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Everything posted by screaminreel

  1. Airdrie Trailer Use to make drift boat trailers but welding would be my first choice.
  2. I've never had a problem with bringing on a rod tube with both Westjet or Air Canada to Mexico. My tube is 4" which will hold 5 saltwater rods. Your rod tube however is classified as your carry-on so you are allowed a personal item but not a second carry-on bag. Sometimes people get lucky but I have never tempted fate. I also bring all of my reels in my personal bag with line on the reels flus one day of fishing clothes. Arrive early as security sometimes will make you take each section of rod out to be examined. You are also allowed to bring on flies that are 6cm or less so it doesn't hurt to throw a dozen Bonefish/Permit flies in a zip lock bag so you have something when you arrive. There was a law years ago on the Mexican Government website that stated any more than three rods and reels you could be charged duty on the value cuz they think you are going to leave them or sell them. To me it is pretty clear on the Catsa website that you are allowed to bring rods on board as carry-on along with reels and lures 6cm or shorter. Enjoy!
  3. Can't figure out how to do this cuz I can't upload any more yet it says i've used only 3% of my quota ???/
  4. People wearing neoprene waders when it's +30 degrees out!
  5. Good to hear and thanks for sharing. I have 3, 5000DD's to send in with issues.
  6. I use two lines on my 6wt streamer rods. Rio In Touch Streamer tip. 10ft intermediate sink tip for low flo clear water and Rio sink tip 15ft 6-7ips for faster murky water.
  7. It is closed September 8th. Sign at entrance
  8. I'm tired of the straps on these disposable masks coming apart. If you put a small dab of thin UV resin on it then hit it with your light no more broken straps. Simple easy fix so I thought I would share.
      • 1
      • Thanks
  9. That is an awesome video! Great watch.
  10. Last week my wife decided to take over the bar downstairs to start her planting. Garage too cold and workshop full of renovation supplies to keep me busy during the pandemic. I guess I'll just have to suck it up but if she encroaches on my fly tying area, I will have to put my foot down!
  11. If you can source a used TFO TiCrx 8wt salt rod, that is an awesome pike rod. The 9 wt I don't like. Virtually impossible to break IMO. I have a few TFO salt rods along with Sage and Loomis and sometimes I almost prefer the TFO rods because I never worry about breakage.
  12. Try Amazon or an aftermarket truck shop. Hyde could care less about Canadians or their orders. I've tried to order in the past and it is one screw up after another. Damn Republicans!
  13. I am in the same boat as you. I've stuck to buying good used boots and just re felt them. I have not found a single quality boot for a narrow foot.
  14. All you need is a 15 - 20 lb anchor front and 12 - 15 lb at the back. Don't use just one anchor. Scotty mounts are great.
  15. 14' a little big for one person although it would fit (Marlon) an eide/4 boys boat loader. The 1250 Sp has a 60" beam so fits a boat loader and allows for me to tow a trailer into the backwoods of BC. My pram/ boat above has a 48' bottom and 65" beam so too wide for a boat loader and on/off would play havoc with the varnish on the gunnels. Unfortunately, one needs a fleet to meet all requirements. Thanks all.
  16. Thanks danhunt but looking into the heavier gauge aluminum. Hard to give up all my dry storage with my current set up but I think I can do some custom work to the Spratley.
  17. Just interested in looking at it to see the size, layout etc. Have always fished from my mahogany pram but thinking of switching to a tinnie.
  18. To My Liberal Friends: Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2019 but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make Canada great. Not to imply that Canada is necessarily greater than any other country. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wished. To My Conservative Friends: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  19. Whatever you buy, make sure you have room for a decent wading sock for saltwater. Simms makes a great pair that pick up all the sand and tiny coral.
  20. And for some reason you can't get a hold of staff or admin. Thingy spins at top left then I get 504 Gateway Time-out
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