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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. Congrats on the new toy. Are you saying your tuned to open G? If so, the electric (when properly distorted ) can be pretty easy to play. It's a one finger thing...lots of Stones tunes played in open G. I'm a longtime campfire guitar player and know 1/2 a million songs....thats half or less of them. I also have a voice similar to the Dungarvin Whooper!
  2. Roger that.
  3. I'll share this...pretty cool (and a little addictive). http://www.bubblebox.com/play/puzzle/975.htm
  4. I've got the A2 4piece 6wt - I like it alot but if I was to get one again I would get the 5wt - the fast action and strong backbone on the 6wt is a little much for the smaller streams. I've never fished the V2 but am impressed with the A2 enough to recomend you try the V2
  5. http://www.flyfishingoutfitters.com/p/s/li...id=ROD-SCO-V2SE
  6. I wouldn't have pegged Dick as the fly fishing type guy.....More a dynamite the salmon pool kinda guy I thought. I guess you can't tell a book by it's war mongering.
  7. I've used an Okuma SLV for a season (all it lasted)....
  8. RYAN222....Relax man....your gonna like this...your wallet might not but wtf, it's only life. Fly Fishing is a real treat. Not that fishing with lures isn't ok...it's just a little better with a fly (IMHO)....something like Chevy vs BMW....both will get you to work, but.... Browse these posts, ask a few questions (except where to fish, what to fish with, how big a jet boat to buy and what trash is best to leave behind) and spend stupid amounts of money on crap. Mending is where you adjust your line so the fly will drift without drag....sometimes (99% of the time) your line will move slower or faster than where you want to put the fly....that will make it drag (not look like its just floating on the current)....mending is tossing your free line up (down) stream so as to give the fly a longer drag free drift. Your gonna like this.
  9. This might work http://www.orvis.com/store/product_choice....&pf_id=40C7 I have a Battenkill LA...only used it a handful of times but no couplaints so far. The mid looks like a nice reel.
  10. Miramichi fer sure... public access can be crowded but if you work at it you can find a place or 3.....Renous + Cains are in the same area(ish) (although I'm not sure if they fish well anymore)...the Restigouch is a great river....man I wish I had a late summer to fish in NB....
  11. I had a good day there meeting a few members, thanks for it all. Cheers to Courtney who kept showing me how to cast and different casts while I morphed whatever he showed me into an overhead cast....lol...
  12. Click here if the movie does not play.
  13. I don't see that much difference in the bills....neither one state that you can't hunt or fish recreationaly.
  14. Nice! I'll take a dozen!
  15. We have woodcock in the forests of New Brunswick, don't know if you have them here....they pop straight up and give 3 loud PEEPS when disturbed...back when I was a deer hunter they would give me a start or two every season.
  16. 5 20" + fish and more...on a brand spankin new rod...well, what you got there is your new favorite best friend. Nice on ya!
  17. Man, sometimes the posts on this board make me giggle.
  18. I would say high wind landing attempt>? Looks like the (pict) right wing in curled.... Or its the immediate effect of trying to land on shimmering pavement like the pelicans will.
  19. Props Dryfly...youv'e got a pict of everything!
  20. Golfs the thing here.... Your in for a treat, the Bow is something special.
  21. Laugh my ass off...that Taco is the funniest thing I've seen in a long while...thanks~!
  22. Actually Steve, the golfing is the thing around here....lol... I'm an East Coast boy too and if you havn't fished out here before then your in for a real treat. I don't get out near as much as you but I've been here almost 5yrs and still haven't hit all the streams I want to.
  23. I've just paid for my items #38 and #11 with Kimberely Davidson....I'm gonna have a great 2008!
  24. Ya, what can you do....I have a favorite place an will never mention it on a public forum. It's not that it's not well known and I have mentioned it before, but, not again. As you said, the beer cans, plastic bags, scented worm packages and general refuse of humanity will make me limit my sharing of knowledge.
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