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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Oops my bad. Uploaded too many pics. Apparently the pics will be back on Feb 9th.
  2. Looks like my icefishing jigs. Work like a hot damn
  3. I'll retire with that job if they let me
  4. That's what everyone was saying about lumber in BC back in 2000-2002. Then the beetle got us. Now everyone is jumping off the forestry bandwagon, and onto the mining one. It's not wise to be naive. Always plan for the worst, and always have a backup plan.
  5. Boy I tell ya! Keenan was on my hit list in those days!! Boy was I mad when that trade went down!
  6. Thanks FT. It's been a great pattern!
  7. Hey drunky drunk. Lookit Crosby's assist numbers. Then get back to me
  8. IMO Crosby is the most exciting player to watch. The kid has mad skillz
  9. OK I'll bite. I wasn't going to, but what the hey. I don't even know if this counts, but it's a pattern that I learned from an old time tackle shop owner. I've still not seen anything like it in stores, or fished a nymph that has worked in so many places across BC and AB. Hook: Mustad 9671 or similar sizes 10-16 Thread: Green Tail: Stacked Elk Body: Hare's ear Rib: Gold Wings: White goose biot Collar: Peacock herl Bead: Silver And here she is in action:
  10. Avery isn't on the list because he is a loser and should be booted from the League
  11. Best thread of 2008 Misery loves company
  12. Apparently my BAL was .01, which means I am a little bit loaded ALL the time, cause I'd been sober for a week
  13. That would be the day I woke up in the tent to find a porcupine eating my good waders. (Strike One) Moral? Always pack extra waders. This was the last day of the trip (Strike Two) before I had to head up north to work (which is always a sucky day anyway, right?). So I beat the porky off with a stick, examine waders. Desroyed. &*%^$%^&*^%!!!! Dirty mothertrucker. Throw on my rubber waders, stumble down the bank to creek, splash entry. Spooked a big bow out from the cutbank. (Strike Three) Waded up through some decent pocket water, caught a couple whites, a baby rainbow. Things lookin up. Get upstream. Beavers threw the dam together and the water's backed up a good 2 feet higher than normal. (Strike Four) Opened the dam up to get the water moving a bit better. Got to the log hole, fish were backed in under the trees due to the high water. Can't cast there. Dam. (Strike Five) Managed to land one decent 17" rainbow. Things lookin up. Ah, I'll go up to the corner pool, catch that big bow. Crossing the nipple high water (dam beavers!) above the log hole and below the narrows, foot slipped, waders got FULL (Strike Six), started drifting down into the hole I just put the 'bow back into. AHHH! Managed to kick out and get onto some solid ground. Lost a metal flybox full of nymphs and a disposable camera. (Strike Seven) Dam. Soaked to the nads in 5 degree May air temps 1.5km upriver from the truck. Dam Caught one more fat whitey on the way down, but as I bent to pick him up, hook popped out and impaled itself rather gracefully into my ear (Strike Eight). Got to truck, got part dry. Stripped off shirt and pants, tied em to the truck box to dry out. Got pulled over in a roadcheck on the way home (Strike Nine). Try explaining why you're driving in boxer shorts and no shoes in the first week of May to a female (Strike Ten, if you're keeping track) RCMP officer. Ain't no way to do that without blowing the alcohol tester. What a day that was.
  14. I'd think that competition isn't a real big factor in a lot of these creeks. That certain area may have good juvenile rearing habitat, but not much suitable for larger fish. Off the top of my head??
  15. Most of the best bull trout rivers are north of Red Deer, I would say.
  16. Yup. Agree with everything you said. It just comes down to how technical you want to be. Man, I love fishing Stauffer
  17. My bad for leaving wendel off the list. He was one of my favs as a kid. Like I said, you don't like my list, you're SOL, make your own damn poll
  18. The problem with -25 is that it does not kill them, it raises the level of 'beetle antifreeze' in their bodies so that whenn -40 does get around, they're protected from it. What you need (probably too late now) is a hard snap of -35 or better overnight. not a buildup of cold temps. I'm talking -5 one day to -35 the next. That would do some damage. Oh, and LOTS and LOTS more woodpeckers. We're gonna need a hunting season on em soon!!!
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