisherman in Newfoundland Welcome Cohod
  8. ahhh...yeah, I don;t think snow in the mountains will be a problem this year
  9. That looks pretty good dude
  10. that'll work for sure, I tie my own pattern called a soda prince, cause it soda looks like a prince, you only gotta fool the fish, don;t worry about the critics
  11. rule of thumb for most flies is tail should be the size of the hook gap, I make mine a little longer maybe 1.5 time the gap on #16-18 (makes it look "leggy") wings should be the length of the body, or a touch shorter..
  12. A .. If you know me, come and fish with me B .. If you don't know me, come introduce yourself and refer to A don;t walk around me in the bushes with your head down not saying a word hoping to "beat" me to the next pool, I don't care, I'll share the water with anybody who has the decency to talk to a fellow fisherman...Ive met many strangers on the Bow and end up fishing the rest of the day with them, and made a friend. If your gonna be fishing a crowded river, why not know the crowd. Face it, the Bow is seeing more and more pressure every season both from waders and floaters, and if your etiquette is lacking, fishing it is going to become less appealing for alot of people. Calgary is one of the fastest growing places in Canada and holds some of the finest trout water in North America, your not gonna keep her to yourself..
  13. Happy birthday Bitch .. I mean Birchy, ya get out today to get a bday fish?
  14. sorry Max, I gotta say something .. did'nt you flame Max hard last season for being a guide w/o a drift boat ? ? Turning a new leaf dude? .. hope so
  15. Notebooks - I own an old school Toshiba Satellite (p20) it idles continuously and has been banged around all over Alberta, not a hitch..also have a gateway as a work computer and it has been really good to me, my girlfriend bought a gateway after her Compaq was zapped by lightning (best thing that ever happened) .. I'm a pc man, but you can;t beat a mac, it's hard to ignore the great reviews and software issues are pretty much a thing of the past .. my next will be a Mac, cause i'll be damned if I'm running Vista.
  16. I'll second that, HP, Compaq (same *hit, junk)
  17. hit the road JACK .. you'd love a blender admit it .. 4 blade, 6 speed, 12 amps of puree power .. I can see the twinkle in your eye
  18. Thats what the goverment will do for you .. I don;t care how smart the MANAGERS are, or how good anybody's intentions in the government are, or problems with the BUDGET, government is government right from Butternuts in Ottawa to whoever doing whatever, wherever. Leaving anything up to the government is definatly NOT the pro-active solution.
  19. totally, mix that with the fact nobody votes in AB and voila a tory goverment for longer than most people on here have been alive.
  20. I was a vest man my whole life, the pockets the pouches the pouches in the pockets..I had it bad.. this last summer I met some new fishing buddies that packed bags, after winning a new bag at the clean up this summer (perhaps a sign?) I threw all my gear in it, plus a bunch of other stuff I'd never be able to pack in a vest. It took a little getting use to at first, but I gave it some time and I don;t think I'll ever go back to a vest. PROS holds more less restriction cooler in summer don;t have to try and squeeze a warm coat over/under it in winter you are on shore when rigging up so loosing gear is almost eliminated CONS less comfortable while fishing and walking (for me anyway) have to go to shore to rig up some people may think you look like a rookie(if you care about that sort of thing ) best i can compare it to is playing hockey at the rink in full gear, then heading to the pond to play shinny with just gloves and a stick.
  21. I was wondering the same thing
  22. I'd go witth wilh a diesel for sure, they hold their resale value and are way more economic for towing as for 3/4 or 1 ton, a 3/4 diesel is more than enough to handle a 30 foot trailer, the main (and sometimes only) difference between a 3/4 and half is a little heavier suspension. my 0.02
  23. I loved the Cherrywoods, great rods
  24. If you tie good knots .. 5 is as safe as 1
  25. Welcome gigistrumf
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