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Everything posted by alan2

  1. When I heard it on CFCN it mentioned waders filled with water preventing him from getting out. If so, it would seem he wasn't wearing a belt on them. Not everybody does I've noticed, and there have been discussions on here as to whether or not a belt helps. This should be proof of the obvious. What a shame.
  2. This location below from the CFIA update makes no sense whatsoever because Carrot Creek runs into Bow well downstream of Lk Minnewanka and Cascade River (which runs into Minnewanka). Cascade river never does run into Carrot Creek or vice versa. The Gov't geniuses should figure out what runs where before updating. Banff National Park – Carrot Creek (upstream from the confluence of the Cascade River and Carrot Creek)
  3. http://www.thecragandcanyon.ca/2016/09/22/fisherman-fined-for-eating-endangered-trout-2 Shoulda been a much bigger fine for their ignorance.
  4. I mentioned on this forum a few years back when I watched a small fish literally twirling as it swam near shore in the Bow at Cranston. Maybe it was whirling disease then after all and not just born deformed as I had thought.
  5. I was fishing Waterton River last week and as usual, there is lots of Didymo there, just like shag carpet in places. Those damn rocks were so slippery I fell on my butt twice. Fishin wasn't great but at least it was wadeable.
  6. Same thing happened on a White River wading boot I bought at Bass Pro, but to a lesser degree. I stuck it back together with Shoe goo. Freesole and Shoe goo are very similar. It helps to wrap them with duct tape to maintain pressure between boot and sole until the glue sets. Yeah Korkers always looked flimsy to me, especially those removeable soles and the delicate little rubbery loop thing to hold them on. Not for real walking, that's for sure.
  7. The problem is they can't even understand "move your trailer" let alone a complex permit system like this!
  8. Not even caring how my lawn looks has given me great peace of mind and freed up a lot more time.
  9. We use to catch them on a night line with a minnow for bait down along Columbia River in BC. They are particularly ugly by campfire light, their beady eyes glow red. Fun stuff when you're a kid!
  10. As someone who makes his living repairing broken equipment, I firmly believe the simplest option that does the job is always preferable. Complexity and reliability are generally at opposite ends of the spectrum...
  11. When I got it it was caused by flexing my wrist too much when casting forward. A bit of wrist flex adds an extra "snap" to add distance but the flex causes tennis elbow. When I don't flex the wrist, no probs. When it hurt I'd stick the elbow in the cold stream/river for a bit.
  12. Don is exactly right. My employer sells lab equipment to the coal industry and it's a bleak picture for the foreseeable future. As in many years. Tumbler Ridge, Willow Creek, Grand Cache, Obed Mountain are all mines that have shut in the last couple of years. Teck is trying to cut costs and may close Coal Mountain Mine, so I can't see any reason for anybody to open a new mine, unless somehow, somebody expects to get some sort of Government handout. Otherwise, the metrics just are not there. A commercial coal lab in Richmond BC shut down and moved back to Australia, SGS delayed opening a coal testing lab in Prince Rupert indefinitely. World is awash in coal right now. There has to be more to this story...pump n dump penny stock ploy???
  13. The actual rubber used in those wading soles is (a) not very thick to begin with and (b.) very soft for gripping wet rock. As a result they wear out extra fast compared to any boot or shoe actually made to walk in. Just compare the thickness of a typical hiking vibram sole vs a wading rubber sole. Guess which one is 3X thicker? Unless you walk on grass only, the rubber soles do not last.
  14. I've resoled my own many times so I made a video of it.
  15. Drove past Michel Crk tuesday, at hwy 3 bridge it was 19.5c at 2:35pm so I didn't spend the $21. Saw 2 others close by though. Pretty low flow on it too.
  16. Have a backpack with an explosive device that can be remotely detonated when the assholes take it. See who shows up at the emergency dept with unexplainable injuries...Or even a backpack looking like it's full of valuables with a note inside saying "Sucker. We caught you on cam, you're in big *hit!"
  17. The whole difference is whether you feel a part of where you wander and fish out there, or whether you see it as a place to be dominated by you and a machine as you roar through it. I think I know where most of us here stand on this issue. Noise and horsepower don't click with me but I sometimes feel like an outsider in the Castle area.
  18. We don't want all of them here!
  19. Its a long shot but maybe with NDP in instead of the good old boys network somebody might actually take the ATV issue seriously. Restrictions and enforcement would be a good start. We can only hope...
  20. Just when you think young males have done every stupid thing possible...
  21. When I try to watch it says "private video". If it's suggesting anything other than tweezers or similar tool, then it is probably another hoax. All the knowledgeable websites from CDC to lyme disease sites to Snopes say the same thing and the methods do not involve swabs, or liquids or gels or anything except tweezers. Having had many ticks over the years, I found out first hand these other methods didn't work. Wish I could actually see this video in case that swab morphs into tweezers. Lol
  22. I carry a small pair of side cutters and sometimes I can get close enough to chop the hook and leave minimal metal in them. Like with streamers.
  23. 2-3 months for Orvis I've found.
  24. I knew it was a hoax because the plural of Albertan is "Albertans" and not "Albertan's". Typos are a sure sign of a hoax...and Im not just foollin.
  25. If you put DEET repellent around your pant legs/boots that prevents them crawling up which is often how they get on you. Deet works to keep ticks away as well as skeeters apparently. Maybe crotch, neck and armpits would be good areas too!
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