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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Pretty solid game against detroit in a must win situation. They looked determined and hungry, and didn't let two quick second period goals ruin the party. Well played game. I honestly thought they got away with a lot tonight as far as calls go, moreso than detroit, even though the penalties were 5 - 2 with (as usual) the flames leading the parade to the box.
  2. Jeff. I have a couple 8WT's sitting around collecting dust right now, both have old BFR Dragon fly reels, your more than welcome to one of those, if you need a bigger stick that whats been offered to you so far, for bullies and pike, etc.... lets meet up and go test the bugger out at lower K in may
  3. well it's a good thing they beat new jersey the other night or I would have had to wear an oilers jersey to college monday morning (made a bet with a buddy if they lost this one I would jump ship... lol)
  4. Nah I disagree.. A true expert only gives advice when asked to. He won't impose his advice on others. You know, the guy who watches you fish for a while and then says... you won't catch 'em that way you should try ...... blah blah blah Sort of along the same lines as someone fishing dry would only be an elitist if he imposed his views on others.
  5. Ask The Experts... would work very well. Expert - "A person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of a certain subject"
  6. He's in dog heaven chasing birds, rabbits, and cats along your favorite stream now. Sorry to hear about the loss. Having lost a good dog once, I know how hard it is. We still haven't replaced him.
  7. That was just painfull. What the heck is it with this team? How can they "outchance" their oppenents almost every game yet lose ALL the time. Don't we have anyone that can bury a puck??? It's almost as if every time they get close to scoring a goal some really good looking girl in the crowd flashes them, they just lose it, knees go wobbly, and they can't finish. Good grief!!! I can't watch anymore. *sigh*
  8. Our athletes are awesome. Seeing them all represent Canada with the pride, devation, and love that they displayed during these games leave me filled with love, awe and respect for them. GO CANADA GO!! I BELIEVE!!!!
  9. Dune!! holy crap I bet you had a lot of river to yourself! Did you guys hear Peter Maher's call? YEAH BABEEEEEE... YEAH BABEEEEEEEE... YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH BABBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! A huge yeah baby for all of canada!!! Right on!!!! I already was going grey before this but now I need a "just for men" treatment .... YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Less than 2 hours to game time. Luongo has to be GREAT... and Canada has to dominate this game and play a full 60 minutes of physical, hard, forechecking, and dominating the boards, to win this game. The puck needs to be in the american end all game, and the stripes have to call a fair game. If all that happens, Canada will win this game. 4 to 3. GO CANADA!
  11. babcock should take them all steelhead fishing today. Keep there minds clear
  12. Ok well I think my heart stopped beating for a full minute and 15 or however long the slovaks were buzzing in our end in the dying seconds of the game. Does anyone own a defibrulator? I almost needed it.
  13. Ok so it's all set. Canada vs Slovak in the semi-final friday. Halak was VERY good against the swedes tonight. Team Canada will need another momumental effort like they did tonight, hitting hard and playing aggressive ALL game, to win.
  14. That was pretty funny.. me and my dad were watching and prior to that goal by weber he had ripped at least 3 or 4 shots wide, when that one apparently missed me and dad were screaming at the TV ..."hit the damn net Weber!!!".. LOLOL
  15. it all depends on where you are fishing in relation to drop-offs, etc. My favorite runs oon the bow are gradual drops where water goes from 3ft deep riffles to about 5 or 6 feet. I cast up into the moderately shallow stuff allowing the flies to sink 3 ft and drag a bit on the ledge, sometimes getting takes up there. once it hits the drop off as it travels down expect takes anywhere from 3-6ft deep. But if your talking about a flat same depth peice of water I usually expect takes once the flies have sunken and are close to the bottom (on the bow) this usually takes about 3 seconds or so. Before then I almost never get a strike. On mountain streams the fish are so agressive usually anything they see they come from all over to get it. You can nymph a cutthroat pool with a stonefly 6 inches under a small indicator and have a riot watching them come slam it.
  16. Hopefully Nash can get Getz and Perry to do something. Those two are sucking so far. Nash has been very good. Iggy , Crosby, Stall should be fun to watch. Sharks line has been pretty good, could be better. Thornton needs to relax, gripping the stick too tight he cant make a pass. I say 5-1 Canada tonight, but we'll be gripping the couch cushions till late in the third or so.
  17. what are the lines for tonight? I hope there going to look at putting the Crosby, Nash, Iginla line back together.
  18. I dont know what it is... but I do remember watching the passion back when junior players were the ones playing. I want to see that again. Anyone else watch march madness... or college football? Or even go to a junior hockey game? Soooooooooooooooo much more fun that watching the pro's IMHO. The pros are like a well oiled machine, they are trained to be devoid of all emotion for the most part "never too high never too low" etc. It makes for boring olympic games... especially on small ice. I was hoping for olympic hockey and not NHL hockey this year... I can't wait for sochi if that's the case. I'll be watching! The world juniors (even though we did lose, and yes, to USA) it was the most exciting hockey I've seen all year.
  19. I have to admit, watching Virtue and Moir accept those medals was a breath of fresh air. Now that's what Canada is all about!!! I never thought I would sit down and watch ice dancing but I am so glad I did... probably the best 2 hours I've spent in months watching their skate, the few skaters after them, and the medal ceremony. Fan-frikkin-tastic!! You think the hockey players would sing the national anthem at the top of their lungs? (bring back the juniors!!) cheers
  20. I have to agree 100%. perhaps "experts" is a better word. maybe this forum should be "ask the experts" ... would be a lot less bickerin'
  21. Ok great. Birchy that is one of the most fantastic shots I have ever seen anywhere, anytime. I would love to (with your permission) use it as a desktop on my computer.
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