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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. I've lived from the east coast to here and a bunch of places in between, never have I seen so many preventable "accidents"
  2. have to agree..not just with the tire thing but the general "winter" driving habits of Albertans period..there are 10 turns and half a dozen "hills" between Calgary and Edmonton and i can guarentee if the weather was like that the whole way (but not even a flake in Didsbury today) there would be at least 20 cars in the ditch..I've been living in Alberta for 10+ years and driving approx 30-40K/year in all kinds of weather, haven;t hit the ditch once (knock on wood) .. I don;t understand either Birchy
  3. I have one I got off e-bay a few years back..good book..however i find much of the useful info in it is out dated..will check the print date when i get off work..
  4. ..great game last night..don't write the fish off just yet.. Flames in 6
  5. Why its better to wade this time of year ..
  6. have a Sirius, I like it,. comes in handy for sure
  7. you'll be pressing your luck on the Northern Penninsula that time of the summer, the fish usually run fairly early "up the coast" but the last few seasons kinda been against the norm so who knows .. that time of year should be fairly light pressure though, the Humber will be your best bet on the rock..IMO
  8. SOL .. Peggy Lee passed away in '02 ..
  9. pflueger trion is a good reel for under a c-note..
  10. Trout have glands known as swim bladders which keep them buoyant in the water, if the atmospheric pressure changes the fish must move up/down in the water to compensate for the change in pressure to maintain equilibrium. Drastic changes in pressure will affect fish for a short period of time, forcing them deeper or shallower until they can regulate their internal pressure..weather or not this affects the fishes feeding pattern or not is debatable.light conditions and temperature have more of a influence on feeding patterns..lower pressure conditions are usually accompanied by low light such as in the night or on cloudy/rainy days. from personal experience fishing on low pressure days seems to be more successful, Is it the low pressure?, the low light?, the temperature? or the fewer anglers on the water? either way, i enjoy fishing in poor weather..
  11. and another thing...how come i can;t get me no damn tang?
  12. a great all-around stick is a Sage Z-Axis, on the higher end of the price scale but worth every cent
  13. my in laws live in Big River, about +/- 120 km northwest of PA, you'll be lucky of you get stuck in that area .. plenty of lakes to fish, got plenty of warm water fish and lots of lakes stocked with different species of trout..
  14. I run Korker Streamborns, have trail,felt and studded soles..hard on laces (4 pair in a year +/- 100 outings) studded soles split to pieces @ -15, felt came loose on one late last season, both replaced for free tho .. comfy boots for sure, pretty durable uppers, hardly any marks on mine. Never ever had soles fall off. main things when considering wading boots, traction, comfort, and stealth .. sometimes you have to choose between according to conditions, this is why I use a multisole system
  15. accountant is defiantly the way to go.. no quick tax place.. hire a suit to take care of it, and the fees are tax deductable.
  16. coo..you'll be happy, i have a 590 and love it
  17. LOL .. growing up me a friend searched all most of the summer for a "secret" pond that he and his grandfather had fished, he use to call it papa's pond .. I use to say "so secret papa don't know where it is" Its an on going joke many years later
  18. hint: find product you want .. learn how to find & download it
  19. back ordered ?
  20. pretty much yeah .. not so bad to get use to, just go light on the material and be thankful your not on a #30
  21. nice neat ties, those in a 20-22 ... cha-ching
  22. 8 in the fall winter .. I think they change it to 10 around when daylight savings time comes in ..
  23. try setting your font color to something other than black .. dark blue? good luck
  24. you need a license?
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