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Everything posted by SteveM

  1. As usual, great pics, Max; lots of awesomeness in there, bro'!
  2. Yeah, me too! Very cool, Dave!
  3. BTT ('cuz this belongs on the top!!!)
  4. I use an Olympus Stylus 850SW point & shoot...
  5. Well played, sir. Well played, indeed! :bow: :bow:
  6. You're absolutely right, Junior. Let's see...that's one time in about 40 years of fishing that I can recall this happening; at this rate, it should happen again in 2051. I'd better change my ways! Anyhoo, here's a few more pics from the day... Ended the day with a few brookies... Lots of fun! Can't wait to do it all over again!
  7. Yeah, I don't believe these fish are seeing quite as many fishermen as the ones at the Liv or the Gap. I don't know if I "need" dumber than average fish; but, it's sure nice to find some of 'em every now & then! Here's a few more pics from that day... A beautiful fall day... Sure glad I've started carrying bearspray, especially when I'm fishing solo... More especially when I see these tracks... I fished a big Parachute Madam X with a boatman dropper most of the day, then switched to a foam hopper with a Prince nymph dropper. Not much fun trying to throw those with the 2wt, but little dries weren't cutting it; hopper/dropper was money!
  8. Ha-ha-ha... Or, he heard what a piss-poor fisherman I am & felt sorry for me??? How do you explain this one? He covered his face... Just shy???
  9. I fished a small creek yesterday. At one point, I caught a decent cutthroat trout in a riffle leading into a pool. He put up a good fight & bent my little 2wt rod pretty good. Took a couple pics & released the fish. I fished through the body of the pool & caught a few more fish. After about 15 minutes I fished the riffle again. I hooked a trout in the exact same spot, using the exact same fly. This one didn't really fight at all. It looked like the same fish. I took a couple quick pics before taking my time reviving & releasing him. I compared the pics & found out that it was indeed the same trout; pretty short memory, apparently! A couple pics of the first fish... Second time around... Compare pic#2 to pic#3. I looked at the spot pattern behind the eye & the spot pattern behind the gill plate; definitely the same fish. Color looks a little different 'cuz the first pics were taken in the shade, while the last two pics were taken in direct sunlight. Guess he was trying to fatten up for the winter!
  10. Those sure are purty! Very nice!
  11. Nice freakin' fatties, Brian!
  12. Great pics, Steven; some really nice cutts! Love the pic of the bull from water level- really shows off the spots; nice!
  13. Dude, your little excursions are always epic. I kinda feel embarrassed posting mine. In the pics I just posted, I doubt I was ever more than 10 minutes from a drivable road... Keep packing your camera along & sharing your trips with us. Lets face it, it's the only way most of us will get to see those places.
  14. Naw, not really. Those pics are from 4.5 days of fishing (one day was 'skins & fins'- 18 holes of golf + an afternoon/evening of fishing). Never put up great numbers, that's for sure; made up for that with some quality fish. There is nothing like watching a big cutty come up under your stimmy/hopper/caddis/whatever-kinda-dry-fly in crystal clear water on a mountain stream.
  15. Stop messin' with me, Dutchman! :$*%&: Are ya serious? My bro' wasn't sure he could get the week off. I had a very short list of folks to contact about fishing during that week, in case he had to work; you were on it. He finally found out for sure about 3 weeks in advance; Mom says I have to take my brothers out whenever they want.... How 'bout tomorrow?
  16. I got this gorgeous chunk on a caddis dry, fished on a tough-to-fish inside edge. One of very few cutts that I've ever had peel line off the reel; it was nice to hear that drag sing! A few days later, this one took my caddis pupa dropper in the same run... While I was releasing that one, my bro' hollered, "Fish on!", from directly across the river. I quickly crossed over & netted this gorgeous 20" cuttbow... Beautiful, thick fish... The end of a great day & a fantastic week! 'Til next time...
  17. Most of our fish took dries, but on Friday I picked up a few on this pink/orange streamer & a couple on the boatman trailer... End of another fun day...
  18. We fished places like this... For fish like this... This one wanted his picture taken. When I released him, he turned right around, swam towards the shore & laid in the shallow water next to my rod. I obliged him by taking his pic & releasing him again...
  19. We mostly chased cutts/cuttbows in the mountains...
  20. I had the week after the Labour Day long weekend off work, as did my brother. In spite of the heat & the full moon, we caught a fish or two. On the weekend, I hiked & fished a creek with my wife & kid, as well as my bro' & his wife. Heading to the creek... We got some tiny 'bows... ...and, some less tiny 'bows... ...a couple brookies... ...and, some cutts/cuttbows. I hooked what felt like a decent fish in a little pocket; put a good bend in my 3wt for a few seconds, then was gone. I got another chance a few days later, when my bro' & I fished that stretch again. This time, I got a better angle & he nailed my hopper on the second drift. After a spirited fight, I brought to hand one of the better cuttbows I've seen on this creek... Sweet revenge!
  21. Hanging out on my carrots... From my garden... Fall colors... Big 'n' ugly! Small 'n' pretty... Brookie abstract art... The easy path up from the water... (there's fish pics coming soon...)
  22. I think this is where I left off on my last photo post??? My daughter took these pics of a family of bears in Kananaskis... Another of my kid's pics; near Upper K. Lake... Looking for a nut! Found one! (plenty more to come...)
  23. That's awesome, Dave. I hope you get somewhere with this. Maybe we can challenge the other local shops to follow your initiative???
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