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Everything posted by acurrie

  1. Anyone ever look into a guided trip up into Russian peninsula, Kamchatka? I have read a few articles on it and looked into a little info on the internet and have been amazed at the quality of the fishery. Kinda Makes me think it is what Alaska was 30+ years ago. Rainbows average 23-24 inches (up to 30"), dollies like 6-7 lbs, not to mention 20+ inch grayling and all 5 salmon species! Holy Crap! BTW, the most successful way to land big bows is by skating huge mouse patterns across the water... I'm really just curious if anyone first of all has ever been there? which i'm guessing is a "No", and if anyone has ever seriously considered checking it out. Now I'm sure it would be a pretty expensive trip, I would guess at least $6,000-8,000 per person. So instead of it being more of a yearly trip, it would be like every 5-10 years. Here is a decent guides website for some info: www.thebestofkamchatka.com Video: You Tube Video I'm gonna see if I can get a quote on a weeks trip just for S#%*@ and Giggles. Drew
  2. I agree. To bad Souray doesn't know how to skate properly, he would have been fine. Souray Trips and starts falling into the boards and Iginla just happened to be right behind him and BAMM! I love Pat Quinn, but those comments were way outta left field... Smoking someone over the head with a stick is just a little different then having the leading player trip into the boards. I also find it funny that Moreau lost the "Revenge fight" to the Scorer on the flames, good thing he didn't fight Prust or Phaneuf! Looks like its gonna be a long year OILER fan, Good luck.... you'll need it
  3. I think I have been tying my intruders to large, I've been going with 30mm waddington shank and size 2 octopus trailing hooks, so most are like 3 inches long or so. Do you think that is to big for the bow?? especially with low, clear water.... Sorry to Hi-jack, I like using BR Buggers and white and black Wolly Buggers. Drew
  4. Doesn't it Depend on the Fly? I won't pay $3.00 for a parachute adams, but i'll pay $5.00 for some nicely tied intruders or larger streamers. BTW, Has Wholesale dropped the prices of the flies they currently have to $10.00/ dozen to get rid of existing stock yet? I've been told they are going to start carrying quality flies after the others are sold (black's.. or something like that Drew
  5. I think it depends if you are fishing from a boat or from shore. I like the longer rod to get the fly out further from shore, but if you have a boat then shorter is better.
  6. The longer the rod the better. I'd say 8-9 wt and 10 footer or more (spey??)
  7. To bad it won't last for more than 10 games
  8. Just buy the 15 foot sink tip type 5 or 6 and attach it to with a perfection loop to your fly line (its worth it- $20 bucks a think). But something I was never told, keep your leader (off the sink tip) like really short, 2-3 feet max. It's way easier to cast a sink tip line then 2 or 3 split shots on 12 feet of mono--- DUCK!
  9. LOL, your right... That is exactly how it seemed!
  10. Northwest fly fishing is my favorite Mag. Always has good locations and all of them (pretty much) are within a 24 hour drive. I also really like Canadian fly fisher, but they only release 4 Mags a year.
  11. Anyone else see Dustin Penner act like a jackass to Scott Oak... man, that guy is a douche.
  12. Awesome dude, they look good. I'm a novice myself, it sure is a lot of fun when fishing just isn't in the equation. -Drew
  13. Wow, I actually called it correctly! It was a great game, but it was tough to watch the 3rd period.
  14. We should probably change the title of the thread to 2009/2010... just a suggestion
  15. Here we go Boys and Girls!!! Let it begin again! I'm calling my shot for tonight! 5-3 flames over the knuckle heads. Go Flames Go
  16. Where are you from??? the Bahamas??? No toque or hand warmers needed man... I think its only gonna be minus 7 or something... All kidding aside, fishing should be pretty good, especially in the evening with Big White streamers! Drew
  17. I just got my 2nd vice from Wholesale. It was $30 and it has worked great. I don't expect it to last more than 2 years, but for 30 who cares. Yeah, when you buy all the tools and materials separate you will save a lot of money vs. a tying kit. If you want to know what to buy let us know. Best way to pick materials is pick your top 10 flies and get the recipe, but there are also some "must have" items (peacock hurl, pheasant tail, certain thread colours, beads, hooks..etc etc). Like the others have said.. Be careful! I just started like 4 months ago, and I could probably open my own fly shop with the amount of materials I have now...lol. But it is very rewarding to catch fish with your own flies! (especially when it is your first cast!) Drew
  18. Try Tossing some streamers to mix thing up a bit. The NW isn't as good as the South either, smaller fish for sure. I find the best time is from about 7pm-10pm these days... Bring a Head Lamp!
  19. the guy who played "sphinx" in the movie "Gone in 60 seconds" is a hard core fly fisher. OO, his name is Vinnie Jones. He's also in all those Guy Ritchie Films (Lock, Stock and 2 smokin barrels; Snatch..etc etc)
  20. Easy Kids.... Now everyone take a breather.............. OK, that's better.
  21. Shiet, I didn't see that there was more discussion on page 2!!! OK, ignore my last post.
  22. Two Words: Dubbing Loop! Seems to work great pretty much all the time
  23. Here are the steps at photo bucket: 1:Get a free account 2: Upload the Pics onto the PB website 3: Go back to your album in PB and "Copy" the direct link with a right click of the mouse. 4: in the Reply section while posting you can Insert an Image. Its the button that is 2 over on the right from the Underlined symbol. 5: Paste you direct link from PB and hit OK! you can usually fit like 7-8 per post. hope that helps for ya or anyone else who was having trouble. Drew
  24. All those patterns look awesome. I'm gonna give some Intruders a try, they look like they would have a lot of "life" in the water. Here are a few patterns I've been tying. Kinda taking a few idea's here and there. My Camera is brutal at close range so the quality sucks. #1 #2 #3: I call this one "Team Canada!" #4 And here is a Pic of a Bull I picked up on #2 this last Friday... So it works! Woohoo Only 10 more days to Go..... Drew
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