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Everything posted by acurrie

  1. He has no lips!
  2. Just some memorable moments of Oh 9! Hope it helps. I love Caddis Hatches! I remember saying... oooo *hit. ahhhh the Babine
  3. Want to get rich??? Create a bumper sticker that reads: "People are Stupid" you will sell millions! lol
  4. Thanks for all the suggestions! I would love to try out a few different rods and have a little FFC gathering down in Fish Creek or somehere on the river. Maybe when the next chinook hits because it looks like the next week at least will be nice and chilly. Drew
  5. That might be a good idea. I see what most people are saying, the range is to broad... I tend to agree. Maybe I should just go for the 8wt salmon/ steelie rod and maybe look at a 6 wt spey later down the line for the bow. Thanks for answering the switch question, thats what i thought it was, but just wanted confirmation. I've been searching online for rods in that price range, and each manufacturer seems to have a couple near that $$$. The manufacturer listed above seem to have more than a few in the $3-400 range. I like the prospects of being able to cast larger flies, longer distances without getting the excessively sore shoulder syndrome (ESSS...lol) thanks for the input so far.
  6. So here goes. I'm looking to purchase a Spey Set-up but i'm not to sure where to start. I want a rod that would be good for some Northwest steelhead and salmon fishin, so I was thinking something in the 7-8 wt class. But I also want to be able to use the same setup on the Bow, so i'm leaning more towards a 7wt. I don't want to spend a fortune on everything, so my price range is probably ~$300-500 on the rod, and about $150-200 on the reel, and I know the lines run about $100. I've been looking at the Sage VT2's, and a few other rods, but they all seem fairly similar to me. Can anyone make a suggestion on what they would be leaning towards? I haven't had a chance to give any rods a test yet, but that is something I'm gonna do in the next few weeks. Also, i've heard a lot about "switch" rods, but i'm not really sure what that means, and how it differs from a regular spey. The key for me is to be able to get the line out far and cover a lot of water with little to no back cast room. I would purchase a used set-up from a FFC member, but this is going to be my X-mas gift from the folks, so it's probably out of the question. Thanks for the input. Drew
  7. Bakers Dozen Anyone??
  8. I love the old FJ's and Land Cruisers. I'm not sure what the hell North American Car companies are doing by NOT putting diesel engines in there SUV's. I heard stories of Surf's hitting the magical Million km mark. Not to mention that the fuel economy is much better, maybe they are scared of the frigid temperatures???
  9. Screw a DVD, I say start a Weekly fishing show that airs weekly for 12 weeks during the summer! Ever thought about trying to contact a local station to see if they are interested? I'd Fund yeah if I was a T.V. big shot! Great vid!
  10. I've always been curious what people consider the perfect fishin rig. I started out with one of the most reliable cars ever made... The Honda Civic! Then moved to something a bit bigger, but still reliable..... The Toyota 4Runner! And now have just purchased what I consider to be a step up from the 4Runner.....The Toyota Tacoma! All used of course, but it's hard to knock the reliability of a Honda or Toyota. I find it's nice to have LOTS of room, 4x4 capability, and of course you gotta look cool. So what is your ultimate fishin rig? and what do you drive? If you have pics, that's even better! (I don't have Pics yet) Drew
  11. Wanna make your own Timmies at home and save bucket loads or MONEY and Trash? All you have to do is add cream that has like 95% Milk Fat, or better yet just add straight butter!
  12. Bring a Tying Kit for those -30 degree days!
  13. Can't you swim??? LOL, just kidding. Probably a good idea. Although I did test my patch multiple times before heading onto the water by jumping on the tube in front of my TV for a good hour.
  14. I used "Marine Goo" I think its called... I used it on my Fishcat right on a seam that was like 2 inches wide and the Goo worked awesome. I tried a few patches before, but because of the seem, they never worked. You can get the Goo at Canadian tire for like 9$ or something, I also put some Duct Tape over the goo after it dried just to give it a bit more strength. I used the tube 10 times so far and it doesn't leak at all. Just my 2 cents. Drew
  15. Wow, That river looks amazing! Looks like you had fun.
  16. Wolfie, Have you tried those worms on the Bow yet? I bet they work awesome. Nice ties!
  17. My FIRST BULL!
  18. Ever Been to Vancouver??????............ EXACTLY!
  19. Great Shots Man!
  20. SFOTF all the way. Don, Dale, And Chan rock it out. They break down the tactics, techniques, waters, flies, etc etc and have fun doing it. The quality of the filming has gone up in the past year because they got a new camera, but the older episodes are still lower quality. I could also do without numerous Still water Rainbow shows near Kamloops, but I think they are gonna mix it up for the new season. New FF is OK, but it is almost shot like an instructional video, a little to slow some times. Phil and Chan are good on it, but like Tallieho said, I can't stand Spicer. Flymax shows more video of Car rides, and slow motion casting then actual fishing.
  21. The Regular season doesn't mean $%@* Anyway, as long as you make the playoff's. Then the Flames just need to get past the first and maybe even second round for it to be a successful season, and I know people will say that it not successful if they don't win the cup, but give me a break. Troubles for Oiler fan is actually MAKING the Playoff's has been a bit of a problem, maybe they will get lucky this year and sneak into 8th place (Only if Penner stays off the sauce!). Drew
  22. I new from the start it was a Hoax..... if you wanna call it that.
  23. Sounds like it would be a Manufacturer type repair, But i'm not 100% sure. Maybe check with Bass Pro? Drew
  24. Wow, Great responses, and all great information. I doubt I will ever get a chance to go in the next 2-3 years, but something inside me says I need to go at least 1 time just to experience it! The travel does sound like it would be a pain in the butt, but I think i could put up with a few days of boredom for ridiculously good fishing, even if was only for 5 days. Even if the fishing is easy, I could care less. Fighting monster rainbows and Salmon all day long until my arm hurts will never be boring to me. Even when I'm out at bullshead and it's a fish a cast type fishing, I never get bored. So I'm with Rickr, I'd go in a second. I still haven't requested a quote from the company yet, Been busy! Drew
  25. This is a picture of my bench just after a finished putting it together. It looks a lot closer to Brad's now.. LOL Drew
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