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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. No. Private water regs are those imposed by owner of said private body of water, on said private body of water.
  2. I dont think I have ever turned away anyone who walks up in a courteous manner and asks to fish a run. I get a little vocal with guys who do what that guy did to you, however. It is VERY BAD etiquette to just step in the same run as someone is fishing without first asking them. The people that do it deserve a slap upside the head.
  3. Is it just me or has this auction lost a lot of steam since being moved to this section of the forums. I think it should be pinned on all sections, sort of like a "global announcement" type thread that you can see from all forums. What say ye, mods? let's get this thing back on track. Cheers
  4. I can almost HEAR clive at work in photoshop right now don't dissapoint us!
  5. what's beyond me is how can anyone eat fish from this river, YUK! Tell them boys to go fish below the calfrobe bridge on the west bank if they wanna eat fish
  6. some kind of expensive rum and / or scotch I would say
  7. Oh dont get me wrong... I never said there's anything wrong with sage's, just meant that maybe they might not be for him..
  8. Bingo. I'd also add, if your budget is 400 bucks, ask the shop to cover up all the names on the rods, and find the one that suits YOU best. I find more people think a rod's better becuase of the name on the side of it. No rod is all that much better than another.. you just have to change YOUR casting to match each stick. I've seen guys cast a 50 dollar canadian tire rod with perfect loops all day, and guys with 1000 dollar high end sage's and 30 years fishing not throw a nice loop, ever.. so go find something that suits you and that you like to cast and that your accurate with, and forget about the name on it You might prefer a 100 dollar rod, you might find that you prefer an 800 dollar rod (and if so, hopefully your not married yet LOL). You never know.
  9. How many times have you had your picture taken with a flash. Probably in your long lifetime (much longer than a trouts anyways) at least a few hundred if not a thousand times. By gosh, when you were a baby in that first month there were probably 500 pics taken right there. I think the fish will be fine, I doubt any single bow river fish has had it's picture taken more than 20 times.
  10. Ha. I remember that night Greg. Me Rusty and H20 were up the bank hiding in a sheltered spot watching that bad boy crack and roll. That was the night you guys were going to meet up with us wasn't it? PS. You sissy. Ya packed up. Fishing after that was nuts
  11. anyone else addicted to sirius channel 23 hair nation? I am LOLOL
  12. My Korker's blew apart on me yesterday... the metal lace (with the knob that tighten them and pops to loosen them) ... the metal lace was broken.... how the heck does that happen? sure the boots are 2 years old and have seen about 50 days fishing, but come ON the metal LACE came apart. I hope they stand behind their product
  13. Birthday fishing is always the best. Got my biggest flyrod trout to date (not including steelhead or salmon) on a "birthday trip". Happy birthday guys.! Hope there's a big one waiting for ya!
  14. Most of them were novice, your right. Probably bad at line control to begin with, and then you combine the excitement of a hot fish on the other end of the rod and their "off hand" loses ALL co-ordination LOL
  15. Vancouver's looking good. *cough* errrr Luongo's looking good I mean.
  16. Nice pics guys. I'd love to see a shot of a 32 incher... where from the bow or "elsewhere"??
  17. The first thing I do when I hook up is start heading for shore. That way when the need arises you CAN run backwards or have the mobility to chase fish. If you hook up with a fish in butt-deep water and your NOT immediately heading for shore, your losing the battle already
  18. something else to think about.... use the heaviest line you can get away with. and then use the heaviest pressure you can put on the fish. The second your rod is not bent over and heavy into the fish, is the same second that your increasing your odds of losing the fish dramatically. I have landed 25+ inch trout on the Bow in a matter of under a minute a few times.. (now having said that... I've also had 14 inchers that kicked my a$$ too.... ).
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