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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. I kinda watched this when I guided... becuase it was of interest to me. People that reeled with the dominant hand (be it left or right, whatever hand your dominant with) landed about twice as many hooked trout as those that reeled with the opposite hand. I don't think it's the actual reeling that made the difference, but line control when a fish ran right at ya (stipping, etc)... that failed them.
  2. haha, sorry mate. Looks like our lines got crossed then were both fighting the same fish here in the area your fishing, is it actually unlawfull to release the fish? I know some of my european clients fish in places where you cannot (by law) release what you catch and you MUST keep it... and your done the days fishing when you limit out.
  3. lmfao. you guys better be getting a cake with a FLY BOX inside it or something!
  4. Cast right and reel right. I have a seamless transition that keeps tension on the line and also reels in the loop of line (if there is one). My left hand *can* reel if need be, but it's better left doing nothing as it's usually just in the way. It's a darn good rod holder during the fight
  5. I was defending you, but thanks for jumping all over me and accusing me. Much appreciated.
  6. if there coming back at you faster than you can reel, run backwards up the bank! keep tension!
  7. not if your 250lbs I sunk to my knees and barely got out the first time I was fishing it, and didnt dare go close again. Had to find an old board to lay flat on the mud to get close enough to fish it at most places. If your gonna fish this lake from shore take along a 2ft x 2ft peice of plywood to stand on
  8. I dont think images need to be removed from a post that clearly states "all fish were to be taken" in it, meaning they were kept. Nice pics of whats left.
  9. That place is TOUGH to shore fish, the whole edge is very swampy and you'll sink up to your neck in a hurry! I tried it, ended up back at the dock (and landed a couple from there on boatmen this fall). Good on ya for getting nice one from shore! I liked the place, would be awesome with a pontoon!
  10. Studies with laboratory rats have proved that jumping in a fish tank with a big bass, may be harmfull to your health.
  11. It's a good thing that for the canucks they scored to keep it out of overtime.... Becuase then Chicago would have run your goalie, and scored on the play with goaltender interference, to decidedly do a TSN turning point in the series.
  12. Greg. I'll add 2 dozen of my favorites (nymphs + streamers) for the Bow River, tied by me.
  13. I'll take one of those Don. make it extra large print so the idiots can see it.
  14. How did they taste :P Seriosuly though, nice bullies. I love them all dressed to the nine's like that.
  15. You guys make a good point about Iginla too. I watched the games... he looked lame. Couldn't hang onto the puck, and got outmuscled at every chance. He sucked too.... if your star player can't battle through some decent defence pairings, then maybe it's time to make some changes. EDIT: this doesn't mean I am saying he sucks, he doesn't.. this doesn't mean I am saying "trade iginla".. no freekin way... BUT... he did nothing during the flames most important games 5 and 6... he was freekin invisible.
  16. Kipper is slow and washed up. Time to move on. Nothing else to blame last nights game on but the same thing that's been hurting this team all year. Sh*tty goaltending. I cant think of even one game all season where kipper stole it.. maybe one vs colorado, but ONE... maybe. To win in the playoffs you have to have a goalie who can steal a game for you each series that you didnt deserve to win. Chicago certainly did that last night. Thanks you for 2004 kipper, but you gotta step aside now and let someone else take to the nets, becuase you SUCK now!
  17. Smitty: turn that around this way: Great on the canadian women to beat USA despite the horrible reffing. One game. Do you think they could have won 4 of 7 reffed like that? Probably not. case in point, the flames have to win 4 of 7 despite brutal reffing every friggin game. God it's hard to be a fan of a team that gets the shaft so bad. The only other team that even comes close to getting shafted on penalties as bad as the flames is the ducks (for some reason)
  18. LOL... yeah. sometimes ya just gotta get away too You know what GOLF stands for right? Gents Only, Ladies Forbidden. We screwed that up pretty bad now though .....
  19. Yes but if you can get that "client" hooked... you'll have a long happy life ahead with some great joys on the water. May the fish gods smile upon your first trip down the river with her
  20. Becuase they got a completely ridiculous 5 on 3 called against them early in game 7. I could refresh your memory of how there was ONE legit flames penalty, and then two guys tied up in the corner throwing punches at eachother, and they only sent the flames player to the bin, making it a 5 on 3 which of course tampa scored on... and in a tight defensive game as it was in '04, the stripes had done their job. They also called a flames penalty with about a minute to go when lecavlier or st louis got cut by his own damn stick on a play. Pretty hard to win playoff series when the opposing team has a 9vs5 PP all game.
  21. Looks like BH to me. Nice pics. Some of those fish are sure pretty right now, how dare they call em "boots" in some places.!
  22. I would add my peice here but I think max nailed it. You would have to be prepared to take a lot of criticism for any opinion you voice on internet sites like this too, and if you do very well, be prepared to have some haters too, who think they are better than you no matter what you do. Be yourself, have fun, and remember the good days when the bad days are going on, kip your chin up, always stay positive, and remember the fish are the fish, and sometimes there's nothing YOU can do to help someone else catch them, even if you know that if the rod was in your hand, you'd have a few to the net. realize that some people are born with a "fishy" sense... and can catch fish, and some people just can not, no matter what ya do. Guiding is a lot of fun... I miss it a lot. Someone criticized me on another thread for only fishing 6 different areas. My advice would be, if your going to guide, get to know 6 or 7 different areas like the back of your hand. know them, know each rock and stick, each lie, each individual fish even. Then you know what to expect.. and which clients can catch which fish... some are going to be easier than others.
  23. That article reminded me again how many people think it's ok to quickly move a fish back and forth in the water to "revive" it. All that accomplishes is an artificial infusion of oxygen, extra stress, and the fish takes off (due to the extra oxygen) and then has a very high chance of death, becuase it never did properly recover (by resting and breathing normally for as long as it takes), instead of the opposite.
  24. Don't even ghet me started on '04 :$*%&: It's the same this year. It's the timing of penalties, and the ones they let go. Then they call some gay even - up calls to make it look no so lop sided on the scorers sheet 2 days later, when if you watch the games you know that calgary gets royally screwed every game. So what if we had a 5 on 3 with 9 seconds left in a 4-2 win? Stuff like that...
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