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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. "inspire people to get angry and to get motivated" lmao! The real story here is he is being deported to the US for trial....hummm....something not right there.
  2. It was $67 and change...I was agast! The owner saw my shock and made me a deal (Thanks!) but I gotta say I'm not in any rush to pick up any more 'shop' flys...Icky will prob be seeing some of my hard earned $ first. P.S - $3 flies get hung up in trees just the same as the .99 ones.
  3. Went to a shop on Saturday before I headed out to Frenchmans Creek....picked out 24 varied flies...Stimulators, PMD, BWO and Green Drakes etc....3 to 5 of each plus 1 bigger Salmonfly pattern....was quoted a price that made me swallow my gum....can you guess what it was?
  4. I have a Greys 2/3 matched with a Hardy Angle 2/3- used it first time today....I liked the rod and the price was OK/
  5. Wow, nice Harry! Hows the guitar?
  6. Guy next door had a fire in his pit a couple days ago....filled my house with smoke....pissed me off. That being said, I do love a fire and wouldn't want a forced ban.
  7. Thanks for posting Bandee. Personally I'm getting pretty fed up with the un-offical board police here. Seems often when a new poster comes on the board some loud mouth with an attitude slams the door on them.
  8. What? Do you really think that? Lets see....Stephen almost toppled his own government in an i'll advised move and pissed off his own country....George has the Katrina disaster, suspended habeas corpus, started two wars, has a million deaths or more on his watch and presided over the biggest economic redistribution of wealth ever....there is more (lots) but I think you get my point. I've got to say that of all the Americans I've met the best of them were in uniform. +1 for Jack
  9. If GWB was the best they could find to lead their war mongering country for 8 years it should give you an idea of how smart these assholes at Fox news are.
  10. I'll second the youtube thing...search Justinguitar...great lessons.
  11. *Pythagoras rises to the fly...* I don't think you would find too many people who would argue Hardy is leading edge but calling them 'also ran' is like calling Porshe an "also ran' car company. If one word could be used to describe them I would choose venerable. In my experience they are a little expensive and the looks are sometimes unique (and appealing in my eye). They also have a cashe, history and, in my case and I suspect many a salmon fishermans, a memory of sound and sliver that is priceless.
  12. Sweet Jeebus....thats gotta be a heart breaker. Gotta say of all the things I own losing my FF stuff to thieves is my biggest fear.... My dad bought me a Marquis for salmon fishing somewhere in the mid/late seventies and I bought myself a St. John somewhere in the mid/late eighties (or was it vise/versa). I can't wait to match it up with a little 3wt...was looking at the Greys....
  13. Ouch....that really sucks. I picked up an Angel at the FF show....and baby makes 3....
  14. Team America: World Police" This is the foundation phrase upon which all terrorist speech is based.
  15. um....does my application count?...PS. I would also like it to be convertable.....like 3wt to 8wt (skipping the six 'cause I already have a sweet one) at the turn of a dial...that would be nice.
  16. I'd like a rod somewhere near 4km long. With precise precision. It has to be able to fold up into my hand and weigh less that 3oz. Something at home drifting $4.00 worth of feathers and silk delicately across a spot of water as well as hucking $6.00 worth of deer hair, hackle and lead onto the far bank. I want a rod with character...like Joe Pecicci in Good Fellas. I want a rod that is able to, at my command, either become a walkie talkie or a police baton. I want a rod that buzzes like a light saber. I want a rod with 640 gigs of memory. I want a rod with free nights and weekends. I want a rod that loves me for me. I want a rod that has a stealth mode. I want a rod with build in GPS and cupholders. I want the rod Batman would use if Batman needed to flyfish.
  17. My vote would be for Highway to Hell or Let there be Rock - love the raw sound its got.
  18. I go every year and it is interesting. There are a few things on sale but not huge deals as far as I can tell. It's just an excuse to scratch the itch....
  19. I'm a big AC/DC fan...got Back in Black in my youth and followed the catalog back.....great stuff....anything beyond Back in Black (IMHO) is AC/DC light....
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