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Everything posted by ÜberFly

  1. Darrin, I went through this process last year (but for pruning and removal). I spoke to 3 or 4 companies and Tree Frog was the one that came out on top! Super happy with their price and customer service! I would whole heartedly use them again and definetely recommend them (I think their reco came through someone on this site, as well)!! P
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2013/04/26/calgary-electrofishing-bow-river-spawning.html
  3. Who knows anything about online marketing using google ad-words that can give me some info?! Contact via PM. Thanks, Peter
  4. Talk to Al (MrBotangles)... Al knows all!!
  5. I personally haven't experienced anything, but that's not to say it can't (and doesn't) happen! If you can, take everything of value with you down to the water. With a Spey class you won't be moving beyond where the actual lesson will be taking place... Just my two cents!
  6. One of the comments I made is I didn't think Calgary had such hot women!! The vid doesn't truely represent (in that aspect) what is reality IMHO! A little scewd! LoL!
  7. Anyone notice the new Calgary marketing video "Right Here - Destination Calgary" has two fly anglers!! Cool! I'll go get autographs tomorrow at lunch!! Don't know how to embed the vid, so here is the URL. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=yrIPjfwhpQ4&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DyrIPjfwhpQ4
  8. Screws wear out pretty fast from what I've been told...
  9. Nice work!
  10. BBT, How come I always die in your stories?!
  11. I wouldn't know how to send the video through to the powers that be, but maybe someone in the know can!
  12. Update So I was able to update the firmware (wasn't able to do this previously with the OS I was running - can't update beyond 10.4), and everything thing seems to be going well! No shut down of the computer and no router reverting to yellow!! I hope it keeps up!!
  13. That's why it's so important for us to spread the love!!
  14. It would be interesting to see the original copy as I'm sure there is a lot more context to the quotes the editors chose! Equally interesting are some of the comment from the readers/tweeters/facebookers...
  15. Barge cement works great as well. And alpine shoes ( Kensington Boot) has strange hours as Gary is half retired.
  16. If you support this initiative, I encourage you to sign the petition below, if you don't, don't... A century of clear cut logging, oil and gas development and out-of-control off-road vehicle abuse has left the headwaters of the South Saskatchewan River fragmented and scarred. Natural river flows are 12% lower than in the mid twentieth century. Climate change will only make things worse. Alberta is about to release a South Saskatchewan regional land use plan that was prepared with wide citizen consultation. But special interest groups with a stake in business-as-usual want to ensure it contains no limits on off-road abuse, increases clear cut logging, and promotes more development. Those who care about healthy landscapes, clean rivers and future water security need a chance to inform the government that they support a plan that keeps the mountains and foothills green and healthy by establishing new parks, restricting off-road vehicles to official trails, replacing clear cutting with restoration logging, and repairing landscapes damaged by past industrial and motorized abuse. Healthy intact headwaters don't just produce more and better water - they yield better fishing and hunting, more secure and productive habitat for elk, grizzlies and native trout, and the aesthetic and ecological qualities that yield the finest of recreational environments. http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Treat_our_Alberta_headwaters_like_the_treasures_they_are/
  17. I would suggest that you flip the net around (opposite the web photos that is illustrated in the link you provided) that will lessen the chance of hooking a branch/twig. Plus the handle is in a better position for you to grab!
  18. Bob, Wear your hip pack over the shoulder (like a courier bag) with the waist buckle around your waist, and you should still be able to attach your net with a magnetic keeper to your neck strap with a little adjustment...
  19. In Fall, Winter and Spring I wear a liner sock, thin wool ski sock and thicker wool sock. Boots are snug but warm...
  20. So then lets talk about baiting!! How is that hunting!!
  21. A shot griz has zero chance of survival! A released fish (handled properly) has almost 100% chance of survival!!
  22. Grizzly boars kill cubs so they can mate with the sow as she'll start ovulating again! Kill the boars and the mating stops and eventually no more cubs!
  23. So what you are saying that a griz hunt should be authorized for the sole purpose of someone getting a "trophy"!! Yeah, that's logical!! And before you get your tightie whities in a knot, no I'm not anti hunting, but I am anti trophy and grizzly hunting!
  24. Too bad 420 was banned! He could have set Rick up! LoL
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