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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. As someone who will never know my real grandfather, thanks for this.. means a lot to me.
  2. That's the FIRST break calgary has gotten all series is one sequence of plays that led to a goal. How about the fact that depsite our guys getting hualed down all game last night the Hawks had 4 power plays to the flames ONE?? Go check every game... Hawks PP is on the ice for about 5-10 minutes more than the flames.. have both teams been commiting fouls? yes.. Im not arguing that the flames should NOT have been in the box, but all the non calls the other way have been infuriating. If I am alone in thinking this why was the loudest chant at the game last night "we wanna ref, we wanna ref, we wanna ref"?
  3. Looks like the flames are gonna have to battle the hawks + refs duo again tonight. what a frikkin joke. kipper gets run, and 2 blatant non calls on flames getting dumped, and 2 weak calls against calgary... and booya... tie game. doesnt help that kipper cant stop a beach ball, but neither can Habubulin tonight... so the refs are taking over. Congrats again stripes, you've made this a fun game for the good ol' USA to watch. Man the NHL makes me sick sometimes. It's so obvious every time a canadian team goes up against an american one. See how hard the stripes tried to give ST louis that game last night? lol... Kipper needs to turn in a "Luongo-esque" third...
  4. Ummm... the VCR defence is between the pipes, and it played pretty good... good enough to dominate a series. and the clowns at TSN aren't any better. I think there all in bed with TOEWS.... don't you? They make him sound like jesus christ himself stepped on the ice...
  5. Oh yeah. He kicked my azz.... next time I hit a river with carp in it I'm packing an 8wt
  6. Get out there and fish ya bunch of pansies! This might be your best chance in the spring to fish a true BWO hatch. Look to the slow flats that you know hold browns, and be patient as you look for risers. they'll be in the SLOWEST of slow water in the spring, sipping these bugs. If I had the chance to be up in calgary right now, i'd be PUMPED, not dissapointed...
  7. LMFAO weedy you just set the new world record for how far a human being can launch half melted chocolate chips from one's mouth.... I spit 'em out everywhere man... gawd... LOLOL
  8. hehe good tune - everyone's making there own youtube vids of it LOL
  9. I'll cry foul even when the flames win, what a absolute joke from the stripes again tonight. Anyone who actually watches these games and knows anything about hockey in general would be disgusted. GREAT effort, great intensity by the flames. They won DESPITE the worst reffing I've seen since '04
  10. If you wanna drink and watch the flames win, you better stick in a VCR tape by the looks of it tonight. Looks like the refs are up to there old tricks, and now the flames are afraid to hit a fly becuase they know the arms gonna go up as soon as they do as usual. Might I suggest something from '04?
  11. First period - flames dominate - score 2 to 0 - reffing is fair end of first - flames get a b.s call against them. If that's interference then all players on both sides should be in the box, all game. Just a total garbage call, the same as all the calls when the flames do start owning a game, that are made, to get the other team back into the game. Second period - flames again chicken to do anything becuase of a bad call - hawks SCORE on that power play they got from the BS call at end of first - flames afraid to hit or make contact in 2nd - score 3-2 hawks after two. For those that say it has nothing to do with bad calls and shitty reffing.... Puuuhleeease... Congrats refs... errr I mean hawks. Great work so far. and come on flames, battle through this in the third.
  12. didn't you post some of these last year too? I'm sure you did. Very cool stuff... I love watching birds fly. Cant find any youtube vids of whiffling.
  13. Holy crap ya old geezer... the big four - OH... 40! Hope you were able to get outta fort mac and maybe spend some time at a favorite fishing spot or two!
  14. Hah... no I said if the reffing is going to be the same there's no sense. I dont care how good a team is, when they get screwed by the refs each and every game it gets mentally tough... there plain worn out and scared from it and that's how there playing. will I be watching tonight? Of course I will... A truly great championship team HAS to battle through reffing to win. Need to see that from the flames.
  15. Carp are awesome. I hit one while nymphing the portneuf (near Pocatello, ID) last year. Huge beasts. I never did land it as I had my 3wt for trout fishing, but the thing was about 40lbs or more... and I base that guess on having caught a 40lb fish just a few weeks before that trip on the Port. Carp would be really fun to target, what do they eat, grass?
  16. I tend to watch with a very objective eye. On both sides. I am pretty vocal about calgary getting screwed every game... I dont have to go haul in the season stats of the flames getting less PP than the other team does about 80% of games now do I? It's not coincedence. Some one or something has the refs against this team. Having said that... our PP sucks, and cammi should be gone for a game. Now that's not whining, it's the facts. If cammi doesnt get a suspension, I guess all is about even (kipper being run over and all)... if cammi's gone and the hawks get to roam free and crash into kipper while scoring game winning OT goals... then it's the usual flames postseason. See ya next year. No sense in even watching game two.
  17. every time the flames respond they get sent to the box while the other team does as it pleases. Been a trend all year, why should it change now? Maybe the guys are scared to hit becuase when they do they get f****d by the refs?
  18. whining with a actual cuase is justified. Different year, same pile of absolute f**kin garbage reffing. I bet cammaleri will get a game for his act, while the guy who punched oli in the head wont get mentioned again,,,, ever. And, wtf? TWO of chicago's goals the result of a blatant NON call... the first one our guy gets hauled down on a scoring chance in the hawks end and they come back get the puck in go cycle and score goal #2 to tie it. the second one, in OT... come on. what the hell??? The guy wasnt run into kipper he backed into kipper... I guess what pisses me off is why wasnt keenan out there raising absolute hell?? I didnt see the postgame but if keenan isnt facing a stiff fine for foul language and criticizing the refs... i *WILL* be dissapointed in him.
  19. All I am gonna say about last night is that McElhinney played great last night. The same shots and same types of plays that have getting PAST kipper, were stopped last night. Enough said. Here's hoping they start McElhinney against the hawks the second Kipper looks sub-par, as he has done all year. Don't try and defend him please... the TEAM has looked good becuase they've scored a lot and it's been covering up our bad goaltending... but I ask you one thing... how many 2-1 or 1-0 games have we won this year? And how many 2-1 or 1-0 games did we win on our way to the cup finals in 2004?
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