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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. I think they get it in there via the caramilk bar method. Just as smooth and tasty.
  2. True, but for the sake of argument, wouldn't the fact that the gill filaments are bright red indicate that gas exchange is still occurring, albeit across a reduced surface area? As long as the gills are wet, gas will exchange. Not to mention, The concentration of O2 in air is a lot higher as well. 30seconds is a lot of time out of water. Think about those fishing shows. It pains me to watch the host admire the fish and talk about it. Then you wonder how many takes it took. When I think back and count how long I've kept fish out for, it's not more than 5 seconds, if that. Get the camera set up, lift the fish, click click, back in the water.
  3. i think you need a tag or something to fish ascension cause it's in a preserve. I had to have one anyways when I was guided with pesca maya. I don't think I had anything for when I fished Cozumel.
  4. Yeah just 8, 10, 12. Could give them a call, maybe they would do something custom
  5. Spratleys are great. It took A big dog and 3 guys in it leaning to one side in order to sink a corner. You can stand anywhere including the seats and the covered bow and cast with complete confidence. One downside is the welds on the handle at the bow are cracking from trailering it there.
  6. Prof, your bc lakes are showing. Haha we have to put up with a lot of *hit in alberta. 25km/h is a fishing day around these parts!
  7. I think it depends in part on the lake bottom but it's better to have a little too much weight than not enough. Getting blown around really ruins the day
  8. I have the Scotty anchor locks on my spratley. They work great. You'd need to check the dimensions to ensure you could bolt them on your boat. I'm sure the bow cap is big enough, but no sure the back corners. I have run 20lb cannon balls, but have lost a few for various reasons. One my clip popped open not once but twice on the rocky bottom of POL (able to retrieve one cannon ball with my net), and one had the ring pull out of the lead In a super mucky lake in the EK. Two 15s is probably good, I just couldn't find them. Cannon balls are cheaper than "real" anchors. I think I paid $40 each at Canadian tire for the 20s.
  9. So do these swing or just dead drifted?
  10. Dangus

    New Hobby

    This forum is a pita to post photos. Do we really need photobucket this day in age? Not sure why they can't just host the photo directly like a few of the other ones out there. Annnnd scene.
  11. Ggp I really like that ultra natural one, second to last. Double wing throws me off a bit, but id love to swing that for summer runs
  12. Was anything about cleaning stations brought up at the bow access meetings?
  13. I have your same set up Poly. I love that rod. I use 350 skagit for streamers/tips and 325 scandi for soft hackles and pupa. The platinum errs towards a slightly deep flex with a fast recovery. I think it would be too much to go over 350. 350 turns 10 feet of t14 and an articulated fly fine; although, that tip only makes an appearance in freshet. T6 or 8 is fine most of the time. 325 gives it a little more of a tip flex/dainty feel, I guess you'd say. But its 25 grains, not a huge gap. I think the rod for the bow it's fine. Maybe a hair heavy, but the fish still put a bend in the rod. If I had another, I think the 5 would be just about right for small bugs and save the 6 for tandem streamers.
  14. Cheaper way would be to invite an experienced guy or two and Pay the shuttle. They can instruct you on the oars all day. In return, they get a rowing slave for a days fishing
  15. Really, you're probably okay with a big hookset because that slickshooter just slips through your fingers anyways.
  16. Well, let's just hug it out.
  17. I'm 6'1 190 and I snuggly fit a hoody and a Patagonia down sweater in my MK G4s- which should be the same size. I swam in the larges as well. You don't want too much slack because the material will rub more between the legs and wear it out. Make sure you can bend right down without putting too much tension on the knees, too.
  18. I'm just going out on a limb here. I'd be willing to bet that He's found that technique successful. The guy has guided steelhead for years and probably has more experience than most of the board. If you think about it, You have a 8+ plus fish going in the opposite direction, any resistance and I think it's own weight hangs itself 9 times out of 10. Letting it take line like that is allowing the fish to turn after it's taken the fly so the hook locks in behind the maxilla. It's not sinking through bone in the jaw really. Coincidently, the last winter fish I hooked was the one that stayed on the line The longest and I used this same approach. Either way, it's steelheading. Everyone has their beliefs..all of which work 100 percent of the time 60 percent of the time.
  19. He did. A lot of guys swear by waiting for the fish to take a few pulls of line and just raise the rod tip.
  20. around 8:55. If you're ever feeling down. Validating to say the least ha
  21. Mono kinda makes makes me think it cut fingers. I don't know about other guys, but I keep my trigger finger on my line, punched against the cork to different degrees when I'm fighting fish. Skinny,slick mono seems like Itd be tricky to do. I have airflo ridge on one rod and and an old floating line wth this head cut off for my other rod. The back end of a dry line doesn't tend to see much Day light, so once the head is cracked, I just repurpose it to become running line on the switch rod. I can can cast as far as need to (maybe not as far as I want to) with them and most tangles are from poor running line management. When I'm not lazy, it doesn't tangle.
  22. Attenborough should have been ripping some poppers
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