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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. before Kipper got a fat paycheck he made these saves. The defence hasn't changed that much. every night we get out GOALTENDED, not outplayed. Period.... and again tonight.... though that was a totally infuriating game to watch becuase the whole team was sucking bad. ever since the trade the chemistry has been gone. Cammi is wondering where he's gona fit in, Leopold just plain sucks... sorry but... wtf were they thinking getting rid of Lombardi our fastest skater and biggest threat to bust a breakway on the PK... now the other teams are closing in and preying off of us on their PP. BAAAAD TRADE. I said I'd give a few weeks before I decided, and that I was on the fence about the trade. I'll say it now... it's ruined the team concept the flames were slamming the opponents with up until a month ago. and before you slam me....Whats the record since this trade? O... yea... um.... brutal...
  2. Thanks guys. I'll be coming to calgary for the whole week after easter sunday... would love to get out on that there river with any of ya! (but I'll need a ride... I'll pay for gas!)
  3. Doesnt matter who the frick we play if we outshoot a team 45+ to under 25 and lose..... :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: :$*%&: we need some damn goaltending!!
  4. walker. I may be going through the same thing with an injury at work. Is all the above (CT scan, MRI, etc) coming up negative and there saying your fine, yet your unable to do daily things and a day on the river is about as close to hell as it is to heaven? If so we are in the same boat man. Ive been a mole at home since dec 10 when I hurt my back. managed to get to the crow a couple weeks back and I think I am still suffering from it..... getting so tired of this daily hell..
  5. awww man I meant to hit A and then ... this horrible lag happened.... yeah that's it.... um... lag, yeah and when it cleared I had voted for B... rofl
  6. LOL love the sucker shots...
  7. LMFAO yes it does "BLOW" ask clive and his posse' LOLOL
  8. Just goes to show you can have a "marginal" team with GREAT goaltending, and do well, or a very good team, with shoddy goaltending that's not ther when you need it, and falter (flames). This should be an interesting end to the season. I kinda hope we dont play eachother in the first round... I want canadian teams to go far.
  9. rofl. been there done that. house doors look so tough yet are sooOOooOoo very fragile
  10. As I sit in my office lookin at the 2+ feet of snow in my backyard... I must now also too, join the club and call ya a..... BASTARD!! Have fun..
  11. Simple fact is, Kipper needs to make ONE more big save a night, instead of it finding the back of the net. then this team has a chance. right now, it doesn't.
  12. Stockers that are 2yr old (in the lake for one winter) are really tasty I find. you gotta get them in about may before the water really heats up though. lakes like Paine, Beauvais, etc have some dang tasty fish. I cut sloce thru belly, empty guts leave the spine and rest of fish intact.. I cover with butter, stuff the insides with butter n lemon pepper, maybe some onion and garlic as well, then tin foil them up and BBQ them.... MMmMMMmm
  13. Man I wish I could fish as much as you do ..... nice pics. Love the brown / graffitti shots... ads a little "gangsta" to it
  14. Make the fine for getting caught 1000 bucks or more, for fishing without a license for starters. Then, make the fines for illegal harvest START at 5,000. Wanna save the fish? Jack up the fines and make the asshats breaking the regs and/or unethical fishing shake in their boots.
  15. Guys. Please stay down there for at least a month... thank you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (we need some damn calm days on bullshead this year).
  16. Shaggy, shamefull... you gone over to the dark side. BIG game tonight against a lesser team... the flames not only need to win this game they need to destroy minnesota... 100% hard play for 60 minutes and a 6-1 win tonight ... that's my call.
  17. I hope you wiped off your damn saliva from it. Can't wait to see this store It will be on my list of stops simply due to location... and the guys running it are good guys too.
  18. here's a favorite pic from "canmore" near "mount watchmacallit" lol
  19. Me too as I usually end up coming from Okotoks when I get a chance to fish the Bow (wife's folks live there)
  20. a 5-0 beatdown. What else can we say? They just went on a short roadie and got SKUNKED no goals! NONE! I hope some azz kicking is going on. Honestly... they need to sit iginla for a game or two. He needs to get his head on right. And Dion. Sutter needs to grow some balls and bench the guys who arent playing hard.
  21. I beg to differ with you. Have had lots of people from all over the world cast _______ vs _______ with one being high end top brand name **coughsagesough** and the other being a lower priced very popular rod. The low end rod was PREFERRED by feel by most people. They walked away going WTF am I spending 800 bucks on a damn rod for. This was with rods in the 3/4 category.
  22. I guess I'm not postin' enough to get mentioned. I better step up my game ...lol Sooooo... how about that highwood confluence fishin??
  23. Great. You can be sure the gear/baitchucking will increase and more of our fish will end up on walls now. Monkey see monkey do. I hate big stores.
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