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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. I'm getting some great advice! Thanks all! Keep 'em coming!
  2. That is sweet but I'm sure they are difficult to find used. BTW my Mazda is a '96
  3. I am planning on towing it to Racehorse Creek Campground and leaving it there for the summer. I guess I could ask someone else with a bigger truck to tow it back and forth in June and then in October.. A tent trailer was my first thought but I would have to take it down every time I leave to protect the canvas from UV light etc. I am looking at a 14 footer or a Boler as it would just be for me. I could see me chugging up those hills and the wind down there can get pretty fierce and I have no towing experience. This is still a thought and I appreciate everybody's input. Keep 'em coming! Thanks
  4. I am considering buying a small travel trailer for this summer and I was wondering what amount of towing weight my little Mazda B-4000 6 cylinder can handle. How do I find out? I apologize if this is a stupid question!
  5. The ovation for Iggy was amazing! A whole minute! You Calgary fans really know how to appreciate your best player!
  6. As a Habs fan I will admit that Halak stole one tonite. It's about time a Habs goalie did that!!
  7. I am hoping to buy a small travel trailer and set up a "fort" at RHC Campground. Try and camp/fish more than the 43 days I did last year Fish the Upper Elk and maybe....for the first time.....FISH THE BOW!!!!!
  8. My rent-a-dog Kudra walking on water!
  9. I just returned from 2 weeks in PV. I saw a guy fishing (spin casting) in the roped off swimming area at the hotel and then I saw a guy a few days later with a big throw net in the same swim area!! The best fishing I saw was when I saw a huge flock of pelicans and gulls (100+) moving into shore and stopping around where I was standing in chest deep water and diving all around me for baitfish!! I saw it once in the two weeks I was there and it lasted only a few minutes as the fish moved south. Kinda like a "pelican hatch"!! It was cool, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time!!
  10. Belly button lint for dubbing!
  11. 1. Fish some new waters 2. Improve my nymphing 3. Stalk and catch bullies 4. Maybe fish the Bow for the first time!! HaHa
  12. Count me in there too Lynn. I'll even take Saturday off one or two weekends! Bring your wine faves!
  13. On my last trip to the Gap on the last weekend of September I discovered that you can find a #24 BWO on the water if you tie it 16" off a very visible #16 Parachute caddis, and no tangles!
  14. I stopped by Bow River Troutfitters today (Jan 27). Nothing going on there,
  15. This year for the first time I said to myself, " I finally think I know what I'm doing". I fished and camped 43 days mostly around the Oldman and mostly by myself. I can't wait for opening day!!
  16. I thought Gaye Delorme wrote it?
  17. I have looked at tons of info and comparisons and I would buy the Pentax. It all comes down to the zoom for me.
  18. Dryfly, That wasn't me (Although he looks like me, the CO that is). That's the guy I saw above the "Falls" at the Gap.(Right?) It makes total sense to watch from afar.
  19. I fished the Oldman Gap area 40 days this year and I wasn't checked. I contributed to "Stream watch" and I figured I would see some one due to extra patrolling but it didn't happen. I did see someone spying with binoculars on the cliff just below the Gap one day tho'. I'm not really concerned as I know how thinly they are spread out in AB. Of course with my luck I would be approached when in my haste to match the hatch I forgot to debarb!! I never saw any flagrant disregard to regs except perhaps some families at the campground who wanted some family fun and just don't know any better. I think we all did the same on family camping trips when we were young.
  20. Try Country Pleasures. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=6998
  21. I was turned on to this pattern at the Crowsnest Cafe and Flyshop. It is a pattern made by Turcks of Tarantula fame. Awesome fly and very visible. "Cutthroat Candy"! http://www.flyfishingjacksonhole.com/fly_t...e-power_ant.htm
  22. That's the one Flyangler! Thanks alot! Say Hi to Suzie. I knew her and Al from the old days in Banff!
  23. I have a Pentax Optio WPi. It has worked well for me. I don't have many underwater fish pix 'cause it is difficult to do when you are fishing solo most of the time. I believe that I may have scratched the lens cover so I am looking for an upgrade. I stopped by "The Camera Store" today. I do agree that it is the best shop in town. Very helpful, knowledgeable staff. Anyways, I looked at both the Pentax Optio W60 as well as the Olympus Stylus 1030. Obviously the Pentax is much better than the model that I have. Side by side, the Olympus has a lot more durable body , (Steel vs plastic). Picture quality is the same, Olympus has a lens cover, Pentax doesn't. Olympus has a nice macro feature which includes an LED light but Pentax has a bigger zoom. Decisions ...decisions! Bugs or Mountain goats! I dunno...............................to be continued.
  24. Are you staying at Palladium Vallarta?
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