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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Stupid azz holiday as fas as I'm concerned. Women are a waste of time and money thatt could be put towards fishing or hunting. Got away with $10 on mom this year. Better 'n' last year, was well over a hundred on the old lady What a waste
  2. You can never have too many spools
  3. Another vote for DT. If I'm ever in a flyshop with a decent DT 3wt (yeah right) I'm going pick one up for my Launch. WF loads the rod heavier. Never overlined to a 4wt but I've been told you can get some extra distance from doing so?
  4. Like a fat kid on a smartie. I bet he's tying leader to a 4/0 red octo gammy and calling it a worm
  5. Now there's a switch. Not a bad idea, but lets not go crazy folks
  6. Those better be good worms Toolman, I blew this week's food money on those
  7. I started looking on Ebay. Ebay is a scary place
  8. Take a look here and I think your questions will be answered.
  9. Ah what the hell. Put me down for $30 on #13
  10. Glad to hear it Pythagoras. Not a fan of TFOs. I hear they're nice rods, but just don't appeal to me. BBB must be nice to live in a town where they will carry most rod brands I can't find anything other than Sage, GLoomis, Dragonfly and the odd TFO, St Croix or Loop
  11. Need to retire my old 5wt St. Croix. My buddy was saying I should look at the Scott A2. Anyone familiar? Seem like nice rods. I was thinking about taking the easy way out and buying another Launch, but it's always fun to put a new name on the rack. Any other suggestions in that price range? ($250)
  12. If you shorten the marabou tail you'll get less 'pulls' and more hookups. Good lookin fly
  13. I think I just need practice. But I'm impatient. Thanks for the tip Max
  14. Big whitefish (>14") can be deboned by fileting easily.
  15. Please note the time of my confusion
  16. Pssssst don't drink a 5th and post on forums. Noone knows what the hell you're trying to say!
  17. Maxwell (& others who may have the W30), Picked up the Optio W30 back in October. You're getting some smoking photos out of yours. What settings are you using for general fish photos? I haven't had much time to play with mine yet, as I've been trusting to my old Canon because she's what I know. The pictures I have taken with the Optio (it's mainly my video camera @ this point) have been hit or miss. Spectacular or junk. What I'm wondering is if it's really setting sensitive, because I took some pretty awesome shots in the fall with it, but can't seem to make it perform as well in this wintery wasteland called BC. I'm sure I'll get used to it over time, but I'm hoping to speed the process. Settings? Manual or autofocus? What does this beast like? Ya got any pointers? Pce
  18. Couldn't barely stand the next day Moral of the story: the walk to your fishing spot is shorter than the walk home and that puddle IS THAT DEEP. Hijack off....
  19. I think ya'll gonna be real surprised when ya'll get up to the gates and saint pete dips some cope an says "ya'll git in the chev we goin up ta the big house" Good one Taco
  20. Ah common. Takes what, 7 hours for a guy in good shape to do 25km? I know I walked 47km in 11.5 once, but it was mostly flat.
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