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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Can you change that to 98 please? 98 is my number.. and the last time I checked, noone in the NHL wears 98. ... ... Cause they know it's MY number.
  2. I just heard a blurb from the game the other night from the announcers.. I guess one of the Oilers radio personalities was doing a segment talking about what's going on, if MacT will be fired, etc.. All of a sudden he got a text message for Darryl Katz that said simply "MacT is not going anywhere". ... Yay! ...
  3. I don't know why.. but for some reason this just screams "brain tumor" to me!
  4. Hey now!! Did Lynn get her Grammar Police badge that I posted for her at least?
  5. Ahhhh.. the memories. I cracked a few heads myself back in the day!! This video > Chuck Norris.
  6. Awesomeness! Haven't had it happen personally... yet... but yeah, lots on this forum have had it happen!
  7. There are no fish in lakes.. lakes suck. I know at least one person that will agree with me on this.. *cough* Taco *cough*
  8. Not sure about that... but they sure add to the "extreme" lifestyle during an electrical storm!
  9. I wanna get myself a pair of Rivershed's in a major way!
  10. Jayhad, Have you looked at the "Hennessy Hammock" as well? MEC carry them.. similar to the one you posted, but not quite as fancy it would seem.
  11. I'm assuming you meant to say "it's the splitshot!"?
  12. I always used to fish my heaviest fly at the bottom because it was easier for me to cast.. but then I started reading that everyone else does it the other way and I switched. I always used to catch fish on the Bow.. and now I don't... hmmm..
  13. Well.. there's one positive to this whole thing, only 5 more games with MacT as head coach. Mark my words here and now.. If the Oilers do not fire Craig MacTavish at the end of this season (I'm assuming they're not making the playoffs yet again), I WILL OFFICIALLY BE A FLAMES FAN NEXT SEASON.
  14. Darren - April 27 and boy.. Dave - May 2 and girl
  15. So true! Got a chance to fish with MTB a couple times and man.. I was watching his indy when he struck on a few fish and I was like "what the duck?". Didn't even see it move..
  16. Hiking up to an alpine lake with overnight packs weighing ~30-40 pounds is the hardest I've done so far. Took us ~3.5 hours up if I recall correctly..
  17. Makes completely sense to me. I keep going back to this article (been posted a few times before) when this topic comes up, because I think it's so stinkin cool! http://www.fieldandstream.com/node/1000014389 Lesson 2 mentions: "Even the best anglers miss 50% of takes." So the way I see it.. I'm probably missing 90% or more.
  18. CRAP!! JUST saw this.. can't make it today.
  19. Well done gentleman!! Thanks for sharing! PS - I share Taco's sentiments as well..
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