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Everything posted by Tako

  1. You have two options. Run. Or bring lots of lube
  2. Lots less animosity between the fishing groups. None of the flyfishing vs baitfishing vs icefishing debate. That's the kind of division that creates rifts and a high number of lurkers, like FlyBC.
  3. You got that right!!! But like I say, I learn more in the field than I ever will in the classroom.
  4. I get paid to fish. I think I can handle it
  5. Did I read that right. Midterm worth 40!!
  6. Anyone who says they would rather go back to school doesn't love their job!!!! School sucks. Too much stress. I'm sitting in Ecological Analysis class right now. Before saturday I have 5 GIS labs to do, an 8pg paper due, a GIS assignment to finish, an analysis assignment to finish, and four midterms to study for for next week. It's too much stress.
  7. Ugh. Chem. What were you thinking?????? Hey Din wanna do my taxes :lol: Dustin I am @ UNBC doing fisheries and wildlife mangement. I get paid to fish If I'm lucky
  8. Anyone else besides me and BBB punishing themselves with a 4-turned-5.5 year term (in my case)? I dunno bout you Brent but I am freakin inundated with work right now :blink: I'm pretty much living at the uni working on GIS labs. I go home to sleep, thats about it. I wanna go back to work
  9. Caught a 5lb laker with a muskrat hanging out of his mouth. Fish are pigs
  10. I ran out of size 50's.....you got any left?
  11. Let us know if they work
  12. Don't work. Photobucket tells me I'm over monthly bandwidth. I cleared everything. Bah technology.
  13. lmao hahahahaha great now my whole lab think's in handicapped I laughed so hard at that
  14. Does it show up? It doesn't on my computer. Says I'm over bandwidth.
  15. RE: My photobucket being retarded. Attached is my fly. Not like it matters compared to SD's. Hell I even voted for him.
  16. Whatever you do, don't drop em!!! My vote is for a bivisible. Grix hackle on the back, brown hackle on the front. They also might make good ant hooks....
  17. Edit: If that's the case (and not one big fisherman's lie ) then I'm willing to bet you're fishing water that isn't conducive to a large daphnia population. because it happens alllll the time over here. Where every fish you pump is just filled with daphnia, and they won't take anything else. Almost as bad as a glass midge hatch
  18. I bet they work like magic, especially in water >10
  19. You know those times on stillwaters when the trout won't eat anything in your flybox? They're eating daphnia....
  20. That is an idea that just might work....but call me confused.....our daphnia are a pale greenish colour
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