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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. I don't know him personally. It's a public production. Would it be different if I was questioning the Calgary sun? It's obviously not unnoticed by others as people have made jabs about it on the Alberta flyfishing page. Don't get me wrong, I mean no disrespect to the Jensens. They say/do so many great things about/for our fisheries and then post meatheads gill gripping bulls. Maybe it's to not seem so elitist and to appeal to the masses. Maybe they don't feel that kinda stuff is the biggest threat to fisheries. Fair enough. Just sends a mixed message is all. As usual, I ruffled some feathers on this site. Hugs
  2. They bring up lots of great points for caring for a fishery but constantly share some of the crummiest hero shots out of Alberta. Monkey-see, monkey-do. Every Canadian tire fisherman out there will emulate what they see on that page.
  3. With all due respect, I'd argue that it's not "harder" to twohand a smaller rod, you just have to expect a little less distance out of it. Mechanics all the same, timing a little different. If you can sh Spey cast or are a proficient roll caster-someone who understands anchor mechanics, the transition won't be too painful. A few YouTube vids and you're golden. baemf, I have been assuming you haven't done much two hand stuff to this point. If I'm mistaken, I apologize for rambling. Good luck with your purchase.
  4. Ya I just bought the rio indicator line for my 5 wt one. Ya I can imagine it sure turns Things over well. I've really liked it so far. Sorry for the derail
  5. Hey BC, what's that opst line like for overhead casting? What's the sink tip situation like?
  6. Yeah, really give that 5 extra consideration. that rod will feel lively for most bow fish but still work if you go down south for summer runs. 6 is a touch heavy for the bow, but that's what I fish.
  7. In reality, you probably won't bother using a switch for single hand applications. I thought I would, tried it a couple Times when I first got it and Didn't continue. Swinging is much more enjoyable on them though.
  8. What "weight" are you planning on running? A long rod gets heavy on the wrist and arm fast,especially with all that grain weight running through the guides, making for a tiresome nymphing experience. Since switch rods tend to be shorter, it might be better for nymphing "comfort-wise", yet still good for high sticking at 10-11 feet long. A 4/5 switch with a scandi line might work well. I think A skagit system is too heavy and clunky for all the mending of indicator fishing. The head is shorter and once it's out the guides, you have no body to work with. With the scandi There should still be enough to turn over a moderately heavy tip to get you down in winter, but I wouldn't bank on hucking monster streamers. I've never used "speydicator" type lines. But would be interested in hearing about it.
  9. Wasn't that what they did last year (sans windmill?) just bubble some air in so it would allow freeze-over.
  10. I don't know that it would have an affect on weeds because they die due to limited light in winter. Perhaps the chance of earlier ice off in aerated lakes leads to earlier/more developed weed growth? Probably a stretch. Either way, looks like the partial kill helped some lakes and there should be some slabs come spring. already Looking forward to hanging some bugs.
  11. that second pic wasn't the mainstem just above sue higgens park before it doglegs, was it?
  12. Got rid of my other sh 8 wt rod and want to use my dusty bonefish rod more. Wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a nicely matched integrated sink tip line or a dry line that can handle a moderate sinktip. Will be using it out of the boat mostly. Cheers
  13. I'm guessing you meant to type #8? Nice tie. I've seen fewer and fewer lately. Seemed liked the peak was end of August/first week of sept or so. Nothing like the numbers I've seen on the Clearwater in idaho. Anyone weigh in on the fluctuation of numbers year to year?
  14. Sorry about the leg! Worst I had was my right leg sliding down the right side of a rock while the stream pushed me to the left, POP goes the mcl/meniscus. Luckily I had already landed a steelhead and the day was winding down, the car a few steps away. You sure you can't just bag that walking cast up? Ha ha Good luck with a quick recovery. http://www.troutnut.com/hatch/36/Mayfly-Ephemera-varia-Yellow-Drake
  15. Ya that's what ticks me off even more, I don't wear waders for the most part from the end of May to the end of August and they're still shot. Pretty bad for 700 dollar waders. Not to mention the guide boots I've worn a hole in since August 2014. Side question for the guides here. How long do you expect your gear to last?
  16. Ya my Simms G4s are rat bagged after about three seasons. The whole leg below the knee is essentially solid aquaseal and now they're leaking at the seam to the booties. Was debating sending them back to Simms as I've heard from other guys that they've had leaking problems as well. Not sure what you could put on the leg to protect them as that would affect the breathability. Which I suppose Is really gone on mine Now that it's caked in aquaseal.
  17. I think those threatened populations are at increased risk due to a limited number of individuals/gene pool. Apparently Fall spawners aren't as affected by the parasite due to water temps and when they're developing--which is nice for for Browns and bulls not so much for cutts and bows.
  18. They get the sockeye through the channel at penticton yet?
  19. Let me know how it goes. My boat is a scum bucket
  20. Ya I think that would work. I presume at least some of the scum is from the hard water.
  21. Really? Doesn't that risk just spreading it further?
  22. Id say vim, but as j found out recently we're not allowed to use soap where it can get into the storm water system. Guess you could bring it to the carwash.
  23. Ya it makes you wonder how it could be south of the border for ~70 years and only make it up here now. I wouldn't be surprised if it's been here for quite a few years
  24. I wouldn't paint anything that you're going to bond to. A clean rough surface will be better.
  25. Were you able to get the carpet off, and now you're left with the bond on the aluminum? if the bond is strong and not too bulky, what about bonding to that? If it's rough, Slap some PL down and put new carpet on that.
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