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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Al, the reason for this is likely due to forums like this. FlyBC.ca has a tendency to concentrate anglers on particular waterbodies, irrelevant of how well the BC boyz thing they are hiding their secret spots. Really, there isn't whole lot of room to fish in the southern interior. Also, it appears LICENSE SALES have gone down. I can't really convert that to a decrease in angler numbers though, as I myself believe there are more 'anglers' (unlicensed poachers) on the water. Probably due to BC's ever increasing license fees, which I personally consider to be fair. Money to keep a good thing good has to come from somewhere.
  2. The outsider's perspective is that this is a good thing
  3. Ummmm Al, you might not want to compare the Bow to the Fraser snag (floss) fest for sockeye. I *think* they're two very different entities!
  4. I'm more asking than saying myself. I know little about it. But if it follows a similar trend in population growth as the rest of Canada, you won't be experience a growth in angling license sales alongside it. My hypothesis anyway. Now if the p value of the ttest is less than .05, we fail to accept the null hypothesis and you're right. GET ME OUT OF HERE.
  5. I think you guys need to take a long look at historic angler numbers and the demographic of people moving to Calgary. I don't think your angler numbers are going to increase much. BC's are falling, and the gov't is trying to increase them. I think you'll find that the 'new' Calgary demographic is not that of a sportsman. Sure, with growth, there is growth in other things, inevitably. But I think a long look at historic angler numbers wil answer your questions regarding growth. Am I out to lunch?
  6. I figured they'd lose some seats for sure! Guess it shows how little I know!! So what's this mean boyz?
  7. DOES IT CURE INSOMNIA!!????????? cause i'd really rather be sleeping right now
  8. It's a fishing website. These forums have changed the way people talk. It used to be rod and gun clubs and old boys meetings. Now it's this. This is the new campfire, the new saturday night BS session. There's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Whatever effect these forums have on fisheries is happening now. I have tried and will continue trying to bring these forums to the attention of those who are in fisheries management. Don't think for a second only the user group peruses this forum. You can bet that every smart guide in Alberta watches this board, as well as any local managers from SRD or the ACA and a multitude of consulting companies. Sometimes that makes me wince, remembering things I have said, considering I must work in this field. But the pages turn, and hopefully everyone remembers that what's happening, will happen. So if you take that picture of that hawg broonie with the background, and post it on a website like this, where a hundred views an hour is not uncommon on the reports page, expect to see someone else in that run the next day. We all want to catch fish. And you can bet I'm watching and learning A TON about the Bow River, never having stood on its banks. Nothing beats firsthand experience, but boy can you ever soak up a lot of good information reading the reports pages. This is the new information medium. Does is affect fishing pressure and fisheries management? You bet your boots it does. Tako out...
  9. We all have bad days but common. You let a jetboat thread with threats run to four pages and I get censored because the village idiot ( FISHHEAD) started running his mouth??? Maybe I'll post again in the summer. Toolman, the money is on the way and you will have a PM shortly.
  10. For some reason the really good fish never get photographed
  11. A tip for watching my videos: Any fish you consider to be mishandled was probably kept, legally. Everyone on my 'fish with' list plays by the rules, and plays fair. You won't get anywhere by telling me I'm not ethical, or I don't treat fish with respect.
  12. Terry that's one of the best looking patterns I've ever seen.
  13. Ah the purist slam. No fish over 4 filmed for some reason. The one I'm holding near the beginning was close to 4. We lost some crankers too. The first fish you see gilled is released, hence my saying "grab it by the back of the head" instead of doofus gilling it. The second fish you see gilled was kept. We kept two fish only, and released over 15. Air temps +5C and no fish touched ice that weren't going to be kept. Any more harmful than fly fishing @ 0C or below, as you all are so fond of? Sure as hell not. I'm 100% confident that mine and Matt's fish handling abilities are 100% better than ANYONE who's willing to balls up and slam me for this video, because we make a career in fisheries and we've been trained how to properly handle fish. Nathan, I cannot speak for. Man up and speak your piece
  14. Tako

    The Leech

    Nice! But where's the eye
  15. ...those of us that are forced to live in a frozen wasteland. Gotto get your trout fix somehow. For those of you planning a fly trip to Dragon this spring, don't bring the lightweight gear. They are averaging a solid 4-6lbs and they like to run. April iceoff is gonna be redic!! Here is a vid from saturday's madness. Dragon Slayas III
  16. It's not really an issue with me. I don't eat fish, but I won't hesitate to bonk one for the family. That being said, I caught around a thousand trout last year on the fly, and I can only remember bonking about a dozen. I figure the poachers balance out the equation in C&R areas. That being said, C&R has some logistical problems for stocked lakes, where you would have to rely on natural mortality to keep numbers low and growth high. I think. And I'll read the article later
  17. Awesome fish, awesome pic!
  18. This is true. I have experienced this as well. You go to hell!
  19. Jeeez you want one that UNDERSTANDS!? Boy you're pickier than me!
  20. I's only ribbin ya bud But for the love of stink don't date a chick in your classes, especially your major. That's just askin for trouble
  21. Sure, if 'mature' is a synonym for 'in the closet'
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