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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. I'm not asking for the officials to call EVERY penalty. But to use discretion wisely. The ratio of calls should have been about 5 USA penalties to 3 Canadian ones if the game was called FAIRLY in accordance with infractions taking place on the ice. So explain to me how the team that got dominated most of the game came out getting MORE pp chances? Don't get me started about law and policing. We're learning all about discretion and fairness, AND we are also learning about situations of discrimination. I am seeing the latter, especially last night. Having said that, we do need to sit broduer down and let fleury or luo have the reigns. I love marty but he showed that he is just not up to backstopping this team this year.
  2. well I am glad that my 4 kids (10,8,6 and 5yrs old) all LOVE to play outside, even in the snow! Count me one of the lucky dad's then!
  3. I think the term "pro" and "elistist" are two different things. Pro's catch fish. Being a professional means your exceptionally good at what you do. If your a professional golfer, you are damn good at getting a ball into a hole in as few strokes as possible. Why would you limit yourself to only using a 7 iron, when you can use all the clubs in your bag depending on the given situation? Limiting yourself to a dry is the same thing. It's a personal choice, one that I respect too.. but I think the term "Pro" is a completely different thing.
  4. Obviously with only one entry, could we get a little more clarity on exactly what this subject matter is for this month? Still life? Is this flowers, wildlife shots, weird ice formations, ????? Does the subject have to be "live" thereby rendering the pic of rod / hat above inneffective? just some questions... sorry I just have no idea what to post for a pic
  5. Hey I am not implying that Broduer did NOT suck... and a host of other things mentioned in this thread, but did you WATCH the damn game? From an objective veiwpoint? I counted 75 calls (high sticks, holds, crosschecks, trips, hooks) the refs COULD have made against team USA. I counted 43 they COULD have made against canada. I have the thing on PVR. But no....... 4 penalties for canada and 3 for the USA team. even the NHL.com site is trying to say each team went 1-4 on the PP last night. what a joke. The canadians dominated the game. Our goaltending sucked. And wether or not you want to believe it, the officiating was, as usual, assinine.
  6. I'm wondering the same thing myself Rickr. Why watch and get ulcers over hockey when I already know the outcome will be tainted and slanted in some way by the asshats in stripes.
  7. The refs beat canada. The same NHL refs that are paid to make sure the USA teams get to hoist stanley when it's all said and done. this is just more "let's make hockey popular in the USA" bullsh*t. Canada was getting hooked held and messed with all game yet they put us in the box for the first half of the third period to MAKE F&*(%&N sure the USA had a 2 goal lead going into the final 10 minutes. Pathetic display, same old *hit, different "league".
  8. Hey the flames havent lost a game for a week! Good work guys! *sigh*
  9. that was an ugly game. downright ugly. crosby not captain brad? are you insane? give your head a shake. he's the face of canadian hockey for the next 15 years.. get used to it. He's the BEST WE HAVE let him carry the "C".
  10. Love those shots max, you got a really good eye for unique angles. Keep 'em coming. Here's a few more from steelie fishing this fall.
  11. maybe I should take up that stance. It would be easier to have no rooting interest then the NHL's joke of officiating wouldn't bother me. ONE f*^&&*n powerplay for the flames tonight? They were hooked and coughed up the puck BECUASE they were hooked, on TWO ottawa goals. and the first one was a PP goal that was set up by a lame penalty. And what's with stajan getting brutally crosschecked to the ice trying to recieve a pass with about 3m left and no call? typical flames game. Bend over and take it.
  12. possibly my favorite alberta trout of all time, the "deisel" from the bow.
  13. I bet he just hated atlanta and he will sign for ovy / crosby money somewhere. 8-9 mil.
  14. went to the sports pub in lethbridge here to catch tonights game. I thought they played pretty well despite all the new faces. saw more energy out of the team tonight. They looked a bit out of place at times in the third, but hey... you'd be tired too if you had to beat the refs and the other team (yes smitty, NINE carolina powerplays as opposed to 4 for the flames, typical game.)
  15. check that, maybe your talking about marc savard, another deal that was butchered. Also as bad, was getting rid of drury. Imagine the team with Drury Savard St Louis hmm offence anyone? what's the current team missing... hmm... gee just cant figure this out.
  16. I assume you are talking about marty st louis?? I was soooooooooooooooooo pissed off when they traded him. I could be wrong though, and if I am I just pointed out another GLARING screwup of a mammoth porportion. Im interested to see where this goes... I'm a true fan and will continue to root for the team... I did not like phanuef or jokinen.. seemed like they just werent willing to put in that 110% on the ice every night... neither was the rest of the team though. Maybe the new blood will stir things up. My hope are not high. After the big trades last year (flames were top of the division) they tanked in the final series of games leading up to season's end becuase they couldn't gel in time. I don't have my hopes too high that the new look team will have time to gel and make it into the playoffs... I fear the rest of the year will look like the cgy vs. phi game... a sloppy 3-0 loss where a damn pass couldn't be completed by the flames.
  17. Jeff, then you DID indeed get out on the water.... albeit frozen ... for a good time
  18. Hopefully you got to spend it on your favorite waters. I think it would have been warm enough today to brave the crow... hope you made it.
  19. the question is..... why?????????????? for pride???? save it and do the team a favor... at this point the best thing edmonton can do is lose.
  20. Um. Knock Knock... who's there... THREE YEARS. dude... you say they'll be srewed by aging vets in 3 years? theyre screwed NOW! Iginla - old... cant get away from a check anymore Langkow - same thing Conroy - yup same thing. this team needs a fresh start. I say we go the way of the oilers and trade all these guys away, suck miserably for five or six years get some draft picks and build over again. Obviously the window of opportunity this team HAD, is gone.
  21. little bit of steel alaskan king salmon (yes we ate it, hence the rope in gills) and some sweet action I had with another board member who showed me some fun on pike fly fishing
  22. I'm on the fence on this one, not becuase phanuef was traded, but for who... 4 mediocre (at best) players? I'll stay on the fence until I see what is up with further trades... I cantr see this being the end of the dealing. I think the sutters are going to tear this team up, and I think that's a good thing. Their only win in 10 games was against a hapless Oilers team.
  23. yeah well if their happy with 8th spot all the best. I might have to find better things to do than watch their 5th straight first round wipeout. F^(&R^(*FHF*%RYUGV this team is started to really tick me off.
  24. sounds like a ton of fun... too bad I dont live up there anymore. I'd love to meet new people and learn from them, and share what I know with them too. I could be on the "panel" if ya need someone for that.
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