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Everything posted by birchy

  1. If you use the search function at the top and do a search for 'Danvise', you'll find what you're looking for. Excellent vise.
  2. Nice work Jay! Is it just me or has someone else caught that brownie with the blue spot on his cheek before and posted pics on here?
  3. http://technology.sympatico.msn.cbc.ca/New...c&date=True
  4. A wise fella I know of would say.. "Those pictures are cosmic!" Thanks for sharing.
  5. Hey look! It's Maxwell v2.0! Nice brownie dude.
  6. From what I can tell, the majority of the wiring is good. I managed to get all the lights working last season. Furnace, fridge, and stove work fine (one of the burners doesn't light.. probably just gummed up inside and needs a cleaning). Propane system seems to work fine, although it needs an inspection. The thing basically sat in one spot for 12 years and wasn't used.. so anything that is affected by the elements needs to be looked at. Bathroom needs a couple new wood panels - there was a small leak from around the vent and the panels are rotting a bit. Toilet hand pump also needs some work, I'm thinking the seals are bad. Same with the sink pump.. you can get the water pumping with enough effort, but it doesn't keep pressure and stops running after ~10 seconds. Seals on the pipes underneath are probably bad. Brakes need to be re-done (including the wiring - it's all shredded like it got caught in the wheel or something). One of the tires needs to be replaced. Other than that, it's mainly cosmetic stuff. New vent covers, the hitch A-Frame needs to be sanded and re-painted. And all the plastic trim that sticks on to the edges of table tops, counters, etc. needs to be replaced because it shriveled from the heat of the sun. Same with the rubber trim that goes around the metal edges on the exterior.
  7. Hey all, Just wondering if any of you have any experience with fixing up older Travel Trailers? I have a 1980 Triple E Comfort 1600 that I picked up last year. Here is one almost identical to it.. just to give you an idea: http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-R...QAdIdZ120122441 (hopefully that listing stays up for a bit) It's in good shape, but definitely needs some work and TLC. I'm weighing our options right now, which are: 1. Slowly restore it to 'like new' condition and keep it. 2. Flip it immediately and put the money towards a newer/nicer trailer - which would really strain our budget. (I got such a good deal on this thing that I'm sure I could get twice what I paid for it even with the work it needs.) 3. Restore it and sell it for ALOT more than what we paid, and then put that money towards a newer/nicer trailer. If I go with either of the "fix it up" options, does anyone know how difficult it is to get replacement parts of a ~30 year old trailer? Is it worth it to spend the time and do the work yourself? I.E. - money saved versus time spent? If you'd recommend I just take it to a shop to get the work done.. does anyone know any good RV mechanics/shops around? Woody's RV is obviously the big popular one.. but that makes me think they're probably also overpriced. "Affordable RV" in town looks decent.. does anyone have any experience with them? Any advice would be appreciated.
  8. WOOOHOOOO!!! I was really starting to worry about BBT quoting me there! http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=275142
  9. Next time I go there it's going to have to be somewhere other than the TU Lease parking lot..
  10. That was amazing. Serves em' all right for laughing at her!
  11. Frickin weather! I was pretty choked when I looked out the window this morning actually..
  12. birchy


    Thank you very much for sharing those with us!
  13. Dammit Tungsten!! You stole my stolen avatar! Where's that boxing smiley Toolman always uses... there it is!
  14. Probably this one. Some people are so blinded by their love for animals they just truly don't get the whole "they're still WILD animals" thing!
  15. Ah, good ol' Doug Swisher and the "micro second wrist".. I just love the awkward looking hunched down position he puts himself into EVERY time he does anything related to a cast! So funny to watch. BUT.. yes, very good videos.
  16. Anyone know where the AEG series falls in the Loop spectrum? I really liked the feel of the rough cork handle.
  17. Agreed Rick. Actually stopped in to Bass Pro Shops today just to check it out. Pretty cool to look at. That's about other. Might take the little guy up there every once in awhile just for the "amusement park" atmosphere.. but I doubt I'll ever buy anything from them.
  18. Just got mine online.. man, they should've switched to this system a long time ago! Better late than never I guess... One question and one complaint.. Question - Are we allowed to cut out the license part with scissors? I.E. - Cut around the grey borders.. Complaint - Unless i'm blind, the new licenses don't have the RAP # printed on them like the old ones did. Although I have the RAP # programmed in my phone, it might be an excuse for others..
  19. Same for me.. Unlike humans, the females seem to have smaller mouths.
  20. Have any of you received this email forward yet? I thought it was amusing, but I can't vouch for the source: Patriotic Retirement - This Would Work: This was an article from the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on "How Would You Fix the Economy?" I thought this was the BEST idea. I think this guy nailed it! Dear Mr.President, Patriotic retirement: There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force; pay them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations: 1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed. 2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed. 3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed. All this and it's still cheaper than the "bailout".
  21. It'll be interesting to see how Omark can take the lumber from a guy like Chris Pronger.. I have a feeling he's all hype.. Playing with MEN is a whole different story for these boys.
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