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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Pretty hard to complain when youŕe in the middle of an ADVENTURE... but here goes.. Im sitting on a computer in a hostel in Barcelona at 348am.. cant freakin sleep for the life of me because its 8 million freakin degrees outside and humid as hell.. on top of that.. I got some dude sleeping in the bed beside me that is the most annoying sleeper ive ever heard in my life.. he is starts scratching his leg really loudly.. after about 15 20 seconds i start counting.. 31 scratches later he finally finishes.. 45 seconds after that the guy is sawing down a freaking forest with his snoring... LOUD .. sigh.. snores for 3 or 4 minutes and then starts scratching his leg again.. this has repeated for the last 3 hours or so.. its gonna be a long day tomorrow!!!! Then again... im in barcelona, and from what i hear.. you suckers are getting snowed on!!! ha PS .. this keyboard is in a different language.. how dare they!!
  2. Or any of the site sponsers..
  3. They work. The speed won't blow your mind by any means.. but they work. If you're going to get one, I'd recommend Rogers since they just switched over to their new HSPA+ network in Calgary..
  4. Amen. My little story about Fish Tales.. I had heard so many people raving about this shop I had to go and check it out. Very first time in there, one of the owners greets me, shakes my hand, asks my name and what I'm looking for. Awesome. But here's the kicker.. second time I went in the store ever in my life.. it was probably at least a month after the first time.. walk in and the owner says "hey Ryan, how's it going?" I couldn't even remember his name.. had to ask him to remind me. Excuse me?! I've been in here once and this guy is calling me by my first name? I've been a loyal customer ever since that moment! I'd be lying if I said I haven't bought a thing or two at other stores, but Fish Tales will always have the bulk of my purchases simply because of my first two visits. Blew me away. In contrast.. I've been in a different local fly shop about 6-8 times so far, and I don't think the owner has ever even given me a simple 'hello'. Boo.
  5. Sorry to hear that Jay. He sounds like he was a great man! Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing. Screw the haters.
  6. Would you believe it if I told you I haven't caught a cutty yet this year? True story.
  7. I want a Loop very badly. Can't afford one right now.. not even the last Trout bum series that I've heard is still at Southbow.
  8. Sid Crosby and a few of the Team Canada invitees were out on the river with one of the site sponsers one morning while they were here..
  9. THANK YOU!! I was going to say it.. but I refrained. Apparently certain individuals here have NEVER once done this.. PS - I'm not a cake fan, but I love pie.
  10. First post on the 2nd page. It would appear that they do not have rights to the streambed.
  11. orvisonly!! I've missed you smart@ss!! Where have you been? There have been a few threads on here lately that could use your input.
  12. LOL.. you guys are funny. My hands aren't THAT big.. Measured at 16". But yes, Carlodabroads.. exactly why I posted. Great fish out of a small creek!
  13. Never thought of the beer part.. great idea!
  14. I believe this is the thread you were looking for.. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...l=shack+nasties
  15. CDock and I kept saying to each other.. "we got to get up to the Red Deer a bunch this year".. yeah, hasn't happened. But thanks for the reminder of WHY we were saying that!
  16. That's about all you could do in that situation. Good job.
  17. Man.. I have the itch to go golfing again so bad!!! Good thing I sold all my gear..
  18. Ryan Birch - Nickname = birchy I know.. people are pretty creative! Birch Tree was my other nickname.. The ladies called me gorgeoustoughsexystud though...
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