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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. From what I've heard (and this is all from the media, so take it for what it's worth), they're claiming that it's all about turf wars in the illicit drug trade. And that it's only the beginning. I gotta stop reading the Sun.
  2. It's like SJW said - float tubes are meant for still water. Taking them onto any flowing water is just asking for trouble. My heart goes out to his family - it's a tragedy regardless.
  3. Thanks BBT....got a bit confused with the relationship there, but I thought it was you. Thanks for clearing it up!
  4. OK...well since I'm not giving any secrets up then, who was the guy on Dave's board who was Ralph Klein's nephew?
  5. If my dog ever sees ya on the river casting to risers - especially anything over 20 inches, he will jump right in beside you and try to herd the fish to you. He's really great that way - will swim and swim in your pool until he scares up...or is that off....the fish. You can feel free to give him a milk bone when he's done. Kidding....he's learned that swimming in fishy water is a no no. But if you're in the offleash area at Southland where the doggies swim for sticks, I can't guarantee that my well trained dog will not seek you out for a scritchin on his noggin.
  6. This may qualify as a threadjack, but it's been brought up so I'll throw it in. I bought a 6 weight floating line and loaded it on my 5 weight rod. I could never really cast the rod well before (it's an 8 foot), but with that 6 weight on it just flies out there. It's almost effortless. So I guess the question is - doesn't a heavier weight line than the rod you're using help you cast farther (or better, even?)
  7. Very interesting BBT....if I remember correctly, isn't your aunt native? I can't remember if you're the same guy I think you are or not. And very nice Al - that's very thoughtful. You're right....things get scarier by the day around here.
  8. LynnF

    Wet Wading

    Ay Carumba Mr. B......fan of shrinkage are you?! Neoprene socks - the water turns nice and warm when it gets in your boots when you wear those. Lovely feeling actually. And wonderful for the pedicure as well.
  9. Yep....already added to the porn collection
  10. Happy to oblige sir
  11. Love a set of moobs and a hairy bellybutton...yummy
  12. Here's mine. I apologize if you're behind me on the FTR for all the gravel and dust. It's hard to keep her under 180.
  13. Hey Gravelman...where did you get your leatherman? I want to get one for Mike. Sorry about your kharma....hope it turns around. That had to hurt!
  14. Wow...small world! Kinda late to ask...but maybe just let him know there's a lot of folks who think his pic is neato!
  15. the group is Calgary Fly Fishing
  16. Got this off of a group page, so I hope I don't piss the guy off by posting it here (his name is Walter Simbirski, so as to give him credit). It's one of the coolest pics I've seen in a while....I'd love to be such a good photographer that I could capture that split second shot.
  17. There's no option in there anywhere about kicking someone in the nuts. I'd go for that one.
  18. Hooked my oldest in the scalp (he shaved his head,,,,,he deserved it) and my youngest in the cheek. Good times fishing with the kids I've whacked Mike with a big ass conehead, double split shot streamer setup. That was lots of fun....I laughed. Quietly. While turned away from him. Hoping he doesn't see my shaking from the laughter. I'm currently not allowed to fish streamers in the front seat of the boat anymore. Whacked myself in the back of the head once with the same setup. I've since imposed a streamer fishing ban on myself until I become a better caster.
  19. those are awesome! How do you hangglide and photograph at the same time?
  20. OK...which one of you lucky buggers was fishing below the Ivor Strong bridge at about 7:10 this morning. Nice bright red hat....you know who you are Anyways, I just wanted to say that as I drove over you I was very jealous - you're obviously going to have a way better day than I am!
  21. I don't even think there's a gate to the parking lot. Have at 'er.
  22. Repeat performance next long weekend
  23. There are permanent hosts at Dutch and Racehorse who live there in their trailers the whole season and look after the campgrounds and what-not. I think those folks you saw do the wood thing for the OMR campground and Livingstone - might be the hosts for Dutch (they're definitely not the Racehorse hosts). I like the hosted campgrounds - keeps the rowdies down and away.
  24. That's awesome WC. Frankly, I've never had a bad experience with any fly fishers in this city, on the water or off. You get what you give in life. And congrats on your first BR brownie!!
  25. That was good for a hearty chuckle. Thanks Rick. Birchy - no fun with the wisdom teeth. I had 2 that were impacted and one that had the roots wrapped around my lower jaw bone. Got put to sleep and took forever to wake up (a little heavy on the meds I'd say). Anyways....I didn't seen one single Advil after they were done....no pain, no nothing despite all the yanking and cranking they did. Everyone is different so just go with the flow and pay attention to how you're feeling. You'll be back at 'em in no time at all!
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