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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Thanks for sharing!! I'm so excited to start taking my little guy out.. he's 2 this month.
  2. I hope they catch them and throw the book at them.
  3. ??? What CAN happen in one season? Is it just really dirty, or? (I don't fish as much in one season as most of you guys I'm sure..)
  4. I used to, but haven't since I moved away from Cape Breton. You're right and wrong. You cannot see colors when you're deep just from the regular sunlight. However you can see colors when you're deep if you have a light with you and are shining it on objects - or if you have a camera flash. However, if you or your buddy has something flourescent or neon on their gear, you can still see those colors at depth because ultra-violet light causes them to almost glow. I have a feeling this is what you may be referring to. Here's a good article talking about it: http://www.deep-six.com/page77.htm
  5. Got a call back today that I got a new job! WOOHOO! It's not permanent, but a 5 month contract is a heck of alot better than nothing! Also applied for a desktop support position with the City of Calgary (Calgary Police) last week. Waiting to hear from them about an interview. That'd be a nice and secure job!
  6. Good choice. As long as you don't have to spell it out for them...
  7. I've been thinking about the arrogance displayed by a few members recently - and the subsequent in-fighting that it inevitably causes - and I just thought I'd throw this out there as an idea.. Another forum I frequent actually requires people to post a brief introduction about themselves - their first name and last initial, their age, their education, etc. before they're even allowed to post on the forums. They also require that some form of their name be used as their 'handle' so they can be quickly identified (mine would have to be rbirch or ryanb - initials are not good enough). Pseudonym's are not allowed (no offense Pseudonym!) The idea behind this is that people who create random handles and say nothing about themselves in their profile (I.E. - they were born in 1910 and are now 99 years old) seem to have more of a tendancy to be argumentative and a general pain in the butt. When people have their real names out there, it seems to somewhat deter the whole "everyone's a tough guy on the internet" attitude. If you don't post your intro, the admins delete your posts, no questions asked (after a couple reminders to post the intro first). Some people complain that they want to remain anonymous on the internet and that a first name, last initial is too much info. The reponse is basically, "that's fine, go and post somewhere else then." Would it be worthwhile to do something like that here? Now I fully understand that this forum already has ~2500 members, and asking the majority of them to change their handles may not even be possible - let alone the royal pain in the arse it would be! But I just wanted to throw it out there anyway and see what others thought of the idea..
  8. Absolutely. And have enough room for a live well too!
  9. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929605
  10. Posted on YouTube by "Strando111".. hmmm, I have a feeling this thread could get interesting.
  11. Sorry to contradict, but DO NOT take it to a shop! You'll pay alot of money for poor/slow service. Good suggestions so far re: spybot and ad-aware, I would throw in "Advanced SystemCare" by Iobit as well. It's an excellent program and covers alot more stuff. Failing that, I'd recommend backing up your data to an external harddrive, formatting and reinstalling Windows, and then copying your data back. If you're not comfortable doing that, I can help you out if you'd like. (Or Rufus - technically he beat me to the punch )
  12. Try holding your CTRL key down and hitting the F5 button. That should work.
  13. I have no problem sitting down and doing the research, but I just thought that maybe someone on here might have done it recently and can save me some time! Does anyone have an opinion about which truck rental company gets you the best quality for your money? One thing I do know is that I'm not renting a U-Haul. But after that, there's Budget, National, Penske, etc. I'd be looking to rent a cube van size truck for a day. Thanks!
  14. "Kananaskis" eh?! I'm going there tomorrow and I'm bringing ALL my internet friends.
  15. Bump. Still haven't found anything.. getting pretty desperate. I really don't have any NEED to stay in the IT industry other than the pay. If I can find something else that pays the bills, i'm willing to do it. Please keep an eye open for me peeps!
  16. Interesting - looks like I have some research to do. My mother-in-law has one of these and swears by it! I've done it quite a few times myself actually. I do notice one major difference though.. with hers, there is no wrist strap or any other device connected to you that would "complete the circuit". You just put your feet in the water and that's it. Other than that, it's the same as the ones in the videos. I've asked her a couple times if she's ever tried running it without anyones feet in the water to see what happens - that maybe the junk was coming out of the water itself? I don't think she ever did..
  17. I'm gonna start calling YOU the funbuster..
  18. Yeah.. no disrespect man, but i'm pretty confident that nobody is going to answer that question on this thread. At best you may get a PM.
  19. AEG SERIES, SINGLE-HAND 590-3 The AEG 590 was resurrected from the late-great Loop Grey Line series rod. Incorporating the latest graphite's and glues, Loop Tackle has recreated what is arguably the greatest 5 weight ever built, and at a price point even a “Fish Bum” can afford. AEG Single Hand 590-3, 9 foot, 3 piece, 5 weight. The action is best described as: “Fast but with some Love”, so it will deliver a streamer, but then turn right around and handle a dry fly with amazing accuracy.
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