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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. That only took 5 minutes!! You guys are good!! Al
  2. I remember seeing the link to Don Anderson's "CFF" fly pattern here and I can't find it now. Please help me. Thanks Al
  3. I'm not sure why my tip would have snapped I assume from the replacement that it was a defect. I personally was aware of the limited warranty!!
  4. The worst team in the league plays in the NW division.
  5. I broke the tip of my G Loomis Streamdance GLX rod in September '09. I returned it to a dealer and they shipped it off to G Loomis. I would call the shop every so often for updates on my rod. 5 months later and no rod , I was at the Flyfishing Expo and spoke to the rep. He explained that there was probably an inventory shortage, apologized and gave me a free hat. Finally my rod arrived a few weeks ago. It was replaced by a whole new rod and not just the tip section. I was just wondering what other fishermen's experiences have been with G Loomis. I was just glad that I didn't break the tip in June!! 6 months is a long time to wait for a rod!!
  6. I was adopted long with my twin to a wonderful "Mom and Dad" 54 years ago. They wanted a girl and when she had a twin brother Igot thrown in on the deal. Simpson, congrats on the twins but imagine having twins "show up on your doorstep" like we did!!! All the best!!
  7. The unit was delivered at the 11th hour but my first use was LAX to Orange County at rush hour, I dunno what I would have done wthout it!! Great unit!!
  8. I agree Dutchie!!!Great banter Rick and a great US team. I would love to see a 7 game series with these teams. 4 straight Canada!!!!!!! Congrats!
  9. Ya can't fix stupid!
  10. Phew! Nice to hear!
  11. I picked up this online. I hope I wasn't too hasty. The price looked good and the reviews favourable. they also had a video explaining the features. now..please, please arrive on time!! http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/sea...;SRCCODE=CANLET
  12. A car unit.Thanks
  13. Hmmmmm. I have a friend that works there!! Good call!
  14. I am looking to buy a GPS navigator in the next few days before I go and try to get around LA next weekend. ( A "pilgrimmage" to watch the Habs) I have NO idea about them. I am looking for a basic system less than $200. I am asking you for advice on models and where to buy ie: local stores or online. Unfortunately I only have a week to purchase it. I just decided that I needed another gadget. Thanks for your help Big Al
  15. The team is full of captains. the "A's" and"C's" mean squat and add one of the best captains ever as GM!! Leadership is not a problem. Winning 4 games in 6 days will be tough, but let's hope the extra game vs Germany will give the team an extra game to gel. Winning in SO vs Swiss is what killed us. Rickr.... Don't you have any "offs" to f**k? (That was a "Rickyism" from TPB's I have been dying to use. Nothing personal !)
  16. Thanks Rick. It was an attempt at being funny! I'm glad u clarified it for younger forumsters!
  17. They were being worn by the dummy (no, not the rep!) on the right side of the booth, you couldn't really see them as the mannequin had a jacket on, so they looked like chest waders from afar. I agree with your assessment of the booth tho'!!the rep wasn't much help and not very engaging. Maybe that's what happens when you sell the best!!
  18. I am looking for "pant waders" too. Simms has a new style that is just coming out. I saw them at the Fly fishing show. Pretty slick!! http://www.simmsfishing.com/site/g3_guide_pant.html I have seen the Headwaters pant at Troutfitters
  19. I believe that is Nick Nolte. Gary Busey died in a plane crash with Richie Valens and the Big Bopper!!
  20. Here's a line from the above link: Now we’re getting down to the finalists, and for all practical purposes, you can just flip a coin to pick the winner. The Sage Z-Axis and the StreamDance GLX are distinctly different feeling rods, but performed nearly identically in all our performance tests. I test drove both at Fishtales and chose the G Loomis Streamdance GLX . "Test driving" is key!!
  21. here we go again!! This topic has been covered many times. I have an old Pentax Optio and the new one is much improved. my old one takes great pix. Here's a link with more info http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/Q209waterproofgroup/
  22. ] And not to be totally un-environmentally sound- if someone can bring recyclable plates and glasses that would be sweet. Is there a such thing as recyclable knives and forks? Could us some of those as well. I unfortunately won't be there but may I suggest attendees bring their own plates, cups, glasses and cutlery, and then bring them home and wash them.That might be the environmental way to go. Just suggestin'!
  23. 8 different players scored so that theory doesn't wash. Did you watch the game? Oh.... the party was bigger when Komo left but not as big as the party in NY when they traded Gomez!!
  24. Flames won...................Sharks nine!!!!! Yikes!! That Brent Sutter glare is scary.
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