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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. The Trips are totally new to Bullshead this year...From what I have heard- They are suppost to get big...And start doing the huge growth rate by the 3rd year...The Trips are somewhat new to Alberta...Talked to the Guys that stocked the lake allot about the Trips today...(these guys also raise the fish from the egg, you can tell they are very proud...I damn well would be too, Great Guys!...full of info)...I guess time will tell...I'm sure it is going to be a giant step for this fine fishery...I never thought it could get any better...But we shall see... ....Damn, some of those fish stocked today were allready 11 or so inches...Wonder what they will be like next year...Let alone 3-4 years from now!!!???...As long as the freezer burners taker easy on them... Thanx to Terry Clayton, bloom and many others...We have this fantastic fishery!!!!....Thanx guys!!...Cheers... Jeff...C&R...It works!!..
  2. I'm really startin to think we are going to see some big fish once again, by next year.... ....And see no signs on any of the fish that they are underfed...Sure the males are a little slender at this time of year...But they got more on thiere mind than food... Like RandyS would say...'' If nothing changes, everything will stay the same"...Aint that the truth...Gotta love that quote... Cheers to that....
  3. Has crossed my mind in the past few years ...Happening to be there and watch the Birds in the past (of all sorts) have a huge feast...But these fish seemed to climatize very quickly...Compared to the last 3 years I have seen and help stock them...Maybe it is a sign of some super fish???... ...Tiz a good thing for these new Triploids, that spring is behind a month or so...Seeing that there are way less birds around the lake, compared to the last few years... .. edit*...If you read before...I said a sign of supper fish...I meant to say "super fish" I stand corrected...LOL...
  4. Wasent me caught the fish...Was some other guy about a 100 yards down the bank...I didn't even fish after the trucks arrived...
  5. Was out to Bullshead today Solo...Fishin was Kinda Slow...Got into a couple nice ones...Some of those big male spawners are putting up one hell of a scrap The last 3 days!!...3 stocking trucks showed up today, all at differnt times...So 2 Fellow flycasters from Taber and I gave each truck a hand...seeing that there is only one person per truck...Was lots of fun...Went real smooth...1 truck was from Calgary, and the other two trucks were from Cold Lake...The truck from Calgary had some good size trips in it...Some were about 11 inches!!!...The other two trucks from Cold Lake had smaller ones...About 5-7 inches...If I recall correctly-There is another truck coming from Calgary with one more load of trips...All together, there will be 30000 Trips stocked...The fish were just gorgeous, A really nice green blue color to them...Was nice that there are no pelicans there today, There were some last week...Was great to see not a bunch of birds having a hayday...as they have in the past, when I have lent a hand stocking the fish...One fella just down the bank of the boat lauch caught one the bigger trips about 2 min after they were put in...Will show a pic bellow...I took more videos than pics..Oh well, Got a couple not bad shots...Had to leave the lake early today to catch up on some bizz...And do some yard work... Cheers....Jeff... Stocking picks were taken at 10x's optical zoom...So they didn't turn out as well as I thought they might...Wished I would have had Clive's Camera... This was the first First guy to catch a Triploid from the lake...
  6. I might suggest...Get down in a hurry...Not so much you are hanging up...And small patterns seem to work well in the spring...Maybe a Sally stone bead head to get down...Followed by a small nymph or two...(size 14-18, Ice weavils, Midge, Hares ears, Prince,...And so on, And if the fish are onto the larger SJW...You will have a hoot) and possibly some small split if needed...Hit the head waters of the larger pools, and you should get into some fish...Rip some streamers as well, if need be...The tail outs should be good to...Spring fishing on the Crow can be at it's best....Thats just some of the things that have worked well for me in the past...When the Vis is good... Cheers...Jeff..C&R...
  7. Not a stomach sample...Just took a pic of some of the bazillion snail shells washed up on the shore...I'm sure the little Bows enjoyed those through out the winter...
  8. There is always a fair bit of trash in the spring, due to hight traffic...But this year...Seems to be a fair bit worse...My Friends and I dont mind one bit collecting the Crap left behind...But come on...Really...Sure makes ya wonder while you are pickin this crap up, What is going through these peoples heads!!!...The beer cans weigh less when they are empty.... ...Monkey see...Monkey do...I guess... Cheers...Jeff...
  9. I have a sneekin hunch...There are going to be some big fish in B.H. once again...By next year....
  10. Sweet fish dude!!...Thanx!!!...I love fish Porn!!!
  11. Not near as good as Clives flower pics...
  12. Met up with Diggler today for a little fun... Met up with bloom as he was on his way out...Met a couple of his friends from Calgary as well...Nice to have met you guys... Picked up AMPLE amounts of beer cans and garbage between Diggler and I...Wow, I cant beleive people can be such inconsiderate slobs... We did find 4 full ones mind ya..(Beer's) Co's were out, and doing a fine job of checking every one... Would have liked to have more pics of Digglers fish....He pulled in some nice ones too...He got into his bigger ones when he was a ways away from me...Next time.... Cheers...Jeff...
  13. WOW!...Clive, you take the most amazing photos....Thanx... Cheers...Jeff...
  14. They can be a HOOT... So eager, and full of spunk...
  15. Fished with Myth at B.H. today...Got into some fish...Bite was real good for a while...Lake was a little crowded, but not to bad for a Sat...Co's were out, handed out a couple of liquor tickets... And a few tickets for other infractions...They did a thorough job of checkin out all of the Fisherman...Great to see!!!..Slowed down a bit , so we decided to check out Michelle, We did about 10 days ago...but was still pretty much froze over...And worried the fish had winter killed due to the extremely low water level...Within a couple minutes of bein there, we were both into fish...We had a hoot!!!...Got allot of the little guys to hand...Very very healthy lookin fish...nice and plump, and no signs of any problems with them at all...And were putting up one hell of a good scrap!!! ...Myth was just cheering as he was catching them (He just loves that little lake)...I do to, but not quite as much as he does... ...We walked around looking for signs of winter kill...But nothing...No gulls at the lake was my first clue that the fish might have made it...Very happy the fish made it!!!...Seen allot of runoff finding it's way in from Various parts of the lake...Thats what she needs... Cheers...Jeff... The new Dam... The new spillway...
  16. Nice Rod!...Did ya happen to find it in Nanton????...Cool little town...With lots a goodies ...
  17. Awesome pic!!!!...Have took a few pics of those birds at B.H in the last few day's aswell...Never seen them out there in the past...But a very cool lookin speciman... Cheers...Jeff...
  18. That's the point...The Oil comps hire these so called enviro hands...and they don't do nothing but take a couple samples...And call it good...Shouldn't these hired, so called enviromentalists be doing a more than putting a false reprt on on paper...????...At the time I was Filling in on the rig...And thought I had done the right thing, as to tell the enviro dudes what was going on...And they said they would look after it..Only after the spill had stopped, and run out of volume...It stopped...As far as I could tell the next day.... Thanx for the tip on the hotline...If I see crap like that again...It shall be phoned... Cheers....I think...Jeff...
  19. Nice pics....She be a workin...
  20. Along with diggler...He has worked in the patch for a few years...And my-self for about 15 years...Things are allot better than they were here in Canada when I started...Company's do there best for the environment(For what they think is good)...But from what I can see first hand, being a Driller for the last 7 years, and getting to ask allot of questions about enviro issues, to These so called Environmentalists that the oil company's hire (TO COVER UP THE .....) ...and I get very few answers....There is allot of cover up....I worked on a rig RIGHT beside Castle river in the past...Seen allot of Crap leitching into the river....All organic material...But still...I did my best to contain it...Let the Enviro people know about it...BUT.... Thats the truth....Ive seen it!!!...And not at all happy about it.... Thats one of the reasons I want to get out of the Patch....
  21. I feel kinda guilty due to the fact I was drilling Core and Plug back abandonment wells up there all winter...Enhancing the exploration of the Oil Sands... Was interesting work...(The geology)...But thats about it...
  22. What a shame....I can't wait to get out of the Oil Patch....Soon...
  23. I just can't stop looking at those Chrome beauties!!!!....Huge healthy lookin fish!!!...And wild ones to boot...WOW...
  24. I thought it was only windy, when you were out on the waters...LOL...
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