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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. The only way (IMHO) to get value from any vehicle is to buy 'em 3 or 4 yrs old and drive em for 10
  2. Wow. I just listened to the whole song for the first time...couldn't help but picture an Iraqi singing some of the same lyrics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpP7b2lUxVE
  3. A little too....um...well whatever, not my flavor...I liked this tune I found while surfing....
  4. I remember my first Ferrari...was just a little Dino, but still, I was stoked. Good times.
  5. I think I know that reel.....I love mine.
  6. Great post Rick. Gave me some pause for thought.
  7. I've got a GRXi 7' 2/3 teamed up with a Hardy Angel 2/3....the girlfriend says I spend too much time with them....lol. I thought the price on the GRXi was great ($180-ish) and I'm very happy with it. Got it at Wholesale.
  8. Not very often I get angry on this forum but the falsifying of the poll results with 3000 no votes has irked me. How will the active users here ever know if their poll results are tainted? How will we know if the results of this poll are a correct sampling of the members or the whim of some full of himself #%*&@? Tell me where in the rules of this board that it allows a Mod to skew poll results? Does the offender have the marbles to take credit?
  9. Nice to know the mods can sway the vote anyway they like....chalk one up for moderation. Whats the fear? That your point of view is not the same as others? So, your vote should count 3000x? Sad.
  10. Stirring the pot again here What are your feelings about allowing an un-modded thread (if thats even a possibility)? I've seen more than one good topic get off track in a flame war and be completely closed down when, I believe, there were still more voices wishing to participate. I still believe that there should be no foul language, nudity or spam but...in a non-policed thread...go ahead and call me names...shout your view in all your 2am drunken rage glory...let 'er fly! Wadda ya think?
  11. On Lost Creek this Summer I was wondering up stream and having an excellent day exploring this new area. I came to a long slow moving stretch that only had one piece of cover, a lone tree hanging out over the water. Sure enough, laying in its shade was a nice cuttie. I watched for a while as he sipped bugs off the surface. The water was so clear and watching this fish so relaxing I didn't want to cast to him. After a few minutes I deiced to show him my offering and took a few cautious steps into the water across and below him. Just as I was unhooking my fly from the rod there is this thunderous crashing and splashing very close to me....my mind says BEAR! as I slowly turn my head and take stock of my options. I see this cow moose standing not 30 feet down stream from me and I kinda sigh with relief. She is staring at me and I'm looking at her while slowly backing back to the shore. I decide to put a tree between me and her and say, in a soft voice 'well, hello Ms. Moose.' This is enough to send her crashing and smashing down stream and into the woods again. I remember to breath again and that reminds me that it's probably a good time to have a smoke. I watch the trout until my heart slows down and the nicotine kicks in. He's still there.
  12. It's my opinion that your opinion sucks. My heated and well though out remarks show this and if you continue to hold your opinion I will wish the fleas of 1000 camels to infect your armpits. It's obvious that your an uneducated lout who was raised by neanderthals and your views make me question whatever fishing skills you may (or most likely) may not have. There, I put you in your place. No need to respond, I've out argued you on the interwebs and therefore have already won. P.S. You suck
  13. I have never found a better cake than what you can get here...no kidding...light n fluffy... http://amandinebakery.ca/
  14. WWFSMD (What Would the Flying Spaghetti Monster Do)
  15. http://www.paintedalive.com/homepage/index.html
  16. I have the eerie ability to turn on the radio just in time for a Nickleback song....
  17. This site has let rants and raves get to the point where names and phone numbers are posted for all to see while a vigilante squad rallied troops....in another thread someone makes a joke at the expense of a clothing brand and is immediately shut down. Seems it's who you are more than what you type in here.
  18. I call it The One That Got Away...OOOoooo!
  19. Seems the deletes and edits are flying fast and furious around here...All Hail the Supreme Decider of what we shall read and type!
  20. If your looking for a faster rod don't forget to try the Scott series. Someone here on the board has a couple of the V rods for sale and I myself own an A2...very fast (imho).
  21. I was out with my buddy and his son. Your right rickr...the first one I caught needed to be cradled a bit before release but I fumbled while holding him in the water...he slipped down to the bottom and just hung there...nothing I could do. He didn't turn to his side or anything and I watched for a couple minutes. They are difficult to handle due to the size. And ya 420...my little trout net was just big enough to prop up their heads to remove the fly.
  22. There is a company in the States (California?) called SunEdison that installs solar grids on the roofs of larger buildings (warehouses etc) and sells the power to the company at a guaranteed rate for 15 years.
  23. Went to a community lake today and caught 3 like this...all had to be in the 10lb range...black leach was the ticket
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