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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. Isn't that the most bizarre feeling in the world? Last time I got put under I remember the doctor saying "....and you will go have a nice, long sleeeeeee". Didn't even make it to the "p" ha ha. Waking up is a different story...I hate that. I remember hearing all sorts of voices and beeps and machines and people asking me questions but I couldn't make my eyes open. That stuff scares me too.....anaesthesia is not to be messed with!
  2. Dave doesn't drink or smoke? Good God....my opinion of his Godliness just went down a few notches. The only crack he does is when he fishes with BBT and doesn't pull up his shorts.
  3. The Percosets just made me sleep....didn't really do anything for my arm pain, so I only took the 1/2 a pill one time and the rest sit in my drawer upstairs. I had morphine intravenously when I had surgery over a year ago. Had 2 hits right afterwards and it depressed my breathing rhythm so badly and made me so sick, I decided living with the pain was the better option. Don't know about the hangover part - I would imagine it can't be any worse than an anaesthesia hangover. That kind of stuff scares me - pills and medication like that. I'd have to be pretty wicked sick (ie almost dead) before I'll take anything. It's kinda good...I've built up quite the tolerance for pain over the years Sorry for the threadjack there Rick. Is your arm feeling better these days or still swollen and hurting? I'm just down the road from ya if you'd like something stronger than a baby Tylenol
  4. Glad it's not broken. OK...Tylenol 3's for a non-break are OK. I retract the pussy comment. And...I totally forgot about that anthem singer. If that isn't the most embarrassing moment in that girl's life I just don't know what would be. I laughed a little too hard at that.
  5. Tylenol 3's are for pussies and bait fishermen....Percosets are where it's at. Mind you...I shouldn't talk...I could only handle half a percoset at a time
  6. they played like they were the best out to beat the best. Was a really great game...I think Kipper has found his groove much like he did last year at this time. Loving that the Flames are 5 points ahead of Vancouver.....spaghetti boy can stay out a little while longer as far as I'm concerned. Sundin ain't gonna save them either. I predict he's gonna be a flop tonite. And I ain't buying into that bullshit about Kipper on cocaine.
  7. That's wild...I gotta send that video to my gf in Seattle....I'll bet she's never seen it. That's my worst nightmare - driving on the Deerfoot and next thing you know you're going sideways and not stopping. Happened to me once in Toronto in a freezing rain storm and I hit black ice. Went sideways into a concrete wall - it was a surreal feeling - probably about 5 seconds worth of mayhem but it felt like 5 hours. Anyways....have you heard if it's broke yet Rick?
  8. Happy Birthday Boo. Don't be like that....at least you lived to see another one!
  9. Wow...after that whole worm passing thing, it's pretty safe to say I'll be rethinking sushi the next time. Ick.
  10. An admirable request.
  11. Yikes Rick! Hope it's not broken. I, unfortunately, cannot even blame the ice for my fractured arm - I just plan tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. Whereas you got sympathy from your coworkers and family, I got nothing but chuckles and jokes (step on a crack, break your mother's back was a big one). But...I feel your pain buddy...and I will keep my fingers crossed you have no breaks/fractures. Over 4 weeks later and mine is still not fully functional by any means.....makes it a bitch to get your bra done up. Not that you have that to worry about. I think. Let us know how it turns out. You don't have to flip pancakes but you can still come and eat them!
  12. Nobody can say they didn't deserve to win that one. Bloody ****ing awesome.
  13. It really wasn't a great game until the end. But I gotta admit, if I had a choice between watching that or watching and NHL game, I'd pick Juniors anyday. The Canadian team embodies what hockey is all about in Canad and, what Canada is all about. They're strong and proud and some of the most gifted players I've ever watched play. There's a couple of Gretzky's on that team....I can't wait to watch them progress into the NHL.
  14. I was just gonna say something about how the outcome of a game that would send a team to the finals should not be decided by a shootout and how much I hate the shootout and how it's BS. But I won't now LOL. Canada's gonna kick Sweden's ass Monday night. The gold is theirs.
  15. I don't think I can stand a shootout....I might have to leave the room LOL
  16. The Canadians are insane. That was sick - 5 seconds left and they pull it out. This is real hockey - about as good as it gets. For such a crap game, the ending sure is good. You gotta believe OT is gonna be kickin'.
  17. Nice to see your handsome face Clive! And, Dave, you would if you worked in a place where their bassackwards policy is "use it or lose it". I would love to have rolled it over into 2008....especially since I"m back at work for only a week and then gone on vacation again. Besides.....there's always shopping when it's minus 25. Or woodpecker watching.
  18. I guarantee she fished more than I did last year!
  19. After intense discussions with Rick, we have decided that the pancake breakfast will be held in Douglasdale this year, at Dave's house. Kidding....Mike and I are happy to give Rick a year off from hosting duties. More details in a few weeks time, but make sure you plan for it in your day - hopefully it'll be as much fun as it was last year!
  20. nope. Not happenin'. I booked today off too. By the time I go back to work on Monday, I'll have forgotten how to get there. It's been a nice break.
  21. I got an email from Fly Fusion with all the seminars outlined - let me know if you didn't get the info you were after and I'll foward the email. I'd like to go listen to Brian Chan talk - he's a fascinating and uber smart guy.
  22. that's wicked. Imagine a 14 inch drill bit doing that. I dunno about anyone else, but I sure wouldn't be setting foot near that lake for fishing or any other recreational activity!
  23. Same to you and your family DDF!
  24. Disappointing consider the subject title. Booooo. It's a bird.....one with feathers and who is loud and pisses you off. That's all you should need to know
  25. Awesome. Wonder what kind of framed fly Dave is gonna tie for me to take home this year!
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