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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. Short answer...no. Credit bureau reports on debts - Credit cards, quick cash loans etc. A clerical error will not show.
  2. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and decided to get married. The wedding wasn't much but the reception was excellent.
  3. It's not the crank baiter dweebs we dislike, it's the jet boat riff raff that gets us going...sheeesh....when will you gear chuckers ever learn....lol...welcome!
  4. I have a 4p 6wt and a 3p 2/3...carry 'em ninja style in my Mongo vest on climbs out....sweet...
  5. Two words...well if you count a letter as a word and skip series all together....Scott G Series
  6. Wow...you guys are funny. This is why we never seem to change. There is always somebody screaming we don't do enough and somebody yelling that all is well, go back to bed. How can you disagree on finding a more efficient and/or economical way to do something? The (or an) answer in this case is the hybrid car. When it is stopped, so is the engine.
  7. Wow, absa-freakin-lutly cool.
  8. just in case your wondering.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobber_(motorcycle)
  9. Super cool. These guys (or that show?) have several vids using the same black suit techniques...all cool.
  10. Ya, plus Jesus isn't Santa...that would be foolish. God bless our soldiers, home and especially away.
  11. Two words - Filet mignon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filet_mignon
  12. Great debate on CBC tonight, both sides well represented. It's the Monk debate. Find it on CBC.com, it's on tonight (you can time shift) and I'm pretty sure they podcast.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXCRUE4Bip8
  14. Wow...didn't this thread blossom! I'm with rickr. Just put me down for whatever he says in this thread. (and this thread only...)
  15. Hahaha...I didn't even read the thread. Skipped right to the end, found this and agree whole heartedly. You sum it up very well SL . Thanks for the Led Zep reminder...loading up Goin' to Calfornia right now. P.S. - I haven't found any posts from Fffwx in here but I'm pretty sure I disagree with what ever he is trying to say.
  16. I voted no. Why can't there be a place where fish are not a target of man? PETA doesn't warrant the bashing it gets on this board. I've seen posts deleted for less.
  17. Ya, They had to figure out a way to be able to tell a new story without breaking canon...I thought they did it in a cool way.
  18. Saddest story I've heard in a long, long while....lol.
  19. Ya, they were on to something with the FJ Here is my fishing buggy. I do need to grind some rust off it and give her some 'primer n black' every couple years. I like to buy vehicles about 3years old and run them into the ground...lol.. I do like the Jeep but they aren't the most comfortable ride available. Still, for the few times I've found myself needing to use it, the 4x4 capabilities are excellent.
  20. Amen. That man knew rock n roll.
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