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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Northern river otters were/are an indigenous native species that the cutthroat co-existed with for thousands of yrs. I can show you dozens of small streams from the Bow drainage south to the US border where it was common to catch bull and cutthroat trout 40 yrs ago but now all you will find is hoards of stunted brook trout because the cutts and bulls have been completely expatriated and please don't get me started on rainbows and brown trout. The Alberta strain of westslope cutthroat, Athabascan rainbow and bull trout don't have the thousands of yrs to wait for the "natural" balance to evolve. Dream all you want about the "Zen Experience" of "Catch and Release" " All Trout Are Equal" fishing but it comes @ a steep cost.
  2. Yo rickr!!! You're gettin' sarcastic again. You need to go fishin and swearin' @ the missed hooksets......
  3. Thanks Snuffy. You just helped me make a decision, I'll be getting immunized.
  4. :D Too damn cold for this time of the yr is right so I'm internet fishin' Floated one over and got 2 rises
  5. Thats the deal man, I don't speed in school zones not much in hospital zones, where it's busy I go with the flow and when the weather the shits I slow down to conditions.. I'll reiterate, How braindead are these people to hand out 1200 tickets in 24 hrs?
  6. You know.. I drive 70,000 K a yr @ a steady 12-16 k over the posted limit when the conditions warrant it, see TEOs pretty much everywhere, don't get passed much and haven't had a speeding ticket in almost 15 yrs, WTF are these guy's speeding? I must be lucky I guess
  7. call it in The lack of respect for living animals is bullshit
  8. it'd be a warm day in jan/feb, so what the problem again ??
  9. LMAO, I got a neighbour I'd volunteer
  10. One comment on this entire thread from a former Farmer, I'm impressed with the dirt under your fingernails reconnect with the source of the food you eat. Maybe there is hope for something sustainable. And Double D..... If you're thinking about fryin' up your neighbour's old laying hens, you'd better consider simmerin' them for 6-8 hrs first, they may be a tad on the tough side.
  11. I do cut it in half........... but only when I want to load a 5 or 6 wt line on a 2/3 wt reel :D
  12. 20 litre container, UFA, all they'll need is your home quarter location
  13. Do the jet boat boogie Mang. *hit, do I hafta tell you everythang?
  15. Good old PP.... Peter Pond Looks like you guys had a bit of an OH *hit!! moment on those ledges, reminds me a bit of my mountain huntin' days...too scary to go up and a BIG step down
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