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Everything posted by LynnF

  1. OK Dave....I'll take the Edison Twins if I can counter that with dinner with Ron Jeremy. I'll bet he's got a million and one stories that can make me forget about my afternoon with the Virgin Twins.
  2. Sundance and I are thinking along the same lines. I'd like to hang with Angelina for a few hours and get all philosophical and *hit. And then with Adam Sandler so he could cheer me up and make me pee my pants.
  3. Happy Birthday for the 2nd time today, you lucky guy! I guess the sucky weather out East isn't conducive to fishing (unlike here - the fabulous west!) but I hope you get to do something fun.
  4. That must have been the coolest thing ever to see that Myth. I'm sure that I would have been certain the world was coming to an end, had that been me. What an experience!
  5. better f*****g win!
  6. they're playing Vancouver
  7. next Saturday night
  8. I actually thought that flash was Dave dashing out of his house like a stealth ninja to go fishing.
  9. Thanks for posting this Sarah - I was looking for some info on where this happened as all I read was that it fell over "western Canada" and they weren't sure it touched land. Neat!
  10. Thanks for the PM nudge Rick - meant to do it the other day but I forgot. Just took care of it now. In return you must accept my FB friend request now LOL
  11. Any guy that can grow more nose hair than lip hair deserves to be supported in my book. I think. Kidding of course LOL Our neighbour, 41 just got diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer last week. You could have knocked me over with a feather. He said he didn't show any symptoms at all and just felt "off" so went to get checked out. That's scary. This one seems to be an epidemic - it's worthy of the attention and support.
  12. That guy taught me everything I know about driving. When you see me on the Deerfoot Monday morning you better watch out bitches. That was crazy - that guy has a whole pile of talent - and no tread on his tires.
  13. Funbuster strikes again
  14. I'll take this bet. Taco - you are wise beyond anything I've ever known about you. I'd like to meet the woman that made you who you are today
  15. Girl? I thought that was Getty Lee from Rush.....
  16. Happy Fishing Brian
  17. Hey Cowboy...don't you be revealin' those campsite drinking secrets now. Let the mystery linger.
  18. Them's fightin' words there mama's boy. I"m callin' off our hotel date.
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