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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Tako

    Went Fishin

    Couple pics Launch + SLV Kamloops MC
  2. I heard a loon today. No joke. A loon. In northern BC in February. Winter is KAPUT
  3. Froze out Too much ice. I did get to swing my new 8wt and play with the Optio a bit, but no fish on the fly for this doode
  4. Man if I had never been to a kickass concert before, this was it. T.T. rocked this town last night. I lost count, but he played over 35 songs and absolutely blew the roof off. He also played a 20minute acoustic set which was UNREAL. I'm tellin ya, if you get the chance to see him, DO IT. Here's 2 pics that I actually got to turn out half ass (Good with fish pics, not so good with concerts) Rockin out on "Put some drive in your country" Awesome acoustic version of "Where corn don't grow"
  5. Haaahahaha I was wondering if some smartazz was gonna call me on that. The slits don't hold the #14's very well
  6. Zee finished river nymph box. A 2-4 of generic nymphs (#14) and a case of tungsten bloodworms (#12)
  7. Dunno bout the Bow. Buuut a ten foot section of T8 is more than I've ever needed. I suppose if I EVER get out to the coast to fish steel, I might need that T14 in my kit.
  8. Where I'm goin there ought to be ice every which way. I'm not a Bow River Warrior yo You boyz got mild conditions compared to where I be headin tomorro Northwest of the green arrow BearLake
  9. Well it's been 'warm' for the last few days, so I'm gonna take the flyrods out for a swing tomorrow on the home stretch. Hopefully the 'warm' weather means some of my best spots will be ice free ??? Can't really predict what'll happen But it'll be an adventure, that's for damn sure Report to follow
  10. What's the diff between larva and liquid lace?
  11. :lol: You guys slay me. As long as I get a job in AB this summer we'll hook up and your money will be drank. I vote Taco's name gets changed to Burrito And dammit I'm only a part time Canucks fan. They are the home team after all. And when T.O. is out, no need to dis teh home team eh?
  12. I don't think it matters. I haven't had any need to get fancy. The fish pound them little guys like its their last meal sooo I figure if it ain't broke don't fix it
  13. Look to be wolves to me. Never a bad weekend spent in front of a fire
  14. Stuff is called larva lace. It's just red plastic tubing that's fairly stretchy. None of em are epoxied. Just stretch it on and tie it off. The last three have a silver rib wound into the rib created by the larva lace, basically just to accentuate the rib.
  15. And Tako graduates from UNBC. Next year boyz you just wait for it
  16. Me too You go right ahead and complain. But when you want GOOD fishing, non-CW. You come talk to me Heck, I bet ol Maxwell knows em too.
  17. My Dragon slayers.... #12 Tiemco 2457 Olive thread Silver tungsten bead Thorax: Peacock ice dub Bodies: Red wire / larva lace / larva lace with silver rib
  18. HAAAAAAHAHA! Yous guys is wacko. What money? I don't remember any money!? I do not wish to be changing me handle, so ya'll deal withit
  19. You will eat those words when we win the cup.
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