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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. Should you trust your brokerage? http://www.reportonbusiness.com/servlet/st...y/Business/home
  2. They also bought $90B of debt.....
  3. Here's one from the Sevogle in N.B.
  4. I'll bid $275 on # 38 please.....
  5. The best advice I've had about the Bow came from these boards....keep trying, read the river, and set, set, set the hook...I'm still far from a Bow river ninja but those tips have helped.
  6. Nice Brown...sorry 'bout the in-laws
  7. Sometimes (I have to admit) I look at a nice fat trout and think back to when I bonked 'em and fried them streamside. Definatly the best fish I've ever eaten. I can remember specific meals...Once, on some nice restricted access lakes in New Brunswick, my brother, some friends and I took a few fish (legaly) and fried them up beside the lake in butter salt and pepper...they puffed up 3x their size when they hit the pan and I can still taste them... That being said...how do you cook up those huge trout around here...you know the ones...white on the leading edge of the fins, no black spots, pretty aggressive....lol
  8. Nice! It's good to hear a positive customer service story.
  9. You can also add 6" of tippet below your bottom fly and knot it at the end...add split shot there.
  10. The Highwood can still be in runoff that time in June...depends on weather if it will be fishable or not by then...
  11. $30 each for 36 and 37
  12. I lost a fly box there...was on the big side and had a couple Picasos and a Monet in it. Was attached to a new Porshe Cayman...if this is the one you found I'll come pick it up asap!
  13. Thanks Doc and alhuger...those are the k=ind of answers I was looking for. Interesting you say it's easier on the elbow Doc...I would have thought it involved a little more arm work...I really have to try one. Thanks
  14. Oh man lmao... I havn't paroosed the Spey weekend posts...might look now though....
  15. Hi Spey guys...in an effort to become more informed and possibly ostrasized (sp?).... I really don't get it...why Spey? I could see it in larger rivers and I do understand that it looks cool and must be fun to throw...but...in the end...do you really need Spey on the Bow? I mean it must be a bitch to carry around and, at best, an expensive indulgence in a pointless activity? Sincerely The Target P.S. Secretly asking 'cause it does look cool.....
  16. When I was trudging out to my vehicle this morning I thought that the snow reminded me of NB snow...good for snowmen and snowballs....bad for shoveling and feet/shoes... When did Detroit get moved to the East? You 'Bertans and your geography...everything east of The Hat is 'The East'.....
  17. I've got a Scott A2 9' 4 piece in a 6wt. I love it. It's a mid-tip flex with quite a bit of backbone. It can be a little bit of a curve to cast it if your used to more noodley rod. The only thing I think I would change is to switch it for a 5wt just because it does have a strong backbone. I like the black finish and the carbon fiber reel seat...nice rod for the buck.
  18. I'll second that LF! Hey LoneFisher...are they song lyrics or is it a poem in your signature line? Either way...where's it from?
  19. $350 on #11 please....
  20. $50 bills is kinda pink....my GF loves em...
  21. I'll try again this year Dryfly....lol...I'll take em!
  22. I think LA Reels look sweet...really, what else is there?
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