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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. May I suggest.........................a magnetic rod holder that attaches to the side of your vehicle, http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true I use it all the time and I always know where my rod is. I am sure I would have done the same by now without it!!
  2. I lose a lot more golf balls than flies !!!!
  3. Diet is important. Here's a list of foods to avoid. http://www.joint-pain.com/low-purine-diet.html also black cherry extract daily helps. (available at health food stores). Once you get an attack I suggest getting a prescription for Methacin. It is a STRONG anti-inflammatory and can be hard on the stomach. But I'll take that over the pain.It cures me...sometimes within hours. Ya wanna feel pain? try putting a dry leather wading boot on!!! OUCH!!!! Hope this helps. I've felt ur pain. You have my sympathy...
  4. Whoa...whoa!!! If I did that, I wouldn't have my 3 days off a week to camp!!
  5. I find this hard to believe, my peave is that these people hog the good spots and they have no right to!! Move on and let others enjoy. I know that most are responsible campers but why do they have the right for that spot for 5 months? If they do want that spot....make them pay for it or ..move on !!
  6. I'm not angry, just frustrated.....................Heck I have alot of friends that are random campers!! HaHa! ..but that dude......with the camper on legs in the middle of it all, every year.....he will be mine...oh, Yes...He WILL be mine!!
  7. There must be alot of MP's and MLA's that enjoy random camping!!
  8. Sorry, Trailhead, but that doesn't wash with me. Next time I see an officer I will ask them to do something ,there is no excuse for not enforcing the law. If there is, I wanna hear it. The people laying claim to their annual spots are denying access to other Albertans. They have no right to do that. It's the "Alberta Forest Reserve", set aside for ALL Albertans. I could do the same thing and leave my trailer at some beautiful spot for 5 months, but I have respect for authority, and understand the reasoning for the regulations. Moving after 2 weeks allows the area to recover!! Instead I am parked at a Provincial Park for the summer, It's great. Money well spent.
  9. I was driving from Racehorse Creek Campground to #517 on the Forestry Trunk Road yesterday (May 17) and counted 12 unattended trailers in 2 kilometers. There is one guy with his camper off his truck that has been hogging the same spot for years and it is wide open in full view from the FTR. Surely the people that patrol this area can see that they overstay their 2 week maximum!! Officers...I know you are overworked and understaffed but surely you can take 5 mins and enforce these laws. Let the "Random Camper Rants 2010" begin!!
  10. Lots..........except for the one I need!!
  11. Gotta get me one of those!!
  12. What dept would they be in?
  13. Anyone know a reasonable place to buy an exterior mat? Thanks in advance. Al
  14. I never heard the expression, "sharting" 'til last night and there it is again!!!! Weird!!
  15. N/A......................... never fished it. Heard it's good!
  16. May I suggest dry flies? ............................. That's what I thought!!!!!
  17. That's good advice if you are travelling anywhere outside Canada!! It is worth every penny to buy it.
  18. Let me clarify..the tip didn't break, it slipped off and disappeared in the drink so there is no broken section to send in. I'm sure they will replace it for a nominal fee. It's a 4 pce so will my friend need to send the 3rd section in to match colour and ferrule? or just the model#?
  19. My friend has a 4 pce Sage rod and he let his daughter try casting and she casted and the tip slid off and was lost in the river. will Sage replace it on warranty or will they sell him a replacement tip? I as wondering if anybody else has had experience with this. Thanks
  20. I feel for hawgstopper, one of the few real, passionate Flames fans I know. The other bandwagon jumper fans, not so much.
  21. The Flames have underachieved for a long time except for 2004 and you can thank Bertuzzi for the Flames getting through the first round vs Canucks. Real fans will know what I'm talking about, "cheerers" won't. Thankfully in recent years the Sharks have done worse in post season, so the media preys on them. I'm not sure what's ahead for the Flames but it doesn't look good. Iggy and Kipper are getting older and there's no one to take their spots. It may be back to no playoffs for a few years. It is tough to ice a good team these days and the draft is so important so you can have good young players that don't break the bank for a few years at least. Unfortunately there are no stars on the horizon for the Flames. What free agent, offensive player would want to play for "Defense first" Sutter? I can hear the ankles snapping as they fall off the bandwagon!!
  22. I have a 1976 Vanguard so no blower. Your set up may be what I need. ...but then margarita's from a blender........decisions, decisions!!
  23. Re: Generator HaHa!! I know better!! I hate the noise too!!
  24. I have recently purchased a older travel trailer which I plan on "boondocking" for the summer near my favourite fishing area. First of all, let me say, I know NOTHING about these things and I'm asking you for advice. The area has no power. I noticed that Canadian Tire has a sale on solar panels and if this is the way to go. I don't plan on needing the electricty for anything other than lights (non LED) on a rainy day.The other option is a small generator. Please advise me on what system to use and what I will need and where to get it. I know I can count on you guys!! http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Au...2B15%2BWatt.jsp P.S. I will not be random camping/squatting!!!!
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