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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. well if you watched tonights game you can see rehsifylf's points. yet another game where the flames badly outplayed the opposition, only to lose becuase the other teams goaltending was far superior. This DOES happen a lot it seems. Kipper and Iggy got to get back on a hot streak, becuase as they go this team goes. At least the team seems to be generating a lot of chances and throwing everything they have at the net now. Keep this up and great things will happen.
  2. I have to agree with max in regards to his play DURING the game. He has been very good. The flames wouldn't even be able to sniff the last playoff spot right now without HIS tremendous play this year so far. Having said that - I find him to be one of the weakest goalies in the league for shoot outs. All I was stating in my "trash kipper" post above, was simply that he sucks in shootouts, which I am sure no one will argue. Does anyone know if the flames are allowed to change goaltenders for a shootout or does the goalie who played (barring any injury) have to also play in the shootout?
  3. of all the fishing trips I could POSSIBLY convince my wife we should go on, this would probably be the highest percentage chance of actually being able to do one at some point of my life. Thanks for sharing your trip. I'll show these shots to my wife and start the whining... so that in 5 or 6 yrs when we might be able to afford it if she's heard me complaining for that long she'll eventually have to give in
  4. never mind the game... how brutal is kipper in shootouts?? sad... can they change to mac for the shootout? is that allowed? kipper is BRUTAL... other teams coach "ok go forehand, then backhand and roof it" boom.... 3 goals, flames lose.
  5. I've been with telus since I got my first phone line back when I was 18. Never had a problem once... service reps always seemed friendly... sure sometimes they tell you "we can come in two weeks on wednesday between 9am and 5pm"... but then again what phone company doesn't? Hearing this story is a bit of a shocker. I'm going to go read my bills really closely.
  6. I'd never trade my 7ft 3in St Croix 3WT Legend Ultra for a million bucks. Lined with a double taper SA mastery line, she's deadly in tight quarters. And QUIET on the water. Nothing frustrates me more than finding a big rising cutt or rainbow in a small stream and the line putting it down. Not with this setup. I can cast over a bow river riser until it eats too. The line lands very softly. the only problem with these light, medium action setups, is if it's a windy day, you really have to adjust a lot to make a good presentation.. lots of guys on FFA, and even on here used to bash us "light rod" users. Boy how times have changed eh? Now it's ok I guess? Well if you ever get a dirty look for using a 3wt or similar, tell those guys fishing there 5's and 6's and preaching to shove it. It's all in, 1) how you play the fish , and 2) tippet size.
  7. I'll be done term 1 in school by then, hopefully will be able to make it!
  8. Smitty: the database is in my head. when I figure out how to access all the junk in there and unlock it I'll let ya know
  9. I should be just out of school by then and I'm gonna need some "bow river therapy"
  10. pretty epic game to watch... canada's weak spot was sure in net this game. I feel bad the guys are just kids... I hope that Allen can get back on track and play well for his regular team. Marc Andre Fluery choked at the WJ and then went on to win a cup...
  11. that was so epic man. I'll never forget that. BTW I hit that same spot that we did, once more this year and it was MUCH better... didn't even have to throw rocks!
  12. some great vids from 2009 from myself and richard (dutchie) for everyone to enjoy and look forward to spring with. 2009 VIDEO COLLECTION
  13. mv, those are stunning. thanks for sharing those.
  14. Good joke rick I just saw this though apparently people arent smart enough to "get it". and by the way. I complain about the refs all the time... even when the flames win. I try to stay consistent!!!
  15. One guy hit another guy, weather they were wearing different colors is of no cosequence. That and a phantom penatly shot. Im not saying the boarding call could have been or not called... fair enough... BUT A GAME MISCONDUCT??????????? Since f***ckin WHEN do guys who get a boarding call go off for the game? Find me one this year. And to top it off a penalty shot on a play where there was NO CHANCE the guy would have been alone and AT BEST it would have been a two on one for LA. THAT's the kind of bullsh*t that gets me riled up. and yes the flames got some PP chances and they suck at the PP we can all agree there. I think they were make up calls for the freekin crap going on... sometimes I swear one ref has an agenda and the OTHER ref starts evening things out. PS: GO CONNIE!
  16. if you just watched the flames vs kings game, you'd agree. A phantom 5 minute major and a game suspension for playing the game of hockey, for phanuef (since when did good solid bodychecks get outlawed?), and a phantom penalty shot for the kings too. As usual the flames have to beat two teams, the one's wearing the opponents jerseys and those asshats wearing the black and white striped jerseys.
  17. Prongers a frikkin PYLON... played with no heart in 2006 what's to change? I hate him. The fact that this team chose guys like pronger.... and left grit, hussle and HEART in shane doan, off the roster, makes me barf. Please.... bring back the junior players to the olympics!!! I want to see games that are played with heart, hustle, and love for my country, not a bunch of overpriced pussies on "vacation" like in 2006. Pretty sure that's what we've got again in 2010. I hope they prove me wrong.
  18. Jeff. we actually did feed it...
  19. This poor feller hunkered down in my backyard during the blizzard in december that left us with a ton of snow that's still here.
  20. lol... thanks. BB code for 25 different forums is 25 different codes... they should standardize all that.
  21. ok wtf I fail at adding a youtube vid... using the link from the vid and everything. what the _______
  22. this is so awesome. Click here if the movie does not play.
  23. Kipper had his first weak game in quite a while... it was the difference in this one. I didnt think the flames dominated the game... the first period they got owned. second was a bit more flames , third was more nashville till last 10min then the flames poured it on. why dont the damn flames play the way they played the last 5 minutes all bloody game??? They do this all the time... get a lead.... *foot comes off gas* .. LOSS! maybe someone should pay me 2.5 mill a year to coach this team... I can see what needs to be done as a fan. Gonna send all these boys to get a serious whipping when they fail like this.
  24. That fishes wife is probably raggin at him to lose some LB's before the christmas holidays.
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