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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Good idea! I can and will do that next time they're on CBC. I am getting tired of lame play by play game calls.
  2. Man what a weird year. wins in games where the team didn't deserve to win... and lots of losses on games where the flames played very well. Can't figure this team out. Boy they looked awful in the third... I can't understand why teams "sit back" on a lead... I've never seen it lead to anything good.
  3. yup, we had almost exactly the same weather just before last christmas... heavy snows covering the ponds with the same foot of snow that's on them now, insulating them from the bitter cold.. like last year, they have NOT formed good strong ice!! Quite the opposite, actually... the remaining warmth in the water along with the insulation of the foot of snow on top of the ice, has actually weakened the ice.
  4. smitty. I made that prediction at the end of the first period, that the stripes would make sure the flames didn't win this one.... and they didn't let me down! seeing as how they lost the game, and DIDNT GET A 4 MINUTE HIGH STICKING CALL when the flames player was CLEARLY bleeding... I think I proved my point, no? I could tell in the first 5 minutes how that game was going to go... based on the reffing. total fu***n bs.
  5. so is anyone who doesnt think the stripes are dictatiing the way some flames games go watching tonights? two flames players get hauled/hooked/held down on a series of scoring chances, and since then colorado has had 5 straight power play chances even though there were more holds/hooks that could have been called against them.... and are up 1-0 after ONE period. Do I dare even watch the second when I know the stripes have been paid to boot this one?
  6. The biggest key is playing with your marinade. My wife has this kickarse marinade that can turn a 20 dollar box of round steaks into a 35$ a plate meal that taste like it came from Hy's Steakhouse downtown. It's a vinagrette type marinade, then to finish it off I put Montreal steak spice and garlic powder before it hits the grill, and usually a very VERY small amount of bullseye BBQ steak sauce on while grilling. Crap i wish I could afford a steak right now.
  7. rofl. depends what kind of a mood she's in that day, eh?
  8. The guy that went thru the ice last year was using a quad with a plow on it, not a truck. And to be honest, me and two other adults had been out trying to clear a pond in okotoks on about dec 22 last year as well,before we heard about this accident, and almost went thru the ice ourselves too!... and the part we had cleared filled with water. This was while it was -20 something out, but the pond had about a foot of snow on it. We could have also drowned with one wrong step, and we didn't even know how close we were to danger. So if you see a snow covered pond of any size, keep you, and your kids, off it. Merry Christmas.
  9. Some of the most exciting games I've ever seen were 1-0, and 2-1 games. How about game 6 against detroit in 2004... 1-0 flames, and don't tell me that wasn't a game full of chances, and had you at the edge of your seat all game.
  10. Too bad it looks like it's stuck right there.
  11. Guys the thought just occured to me, that with all the new snow on top of ice that had barely formed, we may have a very, very dangerous situation on our hands here. I'm sure you all heard about the father clearing the farm pond for an ice rink last year that ended up drowning becuase all the snow on top of the ice actually insulated the ice and the warmer water from underneath weakened the ice enough that it was barely there. PLEASE be carefull, I'd hate to see any of our kids have a christmas without their father. Stay off the ponds that have heavy snow cover on them, pass this message along to your loved ones!
  12. Nice pics boys... as I dig out of 4ft of snowdrifts still, it's nice to look back on the summer that was for everyone
  13. Yeah I wasn't upset with the LA loss I saw the team play really really hard all night long. Tonights win came on a much poorer effort... but a win is a win. I've been watching the officiating pretty closely this year... and lately the dang stripes havent been too bad. Hate to say it... but that game against LA that the flames lost they even had a lot of calls / non calls in their favor.
  14. Yeah no kidding. Tiger, take a look at what you already HAVE... sheesh. If this is true... just.... wow...
  15. Pretty interesting how when the flames are dominating a game and getting hooked / hauled down all over in the third period and not a single call? f**kin disgrace as usual from the officiating. Great effort by the flames and they finally got rewarded on the tying goal. I gotta admit, selanne's shootout winner was a beauty... and why didnt iginla get to go in on the shootout? the guys one of the hottest players in the league right now and he aint shooting??? give your head a shake sutter!!!!! :$*%&:
  16. LOL hopdrop. Wow that sucks. I would not have had the ability to restrain myself in such a situation. Good on ya. There are a lot of elitist pricks out there. Some pick on little kids and their dads for using spinning rods, some hate the san juan worm, some think steelhead shouldn't be fished with egg patterns... but ya know what? screw 'em... do what you have fun with and keep on having fun!
  17. well... all I can say is the last two games they forgot to play with grit, intesity, and effort. Looked like they stood around again against chicago... I dont want to blame kipper, he wasnt at his best, but the team flat out sucked. I guess sutter needs to have one of his practises again where heads get beat in.
  18. LMFAO!!! good thing he had what looked like a good stiff 9 or 10wt ... couldnt really tell if she was a two hander or not. Well played!!!! not everyone gets a good hookup on a ferrari and lands it!!
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