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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Maybe one of the coolest ideas I've ever seen:
  2. I thought I was pretty good at "hiking to find open water".. then I hear Humble say "6.5km in.. 10.5km to go". HA! Guess I gotta keep walking!
  3. Sounds about right. I must say.. I always wonder when I hear people say "this beauty SIXTEEN inch rainbow took me to my backing 3 times!" What the? There's this little knob on the side of your reel... Fly fishing for 4 years now (granted I don't get out near as much as some of you) and still haven't seen my backing a single time!
  4. I'll be there at some point. Not sure if it'll be one or both days.. My secret fishing spot is on the Bow between the WHD weir and the Caresland weir.. Oops.
  5. Thank you for sharing. Looked like an amazing time.
  6. They'll have everything you need there for you to try.
  7. I'd just like to say that I have a man crush on Jordan Eberle.. can't wait for this kid to be in an Oilers uniform! Goaltending (on both sides) and blocked shots is what won that one for the USA. Amazing game.
  8. Rick often uses this thing called humor.. If you do some digging in the Flames thread.. you should soon find out why he said what he did.
  9. You might try posting this on iceshanty.com instead. You'll probably get alot more help there. Off the top of my head.. sometimes certain layers of ice are alot harder than the rest, and it feels like you're not cutting through anymore.
  10. I know what you're saying.. I was coming home the other night and people kept cutting me off left and right! I mean, all I was trying to do was 120km/h on icy roads while eating my burger and drinking my coke!! Bunch a jerks!
  11. It looks to me like the angler is using more than 3 points on one common shaft, so I believe this would be poaching.
  12. Finally some point of reference (last sentence in the article): http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2009/12/18/h1n1-who.html What happened to all the "you're selfish and uninformed if you don't get this shot" people? Haven't heard from them in awhile. I particularly like the "comments" that people post after these articles.. a couple of my favorites: "H1N1 kills 10,000 people. Seasonal flu typically kills 250,000. Maybe the headline should read, "Seasonal flu kills 260,000 people worldwide". Perhaps there was an over-reaction. Perhaps GlaxoSmithKline helped the government over-react and as a result make billions of dollars. AIDS, cancer, heart disease, stupidity, and various others will each kill more people in one day than this so called pandemic will kill in a year. I think there are bigger issues out there." "Interesting fact..... 24,000 people die worldwide each year from LIGHTNING STRIKES.... that's 2.4 times more people than H1N1." http://www.lightningsafety.com/nlsi_histor...initiative.html
  13. Queue Michael from The Office.. "That's what she said!"
  14. YOU shall bust fun no more!! Muahahahahaha..
  15. I think pretty much everyone on here will say that Jarome will be a Hall of Famer.. right? Well.. up until the end of the 08-09 season, Iginla has 942 games played, and 851 points. By comparison, Kariya in that same timeframe has 914 games played, and 946 points. I will say however that I'd rather have Iginla on my team before Kariya any day. However... those stats might surprise some!
  16. So, what you're saying is.. send the wife out to check it?
  17. I guess that makes me a "Bubba".. Thanks for the reminder Brian.
  18. I'm surprised noone mentioned that they were in Calgary the other day as well..
  19. Thanks for sharing Max. Now.. where's that $800 I left laying around..?
  20. That's excellent.. you can even fit a few (still assembled) spey rods on the back of that thing!
  21. Wow.. what a gorgeous brownie. What did the chick throw in the water?
  22. That's sweet. I was doing some Googling and actually found that www.delica.ca site already. Been watching some "mitusbishi delica off road" videos on youtube too.
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