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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Rickr. respectfully, your not getting my point. make a beef with ALL of them, or lay off on ALL of them. I don't think bert was right. But it was a hockey play in a hockey game. What the other guys did was far worse, IMHO, and bert's more of a villain for what he did. It's not right. I don't condone ANY of their actions, all I am saying is it's BS bert's getting all the crap.. while other scumbags aren't. PS NICE GOAL BERT!
  2. Have no idea about the fishing (heard it's good, but then again I heard HAT CREEK in california was good too and was dissapointed beyond belief in what they call trophy fishing in the USA) but all I can say about the green (near the damn) is that it's one of the prettiest places in N america... IMHO. have driven over the damn a few times and longed to fish that peice of water.
  3. I didn't mean to say that YOUR saying frunk driving is ok... however your defense of your position is, in my opinion, weak. you ask what the other things have to do with hockey. A lot, in this case Player one puches someone - villain for the rest of his life for the outcome of a emotional hockey game where people throw puches every game, and commit the same acts as he did, every game. Player 2 breaks the law speeding excessively, and kills someone becuase of it - and is not villified Coach 1 drives drunk and breaks the law, and he's also not a villain. WTF is wrong with this picture???? Either lay off on Bert, or start booing MacT and Heatley vehemently as well.
  4. It's funny how the world works... always the pot calling the kettle black. drunk driving is ok... wow... what bert did was no worse than what every brother has done to his brother millions of times. Push, punch, cheap shot whatever... it happens every game... all the time. The outcome penalized bert, not the act. Bert's a villain for a punch that happens in every scrum... every time a player gets leveled there's always someone skating across the ice to "take care of business"... every damn game. Do I think it's right? Hell no. Do I think it's right to single out ONE guy for something that all of them do all the time and he got a bad break becuase the guy he did it too fell ackwardly to the ice? Hell yes. Did I ever boo for bert? Hell no. Cheers.
  5. Why isnt heatley a frikkin villain? it's ok to get someone killed becuase your driving like an ass, but it's not ok to get in a scrum in a hockey game? I dont get it. out...
  6. Rickr, Yes, damn near every game someone drives someone into the board, punches them in the face, gives them a facewash, steps on them with their skates, etc etc etc. The next time someone facewashes someone, what if they fall backwards ackwardly into the goal post and break there neck? is the guy facewashing the other guy gonna be a villain for the rest of his life? give it a rest. GO BERT GO!
  7. I for one was glad to see that kind of emotion from him. since his suspension he's been scared to play the damn game. tired of everyone treating him like a criminal for an act that happens in EVERY SINGLE hockey game.. that in his case had the worst possible outcome. Once again, the world looks at the outcome and not the act.
  8. ADC. Looks like Clive's pretty good with photoshop again eh?
  9. Roses are red, Violets are blue, If your fishing the Bow, Your fishing in POO!
  10. You can actually trick fish into doing what you want them to do.. (sometimes)
  11. Bob hasn't fished dry fly with a 3wt on the Bow much then
  12. On a warm summer's eve, On a river east of cowtown, I met up with the ninja, We were both too tired to speak.. So we took turns a starin', Down the run to spot a riser, Till boredom overtook us, And he began to speak.. Son I've made a life, Out of readin' this here water, Knowing where the fish lie, By the way the water moves, So if you don't mind me saying, I can see your our here flailin', For a shot of your floatant, I'll give you some advice. So I offered him my gink, And he tied on his best dry fly, Covered it with floatant, then he began to cast, And the night got deftly quiet, And his face lost all expression, He said, If your gonna fish this river, You got to learn to fish it right... You got to know how to cast it, Know how to mend it, Know when to set the hook, And when to let 'em run. You never count your fish, When your standin' in the river, There'll be time enough for countin, When the fishing's done! Know every fisher knows, That the serect to survivin' Is what to tie on, And what to leave in the box, Cause every fly's a winner, And every fly's a loser, The best that you can hope for, Is the one the trout do want.. When he had finished speaking, He turned back toward the river, Let out a few casts, And faded from my view. And somewhere in the darkness, his reel started screamin, and in his final words he found, The trout of his dreams. You got to know how to cast 'em, Know how to mend 'em, Know when to set the hook, And when to let them run, You never count your fish, When your standin' in the river, There'll be time enough for countin', When the fishin's done...
  13. Right now I'd be happy if I could stand for 15 minutes, let alone fish. so my goal for 2009 is to be fishing without pain by april.. so I can make my annual april birthday trip to the crow After that... I can't wait to fish steel this fall with Max. I'll bring the camera, he'll bring the tonsils.
  14. so.... yesterday I had to wear an ugly t-shirt to my physiotherapy clinic. they were having ugly t-shirt day. I went thru my closet and lo and behond... I found my.... OILERS JERSEY.
  15. wiggler. I woulda been bitchin too, I just had nothing to say. I was in a state of shock. They looked BaaaAAAaaad in those losses. Carefull though, the flames thread forums police might soon come tell us what to think.
  16. cool pics. Geez the blackstone looks nice. *adds that to the list of alberta streams yet to be fished*
  17. How could you!!! showing background of sercet spot # 472845-32 I spent all my life looking for a spot like that and now it's RUINED!! Ohhh the HORRER! Just kidding man nice pics. Gawd I hope it's a nice few days on the 20/21st. I'll be in the area.
  18. I guess Im a bad fan cuase I kept my mouth shut when they were losing. They looked like a minor league team the chicago game. I was too upset to say anything. hope we can stay away from chicago in round one.
  19. Not really. I'd have been happy to see them crush everyone... Can we get the person who started this nuck's thread banned for life???
  20. No, but I'm always on the lookout for anyone from this area interested in sharing some time on the water (as long as they can keep quiet )
  21. Love that vid. That was your best one yet (IMHO). Well done. If you ever want to shoot some really neat crow footage, or farther south, waaay south... gimme a PM. I could certainly take you to spots that would be prime footage locations for both the fishing, and the setting. Big trout down south? Just a rumor
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