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Everything posted by Lundvike

  1. Wow I am not sure I would have even attempted that.
  2. it didn't take long for people to capitalize on the destruction check these sites out: Denim Pine Article Denim Pine Product Sheet It also appears that a some people in a sagging forestry industry are making lots of money just getting rid of the infested timber.
  3. Awesome. I am gonna have to try some of that web wing stuff. I take a dozen if you need the practice.
  4. I am going to beautiful Waukesha, WI for a 2 week training course which covers the easter long weekend (not a stat holiday down there) I was hoping to find a guide to do a 1 day walk and wade. Anyone know anything useful?
  5. As I said in the other post about sharkskin the line actually has increased surface area due to its roughness, but also because of the roughness there is less surface tension therefore less drag on the water. Now can I have my free line yet?
  6. I have a hard time imagining a plastic wearing down a Titanium/Chrome guide in a noticeable amount of time. If I had lots of money i would buy this line the science behind it just makes sense, although the cut finger thing is probably an issue.
  7. I am from Lund BC, on the west coast so I will add what I know. two big problems are: the addition of non-native fish, namely atlantic salmon which have now been found spawning in some river systems obvious loss of habitat for native fish, and sea lice which grows rapidly when fish are in held in pens, whole runs have been destroyed be sea lice. Also a good portion of the fish food ends up on the bottom below the pens which significantly alters the bottom fish population, rock cod, ling cod, halibut etc. are replaced by less desirable bottom dwellers. There is a bay very close to where I grew up that had a fish farm in it, the farm has been gone for probably 15 years and the bottom fish population is starting to recover. Recently fish farms have been setup on shore rather than in the ocean this eliminates the non-native species issue. As for fish farms protecting native fish from human pressure it is probably a wash at this point as to the damaged caused versus the amount of pressure taken off. There is also a lake near where i am from that has a Kokanee ( Kokanee info ) farm which has essentially stocked that lake and others in the system with Kokanee.
  8. Not that it makes any differnece but I was going for fishable if I was going for pretty I would have spent an hour tying a dozen flies and scrutinizing all of them and not submitted the first one I tied.
  9. I think the freshwater licenses should be similar to the Saltwater ones in that there are two license groups one for residents of Canada and one for non-residents. This out of province thing is a little ridiculous in my opinion.
  10. With whatever is available.
  11. I think before you go out and spend a ton of cash on material I would tie a few (dozen) flies with what came in you kit, just to make sure you enjoy it. If it is like the kit I got from my inlaws it probably came with an instruction manual to tie a few patterns specific to what materials are in the kit. just my $.02
  12. Cause I couldn't enter my Candied midge from the christmas flies challenge I found this one. Its different, really it is. My adaptation of a Rojo Midge: Hook: Tiemco 2487 #16 Thread: Red 8/0 Gills: White Calf body Head: Green bead, Bright green peacock herl Body: Red Midge floss, Red 30 AWG ceramic coated wire wrapped opposite the floss
  13. My dad loved it. He has a good friend who teachs a fly-fishing course and he kept saying how he was going to quiz him on what the patterns were. Half of them are customized so he probably won't get the exact names. Anyways thanks everyone who helped with the patterns. I will do this again however probably not soon, it was very time consuming.
  14. Missing my vise only 3 days till I get back from vacation. Din could you post a recipe?
  15. Yes there a number of dead snags that seem to pop up and grab your fly on the backcast. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday I will let you all know how it goes.
  16. thanks everyone i was so critical of it that my wife finally just made me wrap it so I would stop fiddling with it.
  17. So I started out almost 2 months ago with the plan to make a shadow box for my dads 60th. The inspiration is the beaver pond where my dad taught me to fish and that I fished almost weekly until I was 18 and left for university. I still fish it a couple of times a year, I went there yesterday and there was a thin layer of ice on it not good for fly-fishing. The Pond is the background for the shadow box. I planned on doing streamers and drys but a botched ebay auction left me without the hackle I wanted, so streamers and nymphs it is. The streamers got kind squished in transit so they aren't as nice as I hoped they would be. Anyways here is the final product. These things are hard to photograph at least for me.
  18. Thats too bad I was hoping to put one on my car.
  19. I found this article I will have to try it out when I get back from vacation. Overhand Knot Weave Is your fly a different color on the bottom?
  20. OMG that is just beautiful. I am gonna have to learn how to do that braid(weave?) work it looks really impressive. Thats too bad I had most of my worm patterns completed, I guess I will just have to fish them. I wish I had more time to try some of the other patterns. Thanks for trying to organize this, it would have been an amazing display.
  21. My hopper pattern was tied before the terrestrials competition as i stated when I posted it. I didn't have time to tie another. I have never entered it in any other competitions I swear.
  22. Lundvike

    Bwo Nymph

    Newbie question of the day: Why are you concerned about the bead sliding forward? I doesn't look like there is anywhere for it to go in your picture.
  23. There were a couple of browns yesterday who felt the same way. then the rock fish got it.
  24. I think this is legitimate I have seen spawning salmon do similar things on the west coast to try and get around fish hatcheries. Heres another link: Daily Mail And Brichy is right definetly instinctual.
  25. Wow had I known people would get this serious about this contest I would have done something other than a simple nymph.
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