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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. So how would a few mature pike not solve this problem? Native..in the bow... ravenous That or they just rotenone them once a year. I see the pike situation working out like the first one in the video. "Parents releasing Fred once he got too big for the tank."
  2. I know it's been said, but I wonder if a few pike would be the way to go?
  3. JT Is there a "midge technique" that you're trying to accomplish?
  4. Well, it's not mercury, arsenic or lead--but it is selenium.
  5. Ya fair enough. Actually lately I've been experimenting tying bunny in dubbing loops (thereby eliminating the hide.) A bit of a pita, but get that movement without becoming a sock.
  6. Anyone fish big steelhead size moals on the bow?
  7. Doesn't it cost you money to fish any nymph rig? When you're flirting with bottom, Beit 2 flies or 1, You risk hanging up. Just shorten up a hair. both flies don't have to be bouncing or dragging on bottom...Fish (The ones you want to catch ie not whites) not only look up but are suspended off bottom. You just want your flies going through that window of about 2 feet or less from bottom. IMO a trout will go up before it goes down for food. not sure if you're going by the rule "2x water depth" but I find that excessive in most situations, especially with a heavy worm rig, that drifts relatively vertically. Lastly, have you heard of drop shot nymphing? That might be what you're after. Sorry if I stated the obvious or if you were after a different answer. Cheers, B
  8. Are you saying it's the users of the bird sanctuary that are intolerant of anglers? I'm lost...
  9. Does your philosophy apply to the birdwatchers and people that walk its pathways?
  10. I know the regs say the main channel is exempt from the sanctuary no fishing, but does that mean you can't access the shore from that area?
  11. Sorry, I use the word "ridicule" as a bit of hyperbole. I should have said "tease" or "roll my eyes at."
  12. Well, while that is true on older style reels, I doubt it's really necessary with large arbors. Nor could you fit that much standard backing on them. I bet I have 30 yards on one of my LA reels while I probably have 75 on my hardys. I feel that it is more of an old school way of doing things as lines nowadays have little memory relatively. I remember my old Cortland type 6 full sink used to look like a slinky when I peeled it off the reel in the spring. After that got eaten by my motor, I bought a new rio and it's night and day. The thing is, The point of their argument is not that they need it for that reason, it's for running fish and will even go as far as using gel spun so they can fit more on.
  13. I don't think they look at it as you as benefiting, they look at you as a means to control it. I'm not sure why they don't take a hardline on cases like that. If people knew they'd just nuke any lake with introduced species, maybe they'd stop. Then again, I don't think the asshats doing the illegal stocking are capable of thinking that far ahead.
  14. Ha yeah other than steelhead and salmon there are only a few fish I can think of that I've legit had any decent distance into the backing. (Which is why I tend to ridicule those who are adamant they need 200 yards of backing or say their trout was making 100 yard runs.) Funny enough, there was One 17" bow river bow that was super hot. I called "big fish" as it peeled backing...and then ate my words. (At least it Wasn't a tail hook ha)
  15. Only fish I've kept in the last 20 years was for a neighbor who requested one (from a lake in the east kootenays). I get far more satisfaction from watching watching a fish swim away; preferably as in pristine as when I caught it. Which means down go the barbs on anything smaller than 14 (I don't think microbarbs on those tiny hooks do much damage.)
  16. I think having those fish that aren't gassed but stay still for photos are from calm, gentle Handling. Most fish I revive take less than a minute and I don't let go of the tail until they really buck me off. Nothing worse than seeing a fish swim off and then flip over.
  17. Obviously not from today ha Looks like that's just below the peace bridge, eh?
  18. There are two guys running two separate shows now as far as I know. I was approached by a guy at glenmore and handed a card. Can't recall his name...Len maybe? Then Mel is the other cat.
  19. Ya maybe that's another reason that I thought it was sue Higgins-seems to have the right space for it. In carburn, I'm guessing they'd just cut down by the parking lot to the tiny side channel by the dog leg turn in the river above the dark park? Otherwise there's a road going through the park. Then again, a launch on an outside bend seems like it would get hammered in a flood.
  20. Whoops I must've had a stroke when I saw carburn.
  21. Anyone know if you will be able to bypass the weir?
  22. One concern I have, that I'll mention in the feedback, is how busy sue Higgins is. Hard to find parking on a good day.
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