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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. beedhead


    Hey dude...I have drove past twice this year and seen a few risein and lotsa people fishin...Never did fish it, been on my way home both times and somewhat fished out...But sure is a nice spot...I'm sure it would be a good place to take the kids...If not, jumping pound was looking good last time I drove by, and seen a few fish too... Cheers...Jeff... BTW...This is under ask the pro section...And I aint no pro...LOL... Love the new E-cons...LOL...
  2. A little bit of sucker cavier....Did I spell that right...LOL...
  3. Spent the last week fishin Bulls...Got into a few Bows as well...Run Back to Calg on Sat morn to pick up my oldest...She got into a couple nice Bulls (awesome fun!!) ...Met up with Dekkard a couple times through the week...We had a Blast... ....Beleive it or not---Dekkard got a Bull and a Bow on the same rig....He caught the Bow first, and while playing it, a Bull grabbed the Dropper!!!....We both kinda thought the Bull was fouled till we got them both in the net, and both flies were in the mouth!!!...LOL...That was awesome!!!... ... Was a Fantastic Trip..... *Edit*...Forgot to mention water is sure coming up!!!...And very few anglers out there... Cheers...Jeff.. Her 1st Bullie... 2nd Bullie...I had to take over at the end...The fight in that one was a little much for her...LOL... We called this the double Dekkard...LOL... Dekkard brought out some food one day...And we mixed er all up...Great lunch... More pics comin...
  4. Just got back last night from another trip...took about 600 pics....Be brewing up another post in the photo section... Cheers...Jeff..
  5. Fantastic shots!!!...Super lookin fish dude!!...Thanx for sharing... Cheers...Jeff..
  6. Awesome pics...Nice lookin Cutts... Cheers...Jeff.. ...
  7. Thanx dudes...Prob goin back this week...Hey Bigbowtrout (nice talkin with ya).. Funny you ask about getin the rig back....The next day I had a bull on and it happened to dart by and pick it up on my existing rig...LOL... ....Love these new emoticons....Hey SJW...Yup the Bull burgers are awesome...LOL... ....Max...I think ya met my other buddy at the shop when he was buyin the weapons...LOL...His name is Darrell, and is a great guy...He has bugged me for years to show him some tactics, and finally came out with me...He is one happy dude right now, he has put ample hrs on those lakes in the past with not alot of sucsess... Cheers all...Jeff..
  8. Powder face and Jumping pound...One of many spots that have been patched and repaired...
  9. Sittin around...Bored...Waiting for my Daughters to come over ....Thought I would share a few other senic pics from the trip... Cheers...Jeff.. a little bit of supper...My little BBQ Crapped out...So fried aint too bad...LOL...
  10. Dekkard lent a hand in releasing this one...Thanx dude.. LOL...We were laughin so hard our guts hurt...LOL.. Looks to be in good shape...
  11. Caught a few tagged fish...The couple tags I did have a look at I couldn't read...All mucked up, Didn't want to piss around, just wanted get the fish back in the water...
  12. Spent the last 6 days fishin for Bulls...Run into a couple retired school teachers that I met at Bullshead this spring, we had a great time...Run into Dekkard a couple times, we had a great time as well...A good friend of mine met up with me for a couple days...Introduced him into a little bit of fly fishin...He had a hoot!!...Took Powder face trail back...WOW!...You Calgary folk are sure privileged to have such an awesome, huge playground just out your back doors!!!...Water level at the lakes is gettin up there and seemed to be coming up about 5-7 inched a day...All in all...It was an awesome trip!!!... Cheers...Jeff.. Something wrong with my new camera....Once in a while she wont focus for love nor money...Takin it back...Just started doin it this trip... My buddy with his first... Not my spin rod in the back ground...LOL...My buddy's...He was switchin back and forth...
  13. Edit*...Makin new post below...Not sure what happened...LOL...
  14. Once again...Fantastic fotage dude!!!...Awesome fish!!...Thanx for sharing... Cheers...Jeff..
  15. Edit*...Every now again, While I'm doin a p.m or a reply, before I'm done....It decides to post and or send it for me, all on its own...Good old computers...Prob my doing... ... Cheers...Jeff..
  16. The flygirl (Bree) Diggler and I went for a tour yesterday...Was a great Day, and I know Bree sure loved it...Bree loves Battle creek and area.... Cheers...Jeff.. ...Love the new emoiticons...LOL... "Dad!..I'm geting into the backing!"...LOL.. Bree out fished both Diggler and I...LOL... Diggler jumpin Battle Creek....Think he made it??... Water was high and a bit off...Only got one to come up for a dry...
  17. beedhead


    Sweet Bows....Real nice!!... ..Great pics too!...Thanx...I love fish porn... Cheers...Jeff..
  18. Indeed the gas price is nuts...I used to go on a fishin trip thinkin about how much food, beer and whisky was going to cost...That stuff seems to be the cheap part of the trip as of lately...Now I mainly think about how much fuel will I use?....Chev 4X4's like fuel...And I love fishin so...I guess I pay the price....Seems everything else goes up in price, but our wages seem to stay the same...Anyone had a raise lately due to inflation???...I havent... My 2 bitts worth...Jeff.. ..
  19. My good ol 40 dollar Reddington vest with one broken zipper on the pocket, and what ever I can fit in it...Sometimes my 20 dollar swiss army back pack, if it all don't fit in the vest....Sometimes I even tie my spare rod and tube onto the back pack... Cheers...Jeff..
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