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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Yep...same old story. 98% of them are good...but those 2% wreck it for everyone.
  2. Don't have any advice because we usually fish lakes in the Kamloops area when in B.C., but one of the places I've always wanted to fish is the upper Pitt River, so let me know if you make it there and what it was like!
  3. took long enough to impose a ban on random campfires down south. All the random camping yahoos will now deluge the campgrounds, so best get there early if ya wanna spot! And, is it me, or is this the longest/latest the Bow has ever been off-colour due to run-off? Anyone keep track of that?
  4. that's excellent....good on you for calling. Speaking of 311 (this is a weak segue) anyone know if by law is still handing out tickets for people who are trying to get their concrete to grow by putting on sprinklers for 4 hours every night?
  5. That's awesome! Your dog doesn't drink from the river then? Mine's been known to cut river flows in half on a hot day
  6. Those are really great pics Rick.....makes me want to get an underwater camera now!
  7. TFK - 16....wow!!!! You must take very good care of your dog. What type of dog is he? And what is he wearing on his back in that first pic? Is that a doggie life preserver????
  8. Good God Almighty...what the hell is that??????????????
  9. Here is a pic of the best fishing dog ever. He just turned 6. The white on his face is due to 2 knee surgeries in the last year. He's old before his time, but still got a lot of life left in him! After a swim in the pool at Racehorse Creek campground After a hard day of fishing and dog races Checkin' out the fishing hole
  10. In addition to those concerns, your employer needs to remember their liability issues. If they offer liquor to employees, it is in their best interests to provide transportation home (taxi chits). You may not think it's something to worry about, but I worked for a company that was sued for huge $$ over this. And the next year at the Christmas party their legal counsel made them provide taxi chits to 200 employees. It's thanks to an increasingly litigious society that this has become the norm now.
  11. Now I know why it doesn't work. Both Mike and I access my login from work and home. That makes sense now. Thanks.
  12. Thanks for all this information. SD - I like the sound of yours, but I'm really keen on getting a collapsible one. I will look for one that locks and can be put away most of the time because I really am just using it for balance when crossing freestone rivers (mainly because I usually cross with my son on the downstream side and I'm worried about taking him down with me if I go). Thanks again - valuable information for me.
  13. How come I always have to log in every time I come here now? It used to just keep me logged in, but now I have to both on my work and home computer. And, yes, I do have that option button clicked to remember me.
  14. Hey there Mr. Gingham! So when do we get to know of your "favourite spot" anyways, huh?????? I would imagine that the beaver would scatter the fish in the same manner a dog swimming through a pool would. But only temporarily. Good time to sit on the bank, have a drink and wait for the fishes to return to normal. Ever tell you about the time Jessie dove out of the boat at Carseland after a beaver? I think he would have lost had he made contact....that sunuvabitch was a monster! How can something grow that big just by eating wood??????
  15. I've decided, since I'm not the world's most confident wader, that I'm going to buy a wading staff. Been on my mind for a few years, but I've got a specific one in mind that I was once told about. It collapses into a small pouch that you can wear on your wading belt. I found one at the fly shop in Whistler, B.C. a few years ago and I kick myself that I didn't buy it. However, I just lucked out and found what I think I'm looking for on EBAY. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.ca/Collapsible-Wading-Staf...1QQcmdZViewItem Does anyone have a wading stick like this and can tell me the pros or cons? I'm one of those people that believes you get what you pay for and this one seems to be a little on the cheap side (but I don't really know what I should be paying for a good one, or even where to find one that collapses that small). TIA.
  16. Boy oh boy do I love bull trout pics. Very nice!
  17. LynnF


    God I wish I could say that was the remains of my ex-husband. Not even forensic evidence there doc. I have no guesses...ergo no respect.
  18. I dunno...I'm gonna throw this in there about bad casting. I had some casting lessons with Lynda McLennan when we used to do Casting for Life. She told me that, in her opinion, women make better casters because they don't do one thing that men do: muscle the cast. She said that most men believe the power of the cast is in the muscle, when, in fact, we all know it's not. She told me this when she saw me cast because she saw how I tend to muscle it as well. I know when I do too - my wrist, arm and shoulder are sore halfway between 22x and McKinnon's (and my rowing abilities seem to wane as well ). When I cast properly, I could hold a rod for another 12 hours. I've found that with this particular setup and this rod being overlined, I never catch myself muscling the cast - I don't need to. I think that's a hard mental habit to break for me, but I seem to have found a way now. I fished the Livingstone a couple of weekends ago, roll casting, casting dries and I actually found the line easier to mend when nymphing and I can present a dry way better with this setup. To each their own - I guess it's a YMMV type thing. But it works for me - on this particular rod and I'm just happy to be able to use it again because it was a gift - my first fly rod from my husband.
  19. Those are the only options for what failed????? Good job once again Clive....it's a good thing that we can make a joke of this and that DD is AOK.
  20. Wow Rick....glad everything turned out OK in the end, but even gladder that you've learned a valuable lesson from this. See...we're never too old to learn!
  21. For the life of me, I will never understand that picture. How badly do you need to fish if you're gonna do that? I'd rather go shopping. That's crazy.
  22. .....very interesting......thanks Don.
  23. maneveuring him to crash repeatedly against a rock wall......and kicking him in the nuts on the way back down. That's how that should have ended.
  24. Holy crap Weedy....when that cat hid and them came pouncing out I thought I was gonna die. That was funny!!!
  25. If you've never owned a golden, I can certify that is is EXACTLY what happens when you put a golden together with a cat. Even at 85-odd pounds, our cat rules the house. This is probably the funniest video I've watched in a while. And cute too http://video.sympatico.msn.com/v/en-ca/v.h...3549&fg=rss
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