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Everything posted by Highlander

  1. One win from going to the final. How's the golfing Flames/Oilers fans? :)
  2. I thought this thread was about Leafs fans. I agree with Don, the volume on some commercials is beyond annoying.
  3. I had to bring this thread back to the top. Canucks on top of the NHL by a whopping 7 points, have Daniel leading the scoring race, Henrik tied for second, GAA second in the league. It's nice to be a Canucks fan these days. Yes the playoffs are a different animal, but this team has been tinkered with knowing how they do in the playoffs will determne how successful the team was, Presidents Trophy or not. I see Calgary has been sucking less lately, but now that Morrison is hurt that might have an effect on the productivity of the top line. I'd like to see Calgary win a round or two, but not at the expense of the Canucks. Montreal, of course, will be joining Toronto, Edmonton and Ottawa on the golf couse after a quick four game post season. :)
  4. Just thought I'd bring this tread to the top in honour of the first place team in the NHL......that being the Canucks!!!! So how are the Flames and Oilers doing?
  5. Bull trout and westslope cutthroat co-evolved in these streams. Unless something throws off the balance, the cutties will be fine.
  6. What's said at the river, stays at the river. Therefore the woman cannot hear it and is therefore gospel. It's only wrong, from the womans point of view, if she hears it.
  7. I go to Alberta to enjoy you're almost free fishing and then return to BC to enjoy our almost Albertan-free Classified Waters. It's nice to have a bit of elbow room on the Elk. I'll just go duck for cover now..... :devil:
  8. I cast one for half a day fishing for coastal cutts (buddy bought one). Initially, I liked the extra few feet I got with it, and for those extra few feet I could have justified the noise, which was very annoying. There were two things is could not live with. 1. The amount of crap the line seems to pick up and it is difficult to clean the line; and, 2. I wore two bloody grooves in my finger stipping in minnow patterns. The grooves were worn right through a nice callous which had been built up over the years. So for me, there will be no sharkskin purchase.
  9. Love it!!! This could be the post of the year.
  10. Aww man......I sand all my cork handles so they are thinner, and when I build my own, the grip is a ring or two shorter that you'd typically see in the store and thinner too. Now I'm gonna get comments like, "Hey, you're fishing with a chixstyx." Thanks Jack!!!!
  11. The Kootenay River is just one river, from it's source to where it joins the Columbia at Castlegar. The piece at Creston flows into, not out of, Kootenay Lake. The Columbia does not feed the North Thompson. There is a low divide but no (present) hydrological connection.
  12. In summer/fall it would be the Elk Valley. In Winter/Spring, Agassiz, BC. But I'd be inclined to take some extended trips as well. It's all about the fishing!!!
  13. One down, three to go. Looks like Chicago next, unless they trip themselves up. Luongo's thievery won that game fot the Canucks. You got that feeling in the second period after the big save on Ryan Smith that there was only one possible ending for this game. Edler has been playing great and what can you say about the twins and Samuelson. A great confidence booster for the Canucks.
  14. Die LA, die!!!!!!! It might be a tougher series that many think. The Canucks D is a big questionmark, but then it's been a questionmark all season. Luongo plays much better with Mitchell in the lineup so I'm hoping he comes back soon. I think he's out for the first series anyway. I'm not worried about Luongo, and the team is as deep at the forward position as it's ever been. Go Canucks go!!!!!
  15. Nope, for one I can't cast that far and second, I learned to tie knots. Third, I rarely see my backing out of the reel anyway.
  16. Eight games to go and Henrik is once again top of the NHL scoring race. Yeah, I know Ovechkin missed a bunch of games, but part of the game is being durable and playing hurt. So should Henrik get the Hart this year?
  17. I work with guys from the US and I can tell you that this issue is very polarizing down there. Many people just listen to the retoric and base their opinions on that. They came at me for waiting periods to see my Doctor and were surprised to learn that I can see my Doctor next day or sometimes even the same day if needed. Of course this was all BS to them, because they have the best medical system on the planet, right? Then I asked them if it is so good, how come the life expectancy of the average American is 2.5 years less than the average Canadian, and why the US ranks a paultry 38th in the list of countries with longest average lifespan. These was another round of BS calling, but two of them actually went and checked the facts and told me I was right the next day.
  18. You just described the Sage 000-TXL. I use mine on small creeks for trout up to 12 inches, but hooked up with a 17 inch fish one time which the rod handled very well. I prefer to fish the rod with a 0-wt or 1-wt line because it softens the action of the rod and for me it just feels better.
  19. I don't see myself buying another 2 piece rod. I like my 4-piece rods for the convenience and I don't think I'm losing anything in the action of the rod. My favourite rod is a 3-piece, but thats the thing I like the least about it. I much prefer a rod that can be broken down into 2 equal sized sections, so 4 and 6 piece rods would be preferable to me. Odd numbered section rods irritate me, but the ones I have are so good that I suffer in silence (mostly). (Are you listening Sage, make a 000-TXL in a 4-piece and the world will beat a path to your door.....well I will anyway!)
  20. Spotted the Leafs a 3 goal lead and still won. Sedin, Sedin and Burrows - what a line!!!!
  21. On January 5 the Canucks are 2 point behinds the Flames, 20 days later Canucks are 8 points ahead. Happy days :) What's with Calgary, don't they want to make the playoffs? My biggest surprise this year has been Edmonton. With their payroll I expected them to do a lot better.
  22. Canucks only two points behind Calgary and look, Henrik is tied for the NHL scoring lead. Who's a sister now!!!!!
  23. Aww man, hope I haven't forgotten any 2 unknown 6-weights (fiberglass) 9-wt Shakespeare (fiberglass) 4-wt dragonfly 5-wt St. Croix Imperial 8-wt St Croix Imperial 3-wt St Croix Imperial 6-wt Blank of unknown origin 4-wt St Croix Avid 5-wt Sage XP 7-wt Sage XP 0-wt Sage SLT 9-wt St Croix Legend Ultra 3-wt Bamboo of questionable parentage 000-wt Sage TXL 2-wt St Croix Legend Ultra 5-wt Sage Z-Axis 3/4-wt Amundson Midge But I lust after many many more.
  24. Nice knee strikes, shoulda given him a few more.
  25. Excellent post!!! C&R or not, fishing is a blood sport. You have good days and you have great days. If you're having a great day, enjoy it because those little buggers will go back to ignoring your fly next week anyway.
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