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Everything posted by Tako

  1. There's rainbows in the Nipigon!? I didn't know that
  2. :lol: You guys fish weird I don't get the split shot thing....
  3. So you're a racist too, you just don't have the balls to say it. Tako.....feelin the oats
  4. Looks like more of a scud pattern. Interesting.
  5. Like I said, I was more directing my comments at the newly arrived, who don't give a flying fish WHAT our regulations are, and have no desire to learn about them. It's a mega problem. I realize the guy could be second third fourth .... generation Canadian. That is not the point I was making. From what I have seen, anyone who will deliberately kill that many fish cannot be familiar with our rules. How is that hard to comprehend? But oh right, I can't call it a squawfish anymore without being a f*cking racist!!!!
  6. Roll up the rim started today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO!
  7. I'd like to blast you, but I'll refrain. Go to Sooke or Tofino in the summer and tell me I'm 'profiling' when the only people on the docks with 30-50 fish over the limit are asians.
  8. Definitely cheaper for me, but I tie with the KISS principle. And I get the patterns I want. I rarely get quality flies from tackle shops. The only flies I buy now are the odd dragonfly nymph, or stimulators, because I suck at tying stimmys
  9. There is only one name for someone who can roundhouse kick 7-9 feet up....and that is CHUCK NORRIS. I think you guys who say you've seen sasquatch should lay off the green brownies before the fishing trips I have been a lot of middle-of-nowhere type places. Places I'm fairly sure noone's seen to in fifty years or more. And all I ever find is moose crap and bears. Bears look a lot like people Skin one out some time. I'm willing to debunk 99% of 'sasquatch' sightings as bear sightings right here and now. THAT BEING SAID. If sasquatch ever wants to visit me, he better hope I'm unarmed. Cause if I see sasquatch, it won't be no freakin story!
  10. Ah those are from a more or less bygone era. I never use em anymore. The old man will troll for char sometimes.
  11. Ya we'll figure something out thursday. I might be inundated with homework, I haven't looked at my schedule much.
  12. Ya a buck sixteen kinda stung yesterday when I went to fill up. Purden will show some nice bows on occasion. Fish the dropoffs
  13. The point I was trying to get across without sounding like a jackass (mission failed?) is that from what I've seen, newcomers to the country A) do not care about our regulations and do not bother to educate themselves
  14. Nahhh I tried the cabin for a bit but was too busy shovelling snow. Besides that, I'm too poor to go anywhere now
  15. Hey if it ain't my favourite kiwi I had to know! Now I know. She froze goood up there
  16. Fair enough guys. But if you've seen what I've seen. Basically, this situation over and over and over again, you could understand where I'm coming from.
  17. What? This is what I got. That one's better though Emilio Whatshisface?????????
  18. Now I am the last person you should ever accuse of racism, but WONG isn't a Canadian name. And from what I've seen on the BC coast. That type of last name is responsible for the complete destruction of crab, shellfish and cod populations anywhere near an accessible coastline. Personal opinion. Don't play the racist card with me, OK?
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